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- New Mexico paia ss.iöu tor miuu U guard one prlsoner recently. - It is estimated by good autborities that there are 8,780 deer on the 756,616 acres in the Adiroudacks. - Troy Times. - A British bark, which areéved at San Francisco a few days ago from Glasgow, was 202 days on the passage. -The Solid Muldoon thus relates how a Colorado conversation occurs: "Here the wretch's fragment of oonscience gets the bulge on nis gall, and he weakens. - Chioago Herald. - A lecturer on the Indians says there are no swear words in the Indian language. They are not neoessary. Indians never wear shirts or collarbuttons. - Chicago Inter-Ocean. - At a funeral of ft Mexican child in Socorro, New Mexico, tho other day, eight Mexican women bore the coffin, which was open, on their shoulders, and another walked behind, carrying the lid. - It is asserted that passengera perceive a difference Id the ease of riding in cars having the larger ot smaller wheels, and that they prefer those with the large ones. This, says the Naliowd Car Builder, is significant, if not conclusive. - A man In New York passed a Confoderate $20 note at par, and the man who took it did not notioe what it was till some time aiter, when he hunted up the passer and had him ar- A Oovitkora paper "ftuVliCirïfrBry body to stay at homo this sunimor because of one great nuisance who will confrontthe traveler everywhere - that irrepressible individual who persista in canvassing a train to know the preference of passengere for President. - Evervthing about one's house, nowa-days, wLich will bearpainting, ishandpainted. The backs of pianos, mirrors, picture-frames, sachets, chaira, woodboxes, and even the zincs beneath stoves, are ornamented with painting of some description. - Chicago Journal. An eccentric old man In New Hampshlre surprised hia neiffhbors and fmends the other day by shouldering his gun and starting for the woods on the morning of his wifo's funeral. On urged to come back he refused, saying: "She warn't no relatiou of mme."- Boston Post. - Yellow Fever is said to bo Tated by tüe sting oino musijuim, " the authority of Dr. Carlos Finlay, of Havana, who has seen onder the microscope spores and filamente of a particular nature on the sting of one of these insects that had just bitten a patiënt suffering f rom yellow fever. - When a. New York girl wants her fellow to go home Bhe takes down her back hair. Philadelphia girls take off their shoes. Boston girls say: "It s time for my dearest Charles to unclasp his circling arms and hie away to his paternal domicile." Chicago girls aro more practical and loss demonstrative; thoy simply say: "sonny. tlnie's ap: git. - Exchange. -The politest man of the age rocently died. He was a French nobltsnian who shot himself in the llotel de Paris at Monte Cario. Before committing the 'rash act," however, he sent to sonie twenty ladies a handsome boquet with liis compliments and regreta that uuavoidable circumstances prevented hiru frum further continuing their charming ac(iuaintanoe. Such gallantry and cousideration aro certainiy uniue. Xue Scienlific American says that most of the article sold as bear's grease is made in this way: Take of WMMd ho"-'s lard l pouiuls avoirdupois, melt it by the heat of a water bath, add of balsom of Peru 2 dranis, flowers of benzoin and brisrht palm oil 1 dram of each; sürvigorpusfy to promote solution for a few minutes, then remove tho pan f rom the bath, and, af ter repose tor a . . -. il' t . . ,,l,,u r Y"J ft 1 i i 1 I short time, pour oll the ciear im.u... from the sediment and etir the liquld niass until it begins to cool. -The red sunsets continue to bother the minds of the seieutists. Profesor Cassamajor, of New York, oflér the latest explartation, which is to the eflect thataring similar to that of Satum is forming around the earth's equator. The vulcanic hypothesis, however, slill suems to bu received with niost favor, though the improbability of voléame uiatrjr beiog maintained at so great an elevatlon for a period of live months, to say nothing of the difflculty of lts motionthrough tho atmosphere, remains to disparage such a theory.- A. 1Tribune. - A younsr lawyer, while making his maideri speech in the court-house Eere, in defending a little negro boy for some pettv crime, in the midst of an ïmpassioned appeal to the twelve good and true men exclaimed: "Ah, gentlemen of the jury, you seo before you this poor trembliu boy- without father, without mother. aud" without friends, without. counsel" At this point the orator was interrupted by a general titter around the bar, and, to add to the confusión, the Judge, who was smüing on thobench. added: -Proceed, Brotber , the Court is with you.


Ann Arbor Courier
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