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RÏNSEY &SEA3OLTS IlíJlii AND Flour and f eed Store. We keep constautly on Inmi, KREA, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Whulcsale and Retail Trnde. We sbull also keep a íupply ol SWIPX & UFABKL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! JUellii Flour, Kje Flour, BucHwhest Flour, Cora Mest, IV ril, lEtti, t Wnuli-calu and Ketail. A general tix-k of GBOCEHIES and PRQTISIuMS; fonptaiitly on Land, which wlll lie nold on m ruaunaljli! trin 88 at aoy ollier houcí" in the city. f"rt pa''l forHITTTER, EG:, ard OOUNTHY i'ROlM'CK generalij, (oods dtUivolfd lo toj pari o; :hc ei: y withont extra charge. RI5SIT & SEABOLT. The above deplcU a very pleasant feature of bicycting as a nport. The club have ridden froni their headqUArtcrs in the city, to a Buburban rillage some twenty miles away, where tbey awalt the arrival of the racing memben wha were to start just thirtj minutes later. Five minutos more and the two foremost of the racing men - Fri,on hla " Harvard," and Tonson on bis " Vale,1' appear ia ight. The pace is tremendous : the meu are neck and ncck, and Dodges, the captain of tbe club, whom you ohhtvo in leaning on hls " Shadow "light roadstert ia the foreground, declares the race a tle. ' Where nre the other raen? " he aska. 11 Oh, behind, eomewhere," if the reply. 'Are there any Iiarvard'a' or Yale'a' r 1 Öhadow'B ' among thcui ,' ' ' Not one." ' Ah ! that accounts for it," says tbe eaptnln. American bicyclers na a body will realize the force of tbe captaln's laat remark, but the thoutiands of new rider which tbe ooming year will produce, ehould eacli or of thom rcaliit that the only true (.¦onomy In choosing a bicycle Ís to bc content witb nothiug Ivhh than tbe very best that raoney will procure. EiK'h ahould find out nll be can about bicycle beforc making bis choic, and in order to aitlst onquirers in thir Hearch for information, wo willou receipt of a i three-cent stamp, send to auy addreM, a copy of our large illustruted catalogue by return maiL THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bicycle House of America. [Eetabliihcd 1877.] Importlng Manufnctur'i of Blcycles & Trlefota% i Ooi Feclowb' IIm.i., Bostos, Mam. CIlAKLKs W. WAÜNEH, AuenT, 21 Sauth Main St., Aun Albor, Mich. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. Manufactnrer and Dcalor in SACINAW 6MG-SAWBD LITHBBR Lath and Shingles. We Invite all to Kvf n a cali, and examine our I stock beiore purchasin eUewlurt'. ALSO, AGENT FOR JacksonSewerPipeCo. AND SELLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Trop. T. J. KEECH, Sopt. Teleplionc Connee tions. Will be mailcd CRCC tO all applicant and to customfrs of rast nCC year without ordering it. it contairu illustrationt, prices, deacriptions and directions for plautinK all Vegttabla and Flo-cr Kceds, Plants, etc. Invalualilc to all. P.M. FERRY &CO.pBak_ -% ÊUALCIA, Mi Rheumatism K11 ypiL AffOCtictl, Ac:ute or Chronie mf-m Lumbago, Sciatrca and lcTlALÍfervo"s Headache. -p-ditt tott J he'f complete and perfect cure accom, nlialflL plisbcd inafewhours.wltha deeree f certainty that challenge dispute. For ale by UdruRKÍsts. Irlcel. AsU. for circular. , AMES E. DAVIS & CO.. Agent., Dbtroit. UT4-US.


Ann Arbor Courier
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