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Benj Pyle, medio '83, is to be married oti the 2ï.'d inst., at Kalamazoo, Mioh. M. A. Breed, 8 1, has the department of General Literatura on the Chronicle now. '37 challenge '80 for a L:imo of football on the-cani[His next Satuiday afternoon. MUa Anna V. R:iper, law,'73, returned to the city last week froin an extended ttip tlirouíh Illinois, etc. A. S. Whitney, by advice of bis phj-sician, left for his home at Mt. Ciernen?, Mich., on Monday, to recupérate. Froin thé number of reserved seats sold, we p red let a f uil house for the oratorio of St. Paul, at University Hall, Friday evening the 18th Friday eveninj; last at MifuCllmle'a on Maynaid, the sophomores were given a social, and on the saine e veiling the i'reshuien tiu e., a .. „ v.u, on División street. At Whitney 's Opera House, Detroit, next ïhursduy afternoon, a piano recital wil! be given by students oi' the Ann Arbor School oi' Music, conducted by Miss Maiy L. VVood. Some 500 invitalions have been issucd to Detroit people. Thejoratorio entertainment to be ofl'ered here on the lSth inst. is to be repeated in Ypsilanti on the 22d. We shall see whetlier Ann Arbor maintams her ascendancy over Vpsilanti in the matter of musical sppreclation and patronage. l'rof. C. K. Adams read, on Saturday eveninf; last, in Room 21, a paper on "The International Aspect oí the Dynamite Plots." The readinsrwas followed by a discussion, in which Dr. Angelí and Prof. H. W. Rogéis took part. The Base Ball Association has been organized as folio ws: President, H.F.Fotbe?, vice-president, F. W. Job; secretary, C. J. Scroggs; treastirer, Louis Gascoigne ; executive committee, S. f. Hawley, W. W. Walker, C. G. AUmeiidinger, and .1. E. Burchard ; manager of the team, Don C. Corbett. The manager already bas the correspondence as to the dates of gaines, etc , undt-r headway. Fiftv season tickets, at $2.00 eacli, will be issued. Ten games will be plaj'ed on the home grpunds, it is expected.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News