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HOQD's Sarsaparilla Is designcd to meet the wants of a large portion oí our people who are either too poor to employ a physiclan, or are too far removed to easily cali onc, and a still larger class who are not slck enough to require medical advlce, and yet are out of sorU and ne.ed a medicine to build them up, glve them an appetite, purlfv their blood, and oll up the niael'Jnery of their bodies so lt 11 do lts duty willingly. No other article takes hold of thé system and hits exactly the spot llke HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA It works like magie, reaching every part of the human body through the blood, glving to all renewed life and energy. My friend, you ned not take otir word. Ask your neiehbor, who has lust taken ono botHe. He rDl teil you that '-U's the best dollar I ever lnvested." I.ebanon, N. II., Fel). 1!), 1879. Mf.hrrs. c. I. Hood & Co.: Dear Sirs - Although greatly prejudiced against patent mediPines in general, I was jnduced; f rom the excellent reiorts I had heard of your Karsaparilla. to try a bottle, last December, for dyspepsla and general prostratíon, and i have reeeived very gratiíying remita from lts use. 1 am now uslng the second bottle and eonsider it a very valuable remedy for ludigestiou and its attendant troubles. Yours trulv, (Flrm of Carter & ChmcWn"UI!CHlr'L A gentleman who Pninarl has been suttering from VUineU the Debility and Languor in n j peculiar to this season, 'U rOUlOS says: "Hood's Sarsaiarilla is putting newliferight into me. I have gained ttn fwoiilui."06 1X'fe'aQ t0 Uke it-" Uastaken Hood's SARSArARiLLA is sold by all driiggists. I'riceSi per bottle; sixfor5. I'rcpared by a I. HOOD & CO., Lowell, Mass. I Vital Questions ! ! Ask the most eminent physieian Of any school, what is tlie' best tliing m worii) for quieting and allaylnir all imtation of the nérvea, and ,11 forma ot iiervous complaints. natui:il, chlldllke rt'freshing sleep al wars f And they win iel] you anhedtatliiily Home lorm of Hops !" CIlAi'TKK r. Ask any or all ot the moit omlnent nhv" Wlmt s the best and onlv reniedv that pan be .vlied om to cure all seases of the Kn nevs h,,, „rinary organs; 8U(!, !IS BMaUl s di-ease, diabetes, retei.tlon or Inal.i Iny t.. ixt.ihi urine, and all tbe diseases nna alimenta peculltir to Women"- And they wlll t.-li yoo expllcltly and emphatically, Buchu." Ak the iHine phytfeisna "What Jg the mott relUble and surest cure toral! l.ver diseases ordyspepsicon-ti)"non, Indltrestfon blltoaaneas, malaria] tever, HSrue, etc,1 and they wiU tell vcm Mundrakel or DandeMon ! Henee ¦¦ , en these remedies are combmed wilh others equally valuible A componnded Into np Bitters' sueh a ondertul aml niysterio118 OuratlVí power todereloped whlch is so variad in Itioperations that no dlseaee or ill health caí ftis r re8Ut t8 power alui et HarmTew for the most frail ornan weakest iu valid or smallest child to ust. ' CHAPTER II, " Almost dead or nenrly dyinj" !' Ve?ls. mi gven up by physfcldni ot Brrffht s and other kidney dis.-ases liver ooinplaliit8,gêverecoughcalleclcon8amp tion, have been onrad. Women gone nearly crazv ' Krom ajrony of neuralgia; nervousness waketulness and various ilise-jses Deculiar to women. i People drawn out of shape (rom excrueiatmf( paogi of Bbeumatlraa, Intlanimatory and chionie, orsufleriii"rora tcrot'ula! " Krysipelan! ( Salt rheum, blood poisouing, dvspennia m ligestion, and in tact alrnoit all dlieills tra 11 nature ín heir to, have been curtid ¦ y Hop Bitters, proof of which can be ound in every neighborhood in the ' iiown world.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News