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GOODYEAR'S! I No. 5 S. Main Street, You can always find the Bet Stock OÍ DRUGS! MEDICINES, PERFUMES And every thing adlly kept in a flrstiiiinitü L.T LOWER PRICES Than ANY OTHER PLACE in the City. CüLL ZIT And Look Over our Stock or FancyGoods. Real Ksfate for Sale. JÉTATE OK MICHIGAN, Couuty of SVash"S?raíipíent pérïon"1 "- " th niI'th day of April, A. '. SM llieiew II be sold at public ve. ue, c. tlio higliuHt bidder, at tlie eut lronl door of t leyourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor In the county of Wuotenaw. In said siate. A Dwul'f' twenty-seventh day of May. A. U.l8S4,at ten uVlock in the loreuoou of that day (guhjeol to ali encumbrances by mortiiage, or otherwlse eximing at the time wit' ' UleiollowlK le.scribedïealestate,"o i 'J'hc undivldpd hnlf interest in flfty feet off ie ouUi side of lot No. thlrteen in bloc" No lour, south of Hnron street, runKe No te iii , r L!VI"' CompMiy'! Hdditlon to the vlllaKe(iiow city) ot Ann Arbor WashtenaWL-ouutv, Michigan ¦'"". asnWiLUAM N. 8TEVFNH, _Dated, Ann Arbor, Aprll_9th. mjSi' tsiaie t lAtU t. and Walter II. Bnruett g'tAMOÏ MlUHiUAN.Ooamy pi Wil8„"n"w" nfAw8 T"""1 ! thÜ Probate cort 'or the Counr c itj ¦ I Ann Arbor, on WvduewUy, the second da. 01 April mr une thousand eight hundra tb pj-Utlon, dal, variad, of Ami E r 5ssr:5t-1!Briiiü"Ss5rá Mldcowt, theu to l)e holden al tne Pnihnte (Jffirp ÜVM "'" -i-ioue! LS pandero of ,má p, titlon, „d the hïïrtiï ïtêrerf tbc Auu Arbur Courier, a uewxpuper urintfri nrf circulan, i„ id county, ftreeeïïtïe w2j prariooa to wld day of haúia. ( A copy ) W1LLIAM D. HAKK1MAN . W. O. DOTV,_Proh,,e 2S? 'T, Keal Éstate for Salu. ! euiMllüUIGAN, County oi Waubtenai. Rotloa is hereby t;iven. that in puren ii.c ¦ ut n the hlRiiest hidder. at the dwelMnit boañ o , ,h,¦.MS below deecrlb , in tlie ioWnlh n ó s?, on , Tuesd.1, tlie twen eveotb duv 01 M 'y v T' 1884. at teu oMock in the lof ennon of thai . Vav (nh Tlu waal mxiy (0) „cn? of it.c eatt half of the " r7 in h í 8 'nula'M' 91'"1' "' lotion .we JANE E. FRKER, Dated, April 8, 1P84. ÍK9Í „.,. t"tateof Xnthan H. I'ieree jgTATAOlfiUUUlQA. Uomy of WaaWnaw kL:s: ?sL Ls?as W1LLIAM D. HAKKIMAN Probate lUrt f ffft


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News