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Compiled from Late Dispatches. CONGRESSIONAL. A lengthy dobato on the Naval Appropri atiou hill occupied the time of the Senate ou the fith, but no nction was tuken In tho House bilis wero passed declarlng that tbe Hupreme Court of oncta Terrltory shall consixt of a Chief-Justico and throo assoeiates, and providing: that Governors of Turrltorles must have boen t'or two years rosiden ts thereof beioro their appointment. Is the Senate on the ith Mr. HUI reporte the original bilí to eBtablinh a systm of posta telerraphy. Debate ou the Naval Appropriation bill oecupietl the remainder of the sesion Tn the Houao a resolution was offerec Instruotlng the ( 'ommittce on Coinmerce to investifnito the charires that the system of tnuiSportTnif livo stock by rail ia barbarous, causiiiK dlseane or üeath. Ui i i.-i wore intrortucod in the Senate on the lOth to protect employés of railroadtiengaired in inter-State eommerco, and to forfelt the land Krant of tho New Orleans & Vicksburgr Koad. After prolongad debate on the Navol Appropriatioii bill, the Seuate adjourned to the Htli lnthe'Hotiso Mr. Eaton reportad a substituto for tho Senaie bill governinj? the electlon of President and Ylce-President. A prolonged debate took plaee on billa for the erection of public buildings. The Senate was not )n session on the llth In the House a bill was passcd to offer a reward of f-'5.000 for ascertainlng the fate of the Greely explorors. A bill for the forfeiture of the Notihern Pacific land Krant was reported. A message from the President wa presented, unjinff tho approprtation of f 15,000,000 for aruiaraonta for sea-coast fortifleations. An evening1 scsslon was held for the oonstderatlon of pension biüs. DCMESTIC. A party of eleven negroes from McDowell's plantation starled to cross the river at Vicksburg, Miss., on tbs 8th after stock belonging to their employer. When about half-way across the skiff upset and six of the men were drowued. Tlits reinainder were rescued. An old feud between the Breen and O'Connor families, living near Junction City, Kan., resulted in th fatal shooting of Tim O'Conuor and one of the Breens on the 8th. Robert H. Hunter, a railrcad ticket agent at Mingo, O., absconded on the Sth, leaving a deficit of $7,000, which was wholly chargeable to speculation. John Dillman. who murdered his wife, was hanged at Easton, Fa., on the 8th. Whilb the children of Edward Noyea were playing hanging recently in their home at Sullivan, Me., one of them, a boy of sixteen, becarae so entangled in the kandkerchief used for the rope that death ensued. An incendiary fire on the Sth at Athens, Tex., destroyed property valued at $90,000. Thirtt buildings at Hampton, Va., were burned a few nights ago, causing a loss of $100,003. Two thieves drove boldlyup an alley in Wheeling, W. Va., at four o'clock the other morning, placed a ladder at a second-story window of a dry-goods store, and carried of $10,000 worth of velvets and süks while a clerk lay asleep beneath them. Entrance was on the Oth obtained to the Pocahontas coal-mine in Virginia, and the bodies of several victims of the recent disaster were seen. Thirty-six coffins had been provided, and the corpses would soon be removed. Bcrolars on the 9:h obtained money packages containing $1,000 in the Adaau express office at Aüegheny City, Pa. They were frightened off by the watehman when about to blow open the safe. City Marshal Pikrce, of Mitchell, D. T., was shot dead at that place a few days ago by a saloon-keeper named Henry N. Lewis, whom he tried to arrest for a violation of the law. A special Grand Jury, composed wholly of leading business men, was on the 9th impaneledat Cincinnati, to investígate the riot and the burning of the courthcuse. The heaviest snow-storm of the winter prevailed on the 9th in the Pennsylvania coal región. Railroad travel was retarded and some collieries had si?r"" ""t snow also feil in Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Flektwood, an aged couple, were found dead in bed at their home in Rardin, 111., on the morning of the lOth, with their throats cut. A hired man named James Winkleback had been arrestad for the crime. The old folks had no money, and tho motive for the minder was a mystery. N. R. Pierson and Thomas Vedder, broth"is-in-law, of Suspension Bridge, N. Y., drove o Goat Island a few days ago and qnarreled. Vedder shot Pierson tbrough the head and then it was supposed committod suicide by jumping iuto the Niágara Rapiils. The Elisha Graves house at Northampton, Mass., which was over two huudred years old, was burned on the lOth. Acoording to reports made on the lOth by the Washington Agricultural Department there were 27,600,000 acres in the United States under winter wheat. This area was about 2,000,000 acres more than last year. The Gloucester (Mass.) fishing schooner Nelson Y. McFarland and its crew of six men were lost at sea in a recent gale. In the Federal Court at Indianapolis on the lOth Matilda C. Wingate was awarded $5,000 damages against the Ohio & MissisKippi Road for tbe killing of her husband on a train by a drunken passenger, The exposition of the Keely motor was again postponed on the lOth, as the "work of perfecting the graduation" was uot finished. Henrt S. Rosenthal, a New York cattle merchant, failed on the lüth for $130,000. It was announced on the lOth that twetty-flve breaks had occurred In the levees oí the Arkansas River, in Tensas and Concordia parishes, and a large area of land was overflowed. Tiie Secretary of the Interior at Washington lias given uotice that the forty-nine thousand acres of land in the southwestern part of the Omaha (Neb.) Reserve, thirtyfive miles southivest of Sioux City, will be open for actual settlers to file claims on April 30 next. Filings can be made at Bancroft, Wisner, or at the United States Land Office at Neligh, Neb. Terms, onethird down, and two annual payments at live per cent. Prices range from flve dollars to ten dollars per acre. The firmof Davis & Taylor, the leading fleur and grain house of Boston, Mass., failed on the Wth for $500,000. An explosión of dynamite a few daya go at stone quarries near Franklin, N. C, killed Doek Robinson and Edwin Btrong and wounded four men, all colored. John Roe, a farmer near Carrolton, Mo., was shot and in -tantly killed a few ev.'tiIngs ago by Hmy Baugh iu a quarrel rer a wte. IVillie Black, aged six yearg, -wa killed by the kick of a man named D. W. Brett, at Philadelphia, a few days aro. The lad accide ntally ran against the man, while playing, and the kicking followed. A bank of sand caved in at Pittsburgh, Pa., the other day, burying two men, who, when recovered an hour later, were dead, their bodies being badly crushed. Advices of the llth state that heavy rains had fallen in California, and the rivers were swollen, and there had been many washouts. It would take four or five days to repair tha damages done to railroads by the floods. A statement by the First-Assistant Postmaster-General shows that during the nine months ended March 31 last the postofflee receipts were 43,262,446, afalling off, as compared with the previoug nine months, of $2,246,210. At Fresno, Cal., a cyclone on the llth demolisbed several buildings. The body of an aged woman, Mrs. Cecelia Murphy, was found on the llth near Federalsburg, Md., with the skull crushed in and throat cut. Her premisos bad been robbed, and thero were evidencea ot a terrible strugglo. ' Joseph Aoate, a retired New York millionaire, committed suicide by ghooting bimself in a hotel in that city on the lltb. Despondency over failiug health vas said Air expres train on (ha l'an-Handle Koad went through a bridge near Dayton, O., on the llth, and the engineer, flreman, haggage-master and eipress messenger were killed, The aocideut was said to bar been caused bv train-wreckers. At the Westmoreland and Pennsylvania coal mines, near Ir win Station, Fa., fifteen hnndred coal-miners struck on tha llth against a reduction oL twenty per cent. in wages. Sixteeu mutilated bodies were on the llth taken from the reopened Pocahontas mine, uear Lynchburg, Va., but only six of them conld be identiiied. In tbe United States during the seven days ended on the llth there were 175 business failures, and in Canada tliirtynine, agaiust a total oL 212 the previous week. Seventeen firms engaged in the maniv facture of vapor stores, with a capital of 1,ÖDO,OOO, have fornied a couibiiiatiou to equalize prices. Whkat seedingwas inprogressin Southern Minnesota and Dakota on the llth, a week in advance of last year. There will be a snbstautiul increase in the acreage. It is announced that a meat and ice company, backed by Eastern capitalists, will be established at Columbus, Tex., which will ship dressed beef to New York, via St. Louis, and will also manufacture oleo, oil and butterine. It was said similar establishments would be started in Kansas and Nebraska. PEESONAL AND POLITICAL. Senator Vance, of North Carolina, in a speech on the 8th at Danville, Va., promised that there would never be another investigation of Southern outrages, as, he said, there would be no occasion. The Arkansas Republicans met in State Convention at Little Rock on the 8th and elected delégales to the National Convention favorable to President Arthur. The Pennsylvania Democratie Statu Convention was held at Allentown on the 9th, and sent a solid delegation to Chicago instructed for Randall. W. W. EL Davis, a country editor, was nominated for Congressman-at- Large. TnE Republicaus of the First District of Mississippi have nominated G. C. Chandler for Congressmau. Rev. John C. Backüs, one of the bestknown Presbyterian Ministers in America, for forty-eight years pastor of the First Presbyterian Church at Baltimore, Md., died in that city on the 9th, aged seventythree years. The time of holding the National Prohibition Convention at Pittsburgh, Pa., has been changed from May 21 to July 23. Fourteen deiegates tothe National Convention were selected by the Arkansas State Republican Conventiou at Little Rock on the !th. They were not instructed. The delegation is headeJ by ex-Senator Fowell Clayton. Joseph G. Casnon bas been renorainated for Congressman by the Republicans oí the Fifteenth Illinois District. Thu white Republicans of Georgia met at Atlanta on the 'Jth and issued a cali for a State Convention of the Whig-Republican party of Georgia, to meet at Atlanta, May 1, for the purpose of the organizativa of a State Convention Committee, electinfc deiegates to the National Republican Convention at Chicago, and to numinate s State Electoral ticket. Conqressman Reuben Elwood was on the lüth renominated by the Kepublicans of the Fifth Illinois District. The stearuer Hohenzollern arrived at Baltimore on the lOth from Saxony with the grand bronze statue of Mar. in Luther, which is to e erec-ted in Washington City in May. Indiana Republicans on the lOth renominated for Congressmen Thomas M. Browne in the Sixth and Stanton J. Peele in the Seventh Districts. Daniel Hawií, aged eighty-four years, lied a few days ago at Huntington, Pa. He had been insane for sixty years, and Lti all that time had been kept in solitary ;onflnement in a room in a house where Bve brothers, all unmarried, lived. No intercourse was permitted him with others luring his long captivity. The substituto reported in the United ;he bilí to regúlate the eleetion of President nd Vice-Piesident providas that the State j Electors shall meet on the second Monday ia December at an appoiuted place; that Dn the second Tuesday in the January following the House and Senate in joint convention shall count the votes from the certificates of the Electors, the result being j delivered to the j nnt presiding offleer, who shall announce the persons elected. [n case of an objection to tho vote of any State, made in writing and signedby three tnembers of the joint convention, tho returns objected to shall ba laid aside, debated for three hours, and voted upon per rn i ii t h The Woman's Baptist Foreiijn Missionary Society of the West closed its threodays' convention on the llth at Milwaukee, and selected Toledo, O., as the place of meeting in 1885. Hrs. A. J. Howe, of Cbicago, was elected President. Juan B. Patrón, ex-Speaker of the New Mexican Legislature, was assassinated a few nights ago at Las Vegas by a cowboy. Secret ar y Frelinghuysen on the llth received a dispatct from General Adam Badeau tendering his resignatiou as Consul-General at Rzadk, the popular Engflsh novalist, died in London on the uftoruoon of the llth, aged serenty yeara. For some months he had been in delicate healtb. H. J. Hamlin was on the llth nominated for Congressman by the Republicana of the Seventeentn Illinois District, L. E. Payson was renominated in the Ninth District and Jonathan H. Rowell in the Fourteenth District. The Nebraska Democratie State Convention will be held at Lincoln May 22. Dr. Norvin Green, President of the Western Union Telegraph Company, made an argument before the House Committea on Post-offices and Post-roads in Washington on the llth in opposition to postal telegrapliy. If, however, he said, the Government was determined to enter into the business, he thought it ought to buy out the existing lines and manage the work exclusively in its own way. FOEEIGN. It was announced on the 8iu that Bismarck had withdrawn from the Prussian Ministry, giving as reasons thorefor that ha was seventy years of age, his nerves were in bad condition, and the work required was too arduous for him to perform. The valley of the Euphrate3 wa9 rialted recently by a serious flood, which caused the loss of soveral lives and dumaged number oí towns. Foue-pifths of the sheep in LaPrairia County, Quebec, were on tho 8th officlally reported as infected with disease. Thirty-five persons were badly injured in a recent railway collision near Dublin, Ireland. President Goxzalks had made such concessions to the Mexican inerchants- agroeing to require a tax on goods sold only, and to favor unburdtmed trades- tbat on the Olh no lurther trouble was anticipated, and matters had rosnmed Lheir wonted quiet throughout th country. It was reported from Aiafirid un tlia 9th that Agüero, the Key fiJibastn', had a forcé of two hundred and Iwimiyiye men in Cuba, of whom forty-thr yyer excliiefs. Four plantatinns had been destroyed by Agneio. O her filibustering expeditions had been orgauized in the British West Indies. The British Government on the 9th sent positive orders to General Gordou to withdraw from Khartoum with the gamson as soon as possible. J. B. A. Bkique, an extensivo contracfor for water-woi"ks in the Canadian towns, bas been compelled to suspend with liabilities of $153,000. A. M. Gillesfie & Co., of London, Wes India merchante, failed on the 9tU for $1,260,000. One-half of Mandalay, the Capital of the Kingdom of Burmali, a city of 90,000 people, was barned recenti(. The Dominion Government bas vetoed the bill recently pwied _by_. thoBritUh Columbla Legislatura prohitit ing Cuinoso immigration which was carried into operationon March 31. The nuniber of persons killed during the Haytien revolution was offlcially declarad on the lOth to hare been seven thomand. AuviOBS of the lOth trom Havana, Cuba, s:i v that Colonel Aquero had landed without resistanoe. Numermis factions joined 1 him on hia march to the interior. HU i torces encountered troops several timos, but obliged them to retreat. Qreat excitej inent prerailed, especially in Havana, i ou int; to the concentration of large forcei of troops, and the Oorernmeut had telegraphed to Spain for more troop?. Widows and unmarried women in Nora Scotia have boen enjpowered to vote at municipal elections. The tribes between Berber and Bhn4r ia the Soudan, were on the 11 th reportad to be in a state of insorrectiou. Tbe rebel were besieging Bhendy aod a portiot of the Berber garrisoa bad gou to tbat city' relief. _ LATES NEW& A Cairo dispatch of the 13th s7 that the British Communications with Borner by land and water had been cut off. The Arabs had raided euvirons of the town. It wan reported that Kbartouiu had falleu into the hands of tbe rebels, and that General Oordon was a prisoner. Nike buildings, fonning the principal business blocks in the city of Tacoma, VV. T., were completely destroyed by fire ou the 13, causing a las s of $175,000. Aoukro and his followers in Cuba were on the 12th marching toward Uazamo, the seat of former iusurrections, and were hailed with joy by the villagers on the route. His band had been largely augmentad. Some plantations had been burned, and collectors despoiled of tbeir funds. A bond of forty-two insurgpnts who were marching to join Agüero were attacked by the Spaniih troops, and tLirty-eight of the former were killed. C. B. Finlatson, Beventeen years old, who murdered his grandmother, hung himsoir lu corridor ot the Portland (Oiegon) Ja il a few days ago. The Kepublican Congressioual Convontion for the First District of Illinois on the 12th renonoinated K. VV. Duuhatu for Congressman. Edward M. Smith, United States Consul at Mannheim. Oormany, died of apoplexy in an English railway car ou the li'th while en route to this country. In a collision on the Lehigh Valley Road a few dayg ago near Allentown, Fa., the fireman was thrown into the fire-box and burned to death. Thirtycars were demolished. Vp to the 13th flfty-four bodies had bean recovered from the mine at Pocahontas, Va., and all were in a badly mutilated j dition. The train-loa 1 of corn contributed by the people of Butler County, Kansas, to the Ohio River sufferors, was on the 12th sokl at auction in Cinciuna'i, realiziug $7,000. Two Brothers Danvid Spencer were killed on the 13th at Ford, lu., by a boiler explosión. New Okleans advices of tho 13th siate j that the river was gradually falling, and ! planters were in hopes of saving most of ' their seed cane. Durino the week ended on the 12bh 11,' 89!) immigrants arrived at New York from Europe. The Unitod States Renate was not in sesion on the 12th. In the House favorable reports were made on bilis to porait f ruit-growers to manufacture brandy without the payuent of tax, granting i carriers a month's leave of absence each j year.and for the acceptance of the Illinois '! & Michigan Canal. Eulogios on the late Kepre8entattre Herndon, of Alabama, wert dplivprd.


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