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THENËWRÏNK Will be ready to open abont ¦ April 26, '84 3nly nne kind f Skates will be ui-ed. Persona ' HDtiiiK Private Club xkatea shold le.ivn thi'ir , Ier, giving eizc and tj]e wanted, with Mr. i M. SHEEHAN, Manager, Who has catalogues nnd jrlce-llats, immediately, 10 they Con be procured in time lor the opeuing.' , J. li. WYOTAN, Prop. I RKADY FOR THE NEW L.VW. , Hygienic Physiology ; WITH SPECIAL REFEREKCK TJ i MCOHOLIC DRINKS AND NARCOTICS, ( ll.v Dr. J. Dormán Steele. Kdited and Indorsed for the nse of Schools by ;he Dkpabtment or Edücitionoí the National SVojian's Chbistian Tkmi'Krance Union. Sample Copy, by Mail, 75 Cents. ' i A. S. BARNES & CO., Publishers, ¦ ew York City. AGENTS WANTED FOR PICTURESQUE WASHINGTON. 11 PKNAXD PENC1L, SKETCHES "ff ' üf its Scenery, History, Trartltione, Puhlic and i Social Life, with Rraphlc dencrlptions of the Capl(¦il, Conress, the White House, a id the Governmnt Departments, with Yiena at Iloinit Vernou, a M-ip of Wahinuto . oi r the H il ol Congress. By JllMI'll WEST JIOOKE. 'lo all classes this is a book of great interest. It is concise.eraphic, thoroui;h and iuteroting, i trated by over 10Ü beautiful new engravings bv loading nrii;an artistn, atd iegnniy bmnd. a book for all Iiomea. Sold only by SniiRcrlption. Ageuts are meeting witb grand bucccbs. Agent wanted, male or teníale. In evory i ehip in the Utiited Stutee. Previoua experience, while desirable, not absoltitely requircd, as we Clve instructions ueccssary for succese. If unemploycd, write us. For terins to agents address the Pubtl-hers, : J. A. & It. A REÍD, I'ro ílt me, lt. I. im-wi. Sale of State TaxLands Auditor Gejíiorai.'s Office, 1 Lan-sino, Michigan, March 25, 1884. ƒ Notice ia hereby glven that certaln lands situated ! u the county of Wnshtenaw, bid off to the State lor taxes of 1880 and previous years, and described ín a list to be forwa ded totheofflce of the Treasure of said county, will be otfred forsale at publicauctlon tothe highest bidder, by saldTreasurer, on the flrst Monilay of May next, at the County , er's office, in the city of Ano Arbor, In sald county of Washtenaw (beinf? the time and place deslgnated for the öflles). , if not prevlously disposed of at this office according to luw. Tne Hst may be seen on ¦ pllcation at the office of the County ' er, after It is recelved by him. The lands will be orlered subject, tothe purchase of the State's title at this office prior to tbe sale in the countv. W1LLIAM C. STEVENS, 1189-93 Auditor General. THB 1IHE SELECTED BY TEE U. S. GOVT TO C AEHY THE F AST MAIL GOING WEST. OHLT LIHE EUNITING TWO THBOUGH TEAI5S DAILY FEOM CHICAGO, PEORÍA & ST. LOUIS, Through the Heartof the Continent b way of Paclüc Juuctlon or OmuUu tu DENVER, or via Kansas City and AtchisDa to Denver, conneoiUigin Union Depots at Kansas City, Atcnlaon, Omatia autl Denver with throjgh tralus for SAN FRANCISCO, and all polnts In the Far West. bhortest Line to KWSAS CITY, And all polnts In tbe Boutu-West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTH-SEEKERS siioul J not forget the factthat Round Trip tickets at reduoetf ratea can be purcnased vla this Orent Thrausli lAae, to all tbe Health and Pleasura Kesorts of the West and South-West, lccluding theMountalns oí COLORADO, the Valley of tb Yosemlte, tbe CITY OF MEXICO, and all poinU la tbe Mexlcan Sepublic HOME-SEEKERS Shonld also remember that tbls line leads direct to the heart of the Government and Kallroad {.andj in Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado and Wasblug'TtknÓu'a. the reat THEOUGH CARLIHÏ ef America, aud la umversally admltted to be tne Fiuest Eqnlpped Railroad in the World for all classes of Travel. ThronKh Tickets via this Une for sale at all Railroad Cofipon licliet üüices ia Üa Uulted State and Canada. T.J. POTTKR, Vice-r. and GeManay j. LQW Oen. Pass. Ai Chicago. JNO. Q. BKAN, Gen. Eastern Ag't, " ai7 Broadway, New York, and 'Mi Washington ., lioston. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Security Ueld for the protection of the policy huidera. CHRISTIAN MACK Bepresenta he followlne flrst-cla's compnnir, of which one, the jKtiia, has alone paid ï5ti,0üü,U00tlre loases in hixty-five years : Etna, of Hrtrtford $ 0,102,041 Fraiiklin ot Philadelptiia 3,1 18,713 Germnnh., N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,005,968 London Assurance, London.. . 1.416,788 Michina F. M.,Deimlt... 287.608 N. Y. Dnderwriters, N. Y 2,590,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phrenix, Brooklyn 3.759,030 I.osses liberally adiusled and promptly p.iid Poiicies issutd at the lowet rates ol premium. 1 iltf p EPORT OP THE CONDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' S MECHANICA UR AT ANN ARBUR, MICHIGAN, At the cloe ofBuslne Jan. 7, 1884. Made In accordance with the General Bauklug Luw of Michigan. RESOURCES. Loans nnd Discount. $107,116 )9 üverdrafls - JJ r'u niluie and Fixlures JSn ui fiDenses . Io0 00 Checks'anJ other Cash Items L8W W Dae froui Bauk anü Bunker 31,dü7 18 I-enalTencierand liauk Notes 76 Ou Kouds, U. 8 .50 00 Bonds, Local ï WJ ITemlum ou O. B. Bonds B30Jo $157,5S8 64 LIABILITIKS. Caiiltnl paid in $ 50.01? 00 Surplus Fund 6.0 HroUt and Loss uuJ5 I)ue Depositors 10i,iU W Dlvideuds uupaid J.J(Ji Í16S,588 64 I do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best uL my knowkdge and belief. Wjlliam a_ Tolchard, Cashler. Bnbscribed and sworn to before me, thi elshth day of Jannary, 1S84. lg wk. W. Wiikdo.v, Notary Pnbllc.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News