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The on'r l:nown specijic for Epileptic Fit-. o for Spasins aud Falling Sickncss.-Ol Neryous WcakncB quicklj relleved and cured. Binatled by non ! i:i ddirium of fpvcr.-Se ei Neotrallües ;crmi of dlsease and eicknc's. Cures tmly blotchn nnd ftnbborn blood oree. Cleuuce olood.qulckena nlngginh circulaiion. Elimínate BoiU, Carbuuclca und ücalds.-Si TB'Pprmancnlly and prompt!; COTO paralysis. Yes, It is a charmiup aiiri healtliiul Aperk-nt. Kllls S-ToWa and KIn ga T, il, twln prnthers. Changea b:ul breath to ,' i, rmovlng caubp. t?Rout3 biliousnfss und rlcare complexión. CharmiiiL resolvcnt and matt bli üb laxative.1 It drivoB Sick lliadachc like the wind.-S -'" Coutuhis nít draetic rr.thartic or opiatos. Promptly cures lthiumatism by routing it.-?r BevtofOfl lifc-giving proporties to the blond. 'ujS Is snarantecd to curï' ali oervonü disorders. . ,i tEeliablc lien all opiatos faU.-ü.a Refrcslics the mind and Invigornte th" body. Cures dypepsia or mouey relnndpil hu '" Endoraed in writinp; bv ovcrfifty tlioumid Li'a'üne phyeicians in V. 9. and Furoiie-a Lnadinx clcrcymen in U. S. and Etirope."tu Dlsentn ol" the blnod own it n conqiror "5 For ule bf ali leadiiig drngglstl. ilM.e% í' tt-aiimonials and circulara pend stamp. Tbs Dr. S. A. RichmoRd Msd. Go., Props.. SZt. TOMpb, &Lo. (12' Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co , AfMrtw, Chtotgn, Illlnolg. THE SURE CURE ¦" roR ¦""" CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DiSEASES. PHYSiCiANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILyT] "Kidaey-Wort is the most sucoessful remedy I ever usod." Dr. p. (j, Ballou, Mouktou, Vl. 'Kidney-Wort ia alwaya reliable." Er. B. N. Clark, So. Hero, Vt. K Wort has eured my -w lfe afler two yenrs uffering." Dr. C. M. SummerUa, Sun Hili, Ga. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it ha cured where all clso had fallad. It 1 mild buteffloiant, CEKTA1.N IX ITS ACTIOX, but harmleea in all cases. nrltcleaii.e. the Blood and Mtrengthei acd Iré. New Ure to all the important organs of the body. The natural aotion of the Kidneys is restored. The IAvbt is cleaased of all disease tv, " move n-oely and healtnfully ín tilia way the worst disoasea are eradioated from the aystem. psics, $1.00 ugiii) oa drv, sold bt drcggots. Dry oan be aent by mail. JjTELLIUCIIARDSOX A OO. BurHngto,. Vt. A CLur? íoAD RACE --' Tbe above deplcts a very pleonant feature of oicycling as a port. The club havo rlddon from thoir hcadquarter in tho city, to a uburban vil lage rae twonty miles away, where they await tart Jast thlrty minutes latr. Kve minute more and tho two foremost of the hiK '"í? . ' on hi" " H1." nd Yonson on Iiih Yale," appear ín Ight. Th poo i. tremendou: the men aro nccï and neck, and Jtodgea, the captain of tho club, whom you obcnre ia loaning ou hls " Shadow "llght roadstcr 111 the foreground, declares the race a tie. here are the other men ? " he nsku. " Oh, behlnd, sumowhire," ia tho reply ,.' Jl ny ' Harvard-a ' or Vale's' er nnadow'a among them ? " "Notone." ' Ah ! that account for 1," ays tho cnptaln. American bleyelers as a body wlll realize the forcé of the captain-u last remark, but the thou. and of riders which tho coming year will produce, hould oach on" of them realize that the only true wnomv lu choosing a bicycle ia to he content with nothing less than tho iery best that monoy will procure. Each ahould find out all he can about bicycle before making hls oholce, and in order to asalet onquirera in their earch for Information, we will, on recelpt of a a Ihree-cent atninp, send to any aJdress, a copy of our largo illutmtd cataloguo by return mail THE CUNNINGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bicycle House of America. [Kstablishod 1877.] Import nu' M anufactur'a of Bicyclos & Trlcyola Obd Fbulowd' Hai.l, Boston, Mis. CIlAKLKt) W. WAUNÜK, AgKNT, 21 Soutli Mniti St., Ann Ail)r, Mich. RL'ADY FüR THE HEW LAW. Hygienic Physiology WITH SPECIAL I1KFKRBNCK TO ALCOHOLIC DRINKS AND NARCOTICS, Hy Dr. J. Dormán Stcele. Efllted and Indorícd for thc use of Schools by inu i pakthekt or Euvotion of the Nationai WOHAN'H C'HHMTIAM Tl.Ml'JÍKANCE UkION. Sample Copy, by Mail, 75 Cents. A. S. BARNES & CO., Publishers, t IVew York City. HUJBSCRiajffi I'ÜK f The Aun Arbor Courier. ¦


Ann Arbor Courier
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