In Memoriam
The death of the late Dor Kellooo removed a pioneer resident of Ann Arboi, and a man who posRessed to an unusual degre the respect of the communlty in whlch he had llved for nearly half a century. He had atlalned the ripe age of elghty five years, his mental lacultles remainlng unlmpaired uutil the day of hls death, while hls pliyslcal actlvlty continued uiitil the last winter. He was born In Galway, New York, on February Sth, 1T99. Hls father, Judge Charles Kellogg, was one of the settlers of Cayuga county. N. Y., and a leadlng citlzen of Western New York. Several of Jadge Kellogg's sons, among thern Dor Kellogg, removed to Ann Arbor early In the hlstory of VVashtenaw county, and the father followed them in his oíd age, dylng re, and beingburied in the cemetery of the Lower Town. Dor Kellogg was a man possesslng all the sturdy characteristics whioh constituted the strength of the peoplo by whom New York, and tlils State, were first settled. Hls charaoter was raarked by simplicity and the utmjst houesty. A plaln and uuostentatious Ufe and regular hablts lengthened the days or a frall constltutlon far beyond tbe allotted llfe ol man. His integrlty was of tbe unswervlng sort, and no oue could have been more thoroughly and deservedly truxted tban was he by those wlio knew hlm. He held quite a number of public positions In this coramurilty, dlscharging every duty faithfully. Uut was entirely without ambltion. and found his chief eujoyment in domestlc pleasures In 186 he was marriod to Lucretla Annable, who died many years ago, leaving no eUldren. Mr. Kellogg adopted a grandniece, now Mis. Charles E. I.yinan, of Battle Creek ; and after the hand of fatal dlsease waslaid upon htm he was removed to her home in that city, and the sufferlngs of hls lastdays were llghtened by her affectlonate attentions. Hls .leath took place on Tuesdny, March 25th and hls remalns were brought to thls olty'and burled trom his late resldence on Bowery s reet. The offlciating clergymau at hls funeral was the Rev. J. T. Sunderland of the Unltarlau churoh. Air. Kellogg haviug been a life.long believer in the liberal tenets of tbatdenomiuation. He leaves behind hlm the envlable mem. ,.,_,, i„ .1... fravriinPH nf íí JllHt and PUTO Ufe.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News