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I llllllllfllIllIlllfIIElliiiiffii4ii It is a fact that remedies almost without Din uber, already con test the claim to cure all the Wh that atüiet Biilferiu huniauity. ThouBandH buyo 1"I1U1 tlit"' "WírlaB to "¦¦¦ - ¦ ÍNo disenses nave so baiüed all attempts I at permanent relief au have Rheumatirim aud NVurwlI pía, A i ' ¦ ' .- :- . -:-h:m oí disanpointmentH has made i their mromzed victima deHpair of the poenlbiHty oí' cure. Kor eeuturien they have been couoidered youd the power of ineak al t-ktll to cure. And y et we say both can be ciired, and that Athlophohos will do the biifiueHB. lbo beat i proof thut ït eau do it íh thut it uaj duiie it Rev. F. R. Pennen, D.D., pastor Third Eoi!BT(mtionl ChuTCh. New Haven. Qonn. Rlieuïmitinm had kept him from tbc l nlplt four or ave nuinthH at a time. He nays he hart miffered all tbat our could, and live. He took hl tlrst dooe of Athlopiioros -n Friday ; 8nnday he in hi pulpit ; HOBifay he wan vil, and han remaised no aince. l!ev. William P. Corbit, P.D., pastor Goorce Rt. ÍS. E. Chureh. New Haven, Conn., vru laid : iiiiiortwo montlx with Inflammatox-' Kheumatism, Mifferimr mout eicruriatintr torture. Athlophoko cured lnm, aud he believen it to be mlull. )!¦. II. S. ChancUer, of the N. Y. "Independent " Hayn Athlophoros cured him of Rheunia. Uüin from which he hadsuffered for a year and a half. Kev. W. E. Kvans, Washington, T. ('., Bay: " I consider its work almoHt in the liirht of a nnracle. It i a moft wonderfnl medicine. It outrht to be preadthroubout the land.1 The prent questïon is, "Willit cure me f We believeit will. Is itworthtryinK? Vou must decide. If ynu cannot pet Athlophoros of vour dnnrirint, wc Mili ueiid it exprew iaid. on rereli-t of refnilar iirice-one dollar ir bottle. We preferthat you bny ït f mm your druKiOnt, but If he bosn't It, di) not be pfi-Huadcd to tr' pomethiDK else, but ordr at once from di at directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 W1LL ST., NEW YORK. uuuumimiuii i.i.uiiiiiiiiiiiiniin THE PDREST AND BET. Reinedy Made.- Il is Compouüdcd from Hops, Malt, Buclm, Mandrake, and Daudellou. The oklest, beat, most renowtiud iind Vttlwble medicine in the wurld, mul in udüition it contains all the best and most eftectiye curative properties of all other remedies, blood purifier, and life and im-.-i 1 1 li testoiii)}; agent on earth. It rives new lifeand vi;or to the aged .¦nul intirm. To cleiirymen, lawyers, literary men, ladies, and all whom si-dentary einployinents cause irrcgularities of the ülood, Stomach, Bowels, or Kidneys, or wlio require au appetlzcr, tonic, and mild stimitlant, it ia invaluable, being hifhly curative, tonic and stimulating, without beiiifi intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, or what the disease or nluient is, use Hop Bitters. Don't wait until you are 8ick, but if you only feel bad or erable use the bitters at once. It niay save your Ilfe. Hundreds liave been ! saved by go doing, at a modelate tost. I Ask your druggist, or pliysician. Do not siifler yourselt' or let your fiiends suffer, but use and urge them to uae Hop Bitters. If you have lameness ín the loius, witii frequent pains and aches; nnmbness of thethigh; scanty, painfnl and frequent difcliarge of urine, lilled with pus, and which will turn red by standing; a voracious appetite and unqiicnclmble tliirst ; harst) and dry skin; clammy tongue. otten darkly furred; swollen and inllamed gums; dropsical swelling of the liinbs; frequent attacks of hiccough; inability to void the urine, and fjreat fatigue In attempting it - you ar sufferiiiff from some form oí Kidney or Urinary Complaint, [ such as Bkioiit's Disease of the kidneys, stoue or intl.immation of the bladder, i gravel and renal calculi, diabetes, guaiy stricture and retention of the urine, aud Hop Bitters is the only remedy that will pcrmanently cure you. KeiiH'inber, Hop Bitters is no vile,druíged, drunken uostrum, bilt the jmrest and best medicine ever made, and no persou or taiuily sliould be without it. Don't risk any of the hisrhly laudcd ítaflE with testimoniáis of great cures, but ask your neighbor, druggist, pastor or physician8 what Hop Bitters has and can do for you and test it. Ererybody Knovrg it. When you have the Itch, Salt Kheuin, Galls, or Skin Eruptious of a'iy kind, and the Pile?, tbat you know without beinp: told of It. Lberbach & Sou, the Druggists will sell you Dr. Bosanko's Pile Kenicdy for 50 cents, which alibi ds immediate relief, aud is a aure cure tor citlior ol the above diseases. I


Ann Arbor Courier
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