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ast raían POST-OFFICE 1WS DEPOT. A I''i:]l Lino Ol Cheap Libraries! ASD STATIONEEY A complete agsorttneirt nf conimon and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Knvelopes, Invitation, and licquest curtís. Wrlting Packcts, Fine Bos Papers snltnbt tor presente and all kinds of' Btiitioners' BUpp.let. BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Bnoks Soiutcli Books, Studeiits Note Books, Rerums, Lefral and Medical Indexes. BUI Bookf, and 11 gmdes of conimon Note Books. WILLIS DU, Fropristor, And Agent for all Newspupers, Magazines and periodirals. Undoubtedly the most perfect bicyele now made la tlie Colurahiu"- Schut Jic American. "Go forth upon your wlieeled liorse, and list nature's teaehings. " THE COLOMBIA BICYCLES. Are made as strond and durable as tlie best and most skilled orkmanliip can produce. TIn-v are used by Merehants, Clcrks, Mlnistei'f, Doctor, Lmwyert ColIpctore, Mcsseni'i, ancl Carpenters. They fiunisli the che.-ipcst and best meuns of RAPID TRANSIT, irivi' the rider the hoalthiest of ontdooi' exerei.ce, and in a word aie TUK POl'ULAlt 8TEÏB 01' TODAY '"I shall rejoioa to pee the time come wlicn this exercUe shall be as popular aniong iris and wonien as tcinis and tne itanor, for the more fully the pliysical lile of our womaiikind is developi-d the hetter lor man as wcll as woinm." - Dr.Itichnrdson of London on the Tiicyde, "Nnw crood digstttou wait on ajiputite, and liealth on liotl;." THE WTUMBÏATR!CYCLE Is ii new machine for general use by bot h sexes and all ages. By th" nddition ot' t'ne Columbia Tricycle, Tuk i'oric ?Ik';. Co. can claim to In; nili %vl]i".-U lor THS1 WHOLK FAMILY. For gnimltatlu-r, (frandmoHiit, fathrr, j lllntlier, yotin' inun, yonng lady, and ] even to Bttle Joniiie and Sisie. Send 8" Ktainp tor 36-wtg illnstiated j ('at;dogne, with piice-list nul t'ull inlormation. THi: P'PK MAM TACrUKISG CO.. 5H7 WasUiaghio St. Uoston Mass. Or To (.ha1. W. Wagner Agent. A n n Arbor Mich., 21 S. Muin St.


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