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Thf. Chair laid before th Sonate on the lfith h joint resolution from the California Loirlslature, uririnir the passage of tho Chinese ri'sirit'tlon act. A l)i)l to provide a coinmisMon ui ihe subjeot of the ftlcoholic hquor tmlüc wns reported favorably and placed on calendar. The Chair laid before the Senate the unnnished business, belii(r the bankruptoy biü. The bill whs prooeedod with by sections umi mueh progresa was made, the debate belnir uonnned strictly to legal aspects. The seot lonfl afreed to provide, among other t hins. that utiv penon owing provable debts exceeding $906 mav volnntnrily petltion to bo adjurilcated a hankrupt. l'ending discusslon i .:¦ St'iiato went into 8X6011 tl TO sossion and M'l jou riKMi . . . . In the Houso Mr. Watson, from tlie Comniitfee on Invalid Pensions, reported a bill to pemsion soldiors and sailors for dlsabilities Inourred beyond the loss of s lei? or arm; referred to Comiiiittoe of the Whole. Mr. Morrison moved that the House go into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the tariffbill: afreed to, Mr. Cox of New Vork being ealled to the chair. Immedlately upon the oommitU'e assembllng. Mi-. Katön objected to the consideration of the hlli, and the objection was roportt'd to tbe House. By a vote ot 140 yeas to lou nnys tho committoe deoided to conslder the mensure. The committee then resumed lts sitling. and Mr. Morrison opened the 4ebate in support of the bill, followed by Mr. Kelley in oppositlon. Pending further debate i lio cómmittee rose and the House adjourned, ïx the Senate on the 16tli, a resolution was agreed to.dlreoting the Judiclary Cominlttoe U lnquire whothor Paul Strobaoh, whoso nomination for Marsbal for tho middle and M)uthein dlstricts of Alabaina was rejeotert by the Senate, and who Is uow performing the dutk'8 of that ornee, is entitled to oooiipy the office. The Senate regumeu considoration of the bankrupty bill. A number of amendments were offered and agreod to, after whiob the Senate went into i-xecutlve seseion and artlourmd. .. Tho House dlspenwn wiih to .....,,,.,,,, hour and went Into Committee of the Whole on the Morrison tariff bill, whioh was debated at U'ngth, when the commlttco roeo and the House adjourned. Tuk Senate on tho I7th passed a bilí nuthorizing the managers of ihe Home for Dlsabled Volunteer Soldiers to looat a branch homo at sonio suitablo poiut In either of the Matos of Arkansas. Colorado, Kanpas, towa. Minnesota, Missouri or Nebraska, and nppropriating löfiO.OOO for the purpose. The bill authörizlng the Secretary of War lo adjust and settle the aeoount for arms bctween South Carolina and the Government of the Unitetd 81-atefi, and to balance the same by so reducing tho ovcroharge made against the State iniSWundor the act. of 1808, 8O that the amounta paid on account, by South Carolina in the last ten years may be taken In full satisfaetion of the account, was passed - yeaa 30, navs 12. The conöideration of the bankruptoynill wasthon resumed. luit without rearhlng a conclusión the Señale adjourned In the House a bill was passtd authoriziDff the oonstruction of a railroad bridpre across ï3t. Crotx River, in the States of Wisconsin and Minnesota. The mominff hour was dispensed with and the House went into Committee of the Whole on the Pension Appropriation b1U. Amonff the amendments ofïered was one by Mr. Ttoseorans, strikinpr out the provisión for tho pay of pension aironts, and ti-ansferrin the dut.iefi of those offloers to tbe pay department of the army. í'fndlnfr a vote on thie amendment, the com nutter rose and the House adjourned. In the Senate on tlie 18th Mr. Sherman, from the Committre on Llbrary, rcported advei-sely tho newspaper copyright, bill, but it was nevertheless placed on the -alendar. A bill was introduced and referred pi-ovidinpr for the deposit in the Treasury of the roceipts from the money order systom, and tho pay ment of lts expenses from the Treasury. The Senate then took up tho Postomoe Appropriation bill. After agreeins: to most of the ainendmonts rocommeuded by the committee, the bill as a whole was apreed to. The Senat went Into exocutive session, and when the doors reunened a mes-sagre from the House announclugr the death of the late Representan ve Herndon wns laid before the Senate. Kemarks in memorial of the deceased were dolivered by ¦everal Senators, and the Senate then adjourned until the 21st Tlie House took up and passed the bill llrnitlntr the time within hich proseeutlons may be institutcd ag-alnst persons charged with vlolatintf the revenue laws. In Committee of the Wholo the bill to relieve eertain soldiers of the late war from the charfres of desertion wns debated and laid aslde with a favorable recommendatíon. The bill for the relief of Myra Clark Gaines was oonsidered, but without to a conclusión the committee rose. At the evenlntr piession a number of pension billa were paseu .ii.i Ure House adjourued. OOMESTIC. A snuT-DOWK in all the minos on tho Monongahela RiTer is considered imminent. The miners in the third pool having aocepted a reductíon, the operators in the third and f_urth pool will insist upon tt similar reduotion. Some miscreants in Bordentown, X. J., have been porsecuting the aged mother of Charles Stewart Parnell, their last deed beingr the burning down on the 1,'ith of about $40 worth oí her fenee. Her home was fortunately saved. The City Treasurer of Chicago holds nearly 5U,000 received for saloon licenses. The will of the late Mrs. Valeria G. Ktone, of Boston, who left $2iX),(XHJ to charitable institutions, is to be contested by the heirs-at-law. Alexander Lee, a laborer living in the Crouch neighborhood at Jacküon, Mich., became crazed by thinking so much over the tragedy, and on the löth committed suicide by taking morphine. At Cleveland, O., on the 16th Wm. Kyle, a contractor, while superintending some work on the topmost floor of the new National Bank building had occasion to step on a swinging elevator used for hoist ing purposes, when one of the "eyes" broke, and he was precipitated to the basement below, a distance of seventy-flve feet, sust.aiiiing probably fatal injuries, The largest gfithering of railroad men ever known in Wisconsin attended tue funeral of Assistant General Superintendent Atkins, of the St. Paul road, which took place at Milwaukee on the ltíth. All freight trains were taken off, and such passenger trains as was possible were dispensed with. Over O,UKI employés of the road from tbe various divisions, shops and general offices wern in attendance, beside several thousand friends and aiquaintances. The Crescent Min, of Fall River, Mass., closed ten weeks by the strike, started on the löth with tuur spinners and twenty-tive weavers. The boiler in one of Doken, Chapin & Co.'s drill honses, at Bay City, Mich., exploded on the Ifith, instantly killing Xavier Sovey and Wiljiam McCauley ; fatally injuring John La Fountain, John Kelly aiulJohn Connellv, and seriously injuring John Finían, 'fuouias Mahoney and Anton Keifer. China and Persia will have extensive rejirnsentation in the VVorlil's Exposition at New ürleans next winter. Harüiso.n and Peaooek. on trial at Jersey City, N. J., tor i'onspiracy to deI raud the Amerk-an L gion ot Honor, were convicted on the 17th. The employés of four ftirnaces at New Castle, Pa., to the nuraber of one thousand, struck on the lüth because of the llfteen and ten cents reduction made April 1, and which was accepted for the time being. The rolling milis at Oreenville lmve started up after being idle tour years. Dr. Laws, of Cornell University, the most eminent veerinarian nf America, to gether with Dr. Holeomb and members of the SanitaryConimission, on the ltith coranienced a series of investigations and eiperiments at Neosho Falls, Kas., as to the nature and cause of the cattle disease existing in that vicinity. The Huguenot Societv of America held its annual meeting at New York on the 17th, and elected John Jay President for the ensuing year. By the explosión of sulphur in the Pennsylvania Colliery at Ureen Ridge, Pa., on the 17th fivo men were burned - John Dracosky, Peter Entres and Michael Mexwal, laborers, fatally; and John Ciraham and Samuel Menkin, contractors, seriously. They were unaware of the firesence of the gas and used an ezposed amp. A disgracefcl riot, the result of bad blood and poor whisky, occurred between tbirty and forty Hungarians and Poles employed at Thomson's steel works at Braddock, Pa., on the 17th. Pistola, knivesand clubs were freely used, and the flghtlasted two hours, when the citizens organized and quelled the riot. Several of the rioters ware severely injured, two fatally. Jacob Katterman, in jail at East Tawas, Mich., on suspicion of being concerned in the Scholtz munler nearthat place, bas made a full confession, implicating AVilliam Reynolds and Willlain White, who have been arrested and are now in jail. He charges tbat Reynolds did tbe hooting and White aasiated ia tha robbery. I 1 1 J_ 1 ¦ I I ¦ - J T. Smith, secretary of tha California State Agricultural Society, saya thet from present indlcations th yield of wheat in that State tht9 year will exceed that of 1880, without some unforseen element overtakes the crops, and will exceed that of last year sixty per cent. Tiik encino and postal car of a passenger train on the Louisvilla Short Line [liail were thrown from the track by a broken driving wheel and wrecked near Newport, Ky., on the 17th. Daniel Huffnagle, fireman, was fatally injured. Retkesentativk Ueaoh has been instructed by the House Committee on Public Health to report a resolution authorizing the committee to inquire into tho ex tont and charaoter of the adulteratecl food and drugs importad into the United States, or exported therefrom. Tho resolution provides that the committee shall sit duriug the summer season. Bv the wrocking of a freight train on the Pan 1 ian.ll. road at Hanover, Pa., on the 17th, William McCarthy, who was stealin; a ride in one of the ears, was in stantly killed. The train men escaped by jumping. At a meeting at Boston on tho 17th of the Arkwright Club of Cotton Manufaoturers, it was voted to reduce the working hours in May and June ten per cent., whlch will reduce the production of cotton gootls one-sixth. Four hundred thousand ounces of silver were puruhased by the Treasury Department on the 17th for delivery at the Pbiladelphia and New Orleans mints. The Coromissioner of Internal Revenue ha appointed Gutave Cleinens, of Illinois, revenue ageut, vice W. D. Clarke, resigned. The horses of Rochester, N. Y., are troubled with a new disease, which the surgeons cali black erysipelas. It is confined entirely to the bind f eet, and in many cases proves t'atal. Tim (irnt Btsamar of the season arrived at St. Paul from St. Louis on tli 17th, and starteil on lier return trip the next day. the sectBtarj of tBB Nvy rasroa on the 17th, in arconlance witli tho rwsolutiou recentlv adoptad by both Homes of Congress, a proclamation offering j-Aï.oOO for a ditoovery and rescue, by any private person or vessel, of the Arotio signal service party of Lieutenant Greeley. The House Committee on Postoffices und Postroads by a rote of Hl to 1 on the ISth adopted a resolui Ion declaring it to be the seuse of the oommittee to adopt the contract system of postal telegraph. The shipments of gold from New York to Europe on the litth were $2386,000. BUSIHK88 failuros reported for the week ended April 18 were, in the United States 160, Canada 10, compareil with 211 the previous week. The cali for a Prohibilion nominating convention at Indianapolis has been signed by 22,000 voters, and it is now probable that a convention will be oalled and caudidates placed in the field. John G. Telfori, a passongcr on tho Iron Mountain Railroad, was robbed of $17,500 near Polar Bluff, Mo., on the 17lh by C. M. Pennett. The robber was arrcsted ou the train and the inouey fonnd in nis possession. Dennett bas been running as an expresa messenger on some of the Western roads, but is said to be an Eatilern "crook." The Washington Monument Commission, at a recent meeting, agreed upon a report to be sent to Congress calling tbe attention of that body to the fat that the monument will be completad bef ore the meeting of the next Congress. The report suggests appropriate legislation by this Congress to bring to the attention of the State governments the desirability of i operating in a KuitHbta demoustration at the time of the completion of the ¦ ment to celébrate the event. A WOMAM alked to Poenhontns I mine froin Nortta Carolina, a distance of j 100 miles, to Ünd tr tmnband.who was lost in the mine. The agitution ngainst the ment of Hungarians in the mines of sylvania has spread to Wilkesbarre. Rows have been frequent of late, and a violent outbreak is feared. Two freight trains on the Pan Hand[ u„lk.Ua ...... WUWU..& wnvtrhmt O., on the morning ot the 18th. Both engines and ten cars were wrecked, but no one seriously injured. Tobe Turner, who was to be hung at Greenville, Ga., on the lfctth for murder. suicided in his cell by strangling himself with a handkerchief a few hours before the time set for the execution. The House Committee on Coinage has voted to report favorably the Lacej bill to prohibit the issue of treasury notes for less than $6, and to provide for the issue of silver certiticates in denominations of $l,$3and$5The United States Court at Charleston, S. U., has indicted tour ex-deputy marshals for presenting fraudulent accounts. New Hampshire and Maine towns report fleods on hand and to come. The Saco River is higher than in 1870, and rising. At Union, N. H., on the St. Croix River, the new Brunswick pier and two spans of the bridge have fallen. At the request of the Seeretary of the Inteiior the Commissioner ot Patents bas appealed from the decisión of the Supreme Court of the District in the case of Hoe vs. Scott, to the ünpreme Court of the U nited States. The point in controversy is the ruling that there is no appeal to the Secretarv of tüe Interior after the Commissioner had decided a patent case. At New Haven, Conn., Charles A. Spaulding, suspected of complicity in stoaling jwelry, was arrested on the 18th. VVhile tlie detective was eating lunch Spaulding shot himsell five times. The wounds are fatal. Hb said he could not bear the disgraoe of arrest. PERSONAL AND POLITICA! A. R. Von Markels, Judge of the Cincinnati Pólice Court, died in that city on the Mith, of consumption. The Queen of Tahiti arrived at New York on the ltíth from Europe, and started at once for San Francisco. The Indiana Republican State Conveution on the 17th elocted the following as delegates-at-large to Chicago: Senator Benjamin Harrison and Richard W. Thompson, by acclamation; Hon. John H. Baker, of Goshen, and Morris McDonald, of New Albany. Tbe delegation was uninstructed and without expressed preferences. New Jersey Republicans in State Convention on the 17th elected Congressmen Phelps, John J. Gardner, Senator Sewell and ex-Judge Kort delegates-atlarge to the Chicago Convention; the delegation were uninstructec). At the Tennessee State Republican Convention, L. C. liouk, 8. C. Napeer, T. F. Cassels and W. P. Brownlow were elected as delegates-atlarge to Chicago; uninstructed. The Republicans of Delaware, at their State Convention, chose Washington Hastings, John Pilling and George O. Massey as delegatcsat-large to the National Convention, without instructions. The only surviving membor of the family of the late General McPberson, died at Norwalk, O., on the 17th. She was the the wife of Frederiek Vaudercouk, of Angola, Indiana. GOVERNOR HOADÏ.V, Of ÜhÍO, WÍ11 deliver the commenoement oration before Yale Law School at New Haven. FOREICN. Advices from Vera Cruz, Mexico, state that yellow fever jirevails there, the numbercf deaths recently reaebing ihirteen in one day. Among th (teaths was an American namedC. E. Pnwvis, foiinerly connected with the Mexican Central Railway. The local Government of Manitoba has re8igned because of the refusal of the Dominion authorities to graut better term to the Western Province, A London dispatch of the 17th says that advices from the Far East state that a great flre was raging in Rangnon, the capital of British Burmah; and that Mundaly, the capital of Burmah proper, recently half dnstroyed by a conñagration, bas been afflicted with another extensive tire. The Enirlish Government have oided to potpono the conteuiplated roduction In the telegraph rates froro a shilling to slxpence per twenty words. Rei'Okts from Calcutta say the cholera is increasing, 'J."7 di'ath occurring therefrom in one wphIc. A DispATOH from General Gordon . datod Aprii Mb, Haya thut a meicbant bad reached Khartoum from El Obeid after a ! journey of twelve days. The merchant reports that Tegeba tribes had twiee defeated Mahdi, who suffered heav}' losse. Mahdi is now as completely hemmed in as General Gordon. The st'ianiship Faraday. with 1,100 miles of tho Mackey cablu, bus cleared from London for Nova Scotia. An official dispstob rooeived ut Paris on the lSth from General Millot announces that the French have taken tbe citadels of Phunamatrtm and Douggan, the Chinese being completely routed, the Freneli pursuing. _ LATER. Advicks oí the 20th from Llttle Rock, Ark., say that all the country for miles below that city was iuundated by heavy raius. The water stood in every field, jiantations were wholly Inundated, plowIng and planting were stopped, and tho work that had been done was all destroyed. The railroads also suffered severely. Twklve States bad tbe li)th ohosen delegates to tbe Republican National Convention, and it was reported that Arthur had 146 supporters, Blaine 8.2 and Logan 47. Up to the 19th Chicago packers hal slaughtered 182,008 hogs since March I, against 217,000 hogs during tbe corrtspomling period of last year. the 20th four bundred and ttfty Mormon emigiants arrived at New York. Tbree bundred were from Great Britain, and the others from Norway and SwedenA Cairo dispatch of the 20th states that Egyptian refugees to the ttumber of 450 recontly sailel from Shendy for Berber, bttt the stennier ran aground, and the Arabs inassacred every one on board. The victims included many romen and cliildien. The cholera continued t race Bt ('ulcutta, India, on the mil, but so far lio reports of it8 spread to other countries liail been made. Thk Governor-General of Cuba telegraphed tbe Madrid Government on the '2ütb that Agüero had been surroundod, and that there wonld be no more trouble. Nkak Summit, Cal., three hundred feet of snow-sheds feil a fi'w days ago and buried a work-train, killing six Chlnamen and seriously wounding iive others. It was announccd on the l!th that tha reported Indiau uprising at Battleford, Northwest Territory, was without foundation, tho aboriginees simply gathering there to talk about their grievam-es, with the intention of sending delegates to Ottawa and Regina. A KREKtHT truin on tbe Fort Scott Road ran into a wasb-nut ncar S,i Held, M"., a few days ago, and two trumps were killed and the locomotivo and nine cars were demolished, rnuiii& n loga of aliout 920,000. Ti;k Canadian Parliament Biljourned ítliu (lié 4-n tbf ]!th. Cakrie Jones and AngieSmlth (colored), Kiel eiyhteen and fifteen years, weii drowned at Cairo, 111., on the iiOtÖ by the upnetiing of a boat on Lake Edwards. Tuk steamshlp Oregon, of the Guiou Line, on ita recent passage from Queens town to New York made the trip In six days ten hours and thirty minutes, th f;is est time on record. Thk United States Senate as not in session on tbe l!)th. In the House abill wai passed for the establishment of a Bureat I of Labor Statistics, at an expense of nu' over fJT),OuO per anuum.


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