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nnfïTfiiniïiwïtiiiTifitifiïfiiWïïïïwn DTliink, jnst lcause you t have been sufferlng tenibly ON I wtth Rheumatlsm or Neu N you must always ' continue to suffer. Nor think 'pist becanse nobody has been able to cure jou or your frlendB, that Neuralgia nna Rheumaitsm are Incurable. D, Think that a cure is j k I T posslble Just because the i U N I physlclans han' beenunable to accompllsli lt. Nor think that because Athlophoros has not been known ever sluce the foundation of the worM, lt will not cure nheuniatlsui anü I Neuralgia. D, Xefflect the testimony of C) KI T" 'liehunrtredsofsuffererswho U N I have trteilATHLOPHOKOs and are now souud and hearty. Xor think that because yon have tried flfty other thlngs that falled, that Athlophokos Is llke them. Don't be discouraged ! The very thing that ixill cure Rheumatism and Neuralgia is ATHLOPHOROS. Don't beSkepticall ATHLOPHOROS hots cured others. lt ixill Cure YOU. If you naiinotffpt Athlophororoí your dniKKist, Tve will Heud it exirefH )aid, on reccipt of reRnilar pi-ice-oiie dollar jorbotfl'. Weijiref er that you buy lt from your ilmtoriKt. but if he haHii't it. do not be PíTUiided to try Komethiutf elbe, but ordor &t onc from uh as directed. mOPWJTOS CO., 112 WALL IT., NEW YORK. IIIKl'IIIIIHIIIIII 1 B. Hllllllllllllllllll ; BALL'S P.ORSETS The OXLY iVKRET madu that can ho r'TurnMl tiy ita pui-Jiusr after three w-;kit wear. if not fuuml PERFECTLY SATISFACTORY tn erery ruspi-i-t, na ita pnöfl rui uniitI by scllítr. Made in a varlety of tyles nnd ric-ii. Hnlrt by fli-pW'laRa j dealers everywhert. lit-ware of worthlen lmitutious. None germine units it Imx Rnll's nm on the box. CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. Ferdon Lumber Yard!; J ni:s TOLBGRT, Prop. Mrtiiufactnrer ttnd DoaU-r Id SACINAW um-um mm Lath and Shinglcs. Wc Invite all to give u a culi, nd cxamlntt onr stock belorc imrchuslnK elsewhere. AI.SO, AGENT FOK JacksonSewerPipeGo. AD SELLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLBBRT, Pbop. i T. 3. KEKOH, Sipt. Telephone Conneetions. Want of Falili. lt' Eberbacb & Son, the Drugglat does iot succüeil lt is not tor the want of ftiith. He has sndi faitli in Dr. Bosanko's Congh mu) Luug Syrup as a reinedy tor Oougü'e Cotds, Oousumptlon, and Lung nffectlnns, tltat he will give avvuy :i boltle free to eacfa and eveiy one who ï in lied of B ai-clicine ut' tbat kitul.


Ann Arbor Courier
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