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Dr. B. A. Pryer, '83, will lócate in the interior of the State. Prof. Swing is the iiext lecturer before the Stmlent3' Lecture Association, May 1. C. L. Carter, law '85, speiit Saturday and Sunday at the reaidenceof Philo ParSON8, of Detroit. B. S. Bt-nuett, '83, lt-ft last week for Miunesota. Heexpects to be engaged in the railroad business. Cliailie Towue, '81, is a delégate to the RepubiiCitu State convention, from his county, Mason, this spring. Fred. Hicks, of '85, cauie down from Uuion City for a few dtvs with friends here the latter part of last week. The Burnajn this nextsuminer of Miss Allee E. Frevinan, '76, for some time president of VVellesley College, Mass., is annouiiced. Humored: Ilomoenpathic faculty va. Allopathic fa;ulty, match gaine of ten pins at bowling alli-y soon. Alvin Wilsey, umpire. Next. Mism: Hou#htOii and Cornell, and Messra. Brown, Foute and Drummond, are tlie '84 cotnuiittee to devise a substitute for the " reception." No rect-ptiou class day evening this year '84 lias decided, hut a something intead, nobody knows what. The vote stood 20 for and 20 against, with one blank. At the S.initary conveDtiou held ia Hillsd;ile, Mich., 8aturdav, a paper entitled "Coüpeiation between Citizens and Health Autliorities in Preventiiii; and Kestrictin üisease" was read by Dr. G. A. Hendricks, instructor in anatouiy in the Uuiveisity. '84 has adopted a imique skull cap for closiug up it official career in the University. With an outside of garnet, an inside of black silk,aud pearl-colord tassel, the whole i to be quickly convertible into a traveling cap, by reversing, the tassel being detachible. The class colors are jiarnet and pearl. Concerniui; admidsion of undergraduate student froin other universities and colleges, the faculty took action, as follows, lecently: Studeiits who have completed at least one yeai 's college work in au approved college, and who bring explicit and oftioial certificates describing their courses of tudy and scholarhip and testlfying to their good character will be admitted to the University without examinatioi), except such as inay be necessary in order to determine what credit they are t receive for work done in the colle-;e trom which they have com and what courses oí study they may I proütably pursue in the Universlty. 8tudeats coming from college whose requirements for arimission are substantiully equiyalent to those of this Univeislty may thus expect to gain equal standing here.


Ann Arbor Courier
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