BACH é. ABEL'S COLUMN. We have in stock this week, 500 pieces Ottotnan Ribbons in all the desirable sliapes at ten and tlfteen cents per yard. Bach & Abel. We have some very nice Ca9hmeres at 12, 50 and GO cents. If you want a cnshmere dress, we are headquarters for tliese joods. Bach & Abel. It would seem that no lady need be without a Bluck Silk Dress tliis spring, uiless slio waits until this surprising pur;hase is gone. We liave on sale tliis veek two numbers of Black Silks at i1.25 and $1.50, the best value ever shown u any city at the price. A good body md color, close woven, and with uiore svear in them than many silks sold for louble the money. Bach & Abel. New Spring Hosiery now on exhibición it Baob & Abel's. Ladies are amazed at the prices when they visit our Ladies' Undervvear Department, and see our elegant White Muslin ind Cambrlc Skirts, Cheniises, Drawers, Nïght Dresws, Corset CoTersand Infant's Wardrobes, it does not seem possible tliat they could be made for the money. Bach & Abel. We place on sale this week the finest line of new black goods ever shown in Aun Arbor, consistingof DrapD'Alma's, Armures, Cashmeres, Tricots, Oltomans, Henriettas, Barythcas, aud Satins. We ivould like the privilege of shovving them. Bach & Abel. New Laces, New Kuchings, New Neckwear, New Collars and New Buttons, now mi sale at Bach & Abel's. We will give you this week the best Black Jersey you ever have seen, at the low price of $2.00, all wool. Come and try them on if vou don't want to buy. Bach & Abel. Brass-band music goes by the pound, but chuich music by the choir. - Texas SiftinfT. From Death's Voor. M. M. Devereaux of Ionia, Mieh,, was a sight to behold. He says: "I had no action of the Kidneyeand suffered terribly. My lcgs were as big as my body and niy body is big as a barrel. The best doctors gave me up. Finally I trled KidneyWort. In )four or five days a change ciimr, in eight or tn days I was on uiy --, - ¦ - , - r ) r, wascertainly a miracle." All druggist keep Wort whlch Is put up both in liquid aud dry forui. They had the motto, "Seek and ye shall flud," hung on the wall over a grab-bag at a churoh fair. The inappropriateness was flnally noticed and rectified by a wajj, who substituted, "He Temper the Wind to the Shorn Lamb." - Cincinnati Saturday nlglit. Humas Blood, - On the purity and vitality of the blood depend the vigor and health of the whole system. Disease of rarious kinds i often only the sign that nature is trying to remove the disturbing cause. , A remedy that gives life and vigor tothe blood, eradicates Fcrofula, and other impurities from it, as Hood's Sarsaparilla undoubtedly does, must be the means of preventing many diseases that would occur without lts use. Sold by dealers. A Chinaman named Tank KeeislecturIng in the oll reglons. No ; he is not inveitiug the proceeds of his lectures in oil, Tank Kee. (Punch would bave inserted the words "Tank ye," in parentheaes, after Tank Kee, but hanged if we shall.) - Norristown Htrald. Paralysis, Jiiue Years. "After having guffered for 9 years with paralysis,'' says Mr. Joseph Yates, of Peterson N. Jersey, "I wa cured by Samaritan Nervine." Mr. Yates authorizes this statement. Your druggist keeps it. $1.50. "No, George,1' said a Ciiicago girl, "I can not bey our wife. you passionately, deathlesaly, but I cannot marry you. I shall never wel " "And why my darlinjf,'' 'pleaded George wildly, "can not you marry me f' '-Because," answered the girl, "I do not want my name pubiished in conuection with divorce buit.'' Epilepsr EutirelT Cnred. Prof. Irving B. Smith, of Pike, N. Y., makes the following statement: "Samaritan Nervine hae entlrely cured me of epileptic lits." A tie'em lock - Wedlock. Keep Thig iu Jiind. - In the Diamond Dyes more coloring is given than in any known dyes, and they glve taster and more brilliant colors. 10c. at all druggists. Well, Bicliardson & Co., Burlington, Vt. Sample card, 32 colors, and book of directions for 2c. stamp. Letter of credit- I. O. U.- Life. Lady visitor: "Oh, that's your doctor, is M What sort of a doctor is he?" Lady Resident: "Oh, well, I don't know much about his ibility; but he"s got a very good bedcide manner!" - Punch. A vein undertaking- Digging Coal. Cause and Effect. At times symptoms of indigestión are present, uneasiness of the stomach, &c, a nioisturelike perspiration producing itching at niglit, or when one is warm, cause the Piles. The effect is immediate relief upon the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kemedy, which costsyou but 50 cents and is sold by Eberbach & üoa. Falüng dew - A ten days note. - Life. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken iuternally. It acts directly upon the blood and the mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. For sale by Eberbach & Son. Nenralgia and Stek ffeadache. Ia Aurora, IU., lives ilrs. Wm. Henson. She says: "Samaritan Nerviue cured me of neuralgia, vértigo and sick headache." A good tst of insolvence- Protest.- Life. ._
Ann Arbor Courier
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