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City Treasurer Francis L Smith, of Bayonne, N. J., is short in bis accounts 841,000. FireS itl Lonff Islanft wnrtria hnp cauxl ïso,uuu daniage, aud the üaines are spreadiüg. Congressman S. R. Peters ha3 been nominated for re-election by the Kepublicaus of the Seventh Kansas District The striking lastere at Lewiston, Me., liave been indieted for nnlawful assembly. General Butler is their counsel. Jennie Dee, an orphan from Xow York, only twelve years oL age, has given bh üi to a five-pound babe at Noruial, Hl. Knute Nelson was renouiinated for Congress by acclamatlon at the Iiepublican Congressipnal Convention for the Fifth District of Minnesota, The Grand División of Illinois Sons of Temperauce is holding its annual session at Prophetstown. The order is represented to be ín a flourishing condition. A commlttee of the United Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh has decided to ask tlie Legislaturo to make the use of instrumental musió in churches unlawful. Umaha capitalists havo organized a new bank, to be kuown as the Commercial Natioual Bank of Omaha, wlth a capital of 3250,000, to begin business Hay l. Warren F. Lelaud, of Chicago, recently bnt faüed to prosecute lam. TKe vlêfim has retaliated by a suit for $3,000 damages. President Endicott States that the Oregon Transcontinental Compauy lias lost moro than S0,000,000 by the shrinkage in the Norlhern Pacific & Oregon Kaihvay stocks. Duncan S. Farquharson, once a wealthy resident of Kochester, N. Y., but lately obliged by linancial reverses to resume his occupation as a niillwrighr, committed suicide Tuesilay. An Indiana court has decided that the establishment of arbitraiy rates by the Underïiters' Association of Indlanapolis is contrary to the freedoin of trade and prejudicial to the comuion good. The Waco (Tex ) cotton milis closed Thursday for the season. Thirty-five corn-fields in the Provinee of Puerto, Cuba, were Uestroyed by lire recently. Heavy frost and co in the reglón of Merldian, Miss., Thuraday morniug, wil! compel farmers to replant. Budger Clawson, a well-known poly?amist of Salt Lake, has been held to tliu District Court on the charge of bigamy. ti.o v.oir ¦!... o ninnna recorded a S25,000,000 trust mortgage at Kingston, N. Y., Thursday, in favor of Aslibel Green. The ííew York State cauals will be opened May 6. Several milis and bridges in New Brunswick have been destrujoa by a fipsiiot. Marcus L. Ward, ex-Governor of New Jersey, died at Newark Friday, aged seventj-two. J. T. deslié, a farmernear Atchlson, Kan., lost seventy hogs on Thursday night by aomo mysterious disease. A large volume of clear and ice-cold water has commenced to llow from a macadamied bod in Fond du Lac, Wis. The Democratie State Committee of Iowa elected Judge Kinne fts Chalriuan, notwithstanding that be ia not a member of the committee. Plans have been perfected for the extensión of the Wlsconsin Central lioad lrom Cliippawa Falls to St. Paul. Work will commence withln ten days. The Henry College lottury, of Loulsvllle. has suspended operations becauao of the difficulties encountered trom the orders of Postmaster-General Gresham. Ilon. John P. Dickson, one of the ten original settlers at Janosville, Wis., and Keuben 51. Norton, of Chicago, formerly Mayor of Racine, died Friday. Mrs. Valeria G. Stone's will beqtieathin? S250.000 for religious and charitable purposes, was admitted to probate at Boston Friday. The heirs have begun a contest. Jolm Welcli and Willlara Atuertou, young men, got on the fast freight at Píalio, 11L, Tkui'sday night to rido to Sandwich. The train not stopping at the latter place they juniped off, and both were lul lol instan tly. Special celebrations of the slxty-fifth anniversary of Oddfellowship iu Aaiarlca were made Friday at Streater, Clinton, Pana, Laporte and otlier points. Orationa, banquots and social enjoyments were tUe order oí the day. Judge Bond, In tho United States Circuit Cuurt at Kichinond, has killed ono of Uxa Kiddleberger readjustinent Iaws by a decisión that any treasurer wlio levies on property after coupons have boeu tendered for taxes is a naked trespasser. Luke Phippa, who killed hls wife on a f erry-boat iu the Detroit Kiver last August, lias beeu convicled of the criino and sentenced to be executed June 17, at Sandwich, Out It will be remembered tliat ht broke jail in December and came to Pullman, 111., where he was einployed in a büliard-room. Forest üres are raging near Kast Tawas, Mich. Hou. John W. McDilI was confirmed Saturday by the lowa Kxecuüvo Couiicii aa Kallroad Commissioner. Erwln, Lane & Co., writing-paper manufacturers at Elkhart, Ind., have suspended, Wlth liabllittea of 800,000. The Bay Shore MUI at Henomtnee, Mich., was rompletely destroyed by tire Saturday night. Loss, SlOO.Oüü; jasiinincc, 8(50,000. Twelve loaded freiülit-pRrs on the Flint & Pere Jlarquette Kond went throueh a bridge' over the Cass Kiver, and were totally wrecked, causins a loss of S-5.00J. At one o'clock Sunday morning L. Murray Moore's basket warebouM In Uoehester, N. ï., contiining 00,000 baskets, Was bumed. Loss, S'iö.OOO; partially inaurod. John Brady, while intoxicated Saturday, feil from the Cleveland (O.) viaduct drawbridge, eighty feHt, into the rlver, vu proniptly üshed out, and walkud olï uniujured. Governor Fernandeze, recently appointed Minister to Krance froiB Mexico, will go Uuoush to New York, accompanied by bli ianiily and attendanU, iu a special train custing .12,000. Tho Cinoinnatl festival closed Saturday evening with a renditlon of "Henry IV." The total receipts for the eight performances wiil not exceed $12,000, whilu the expenses will reach 545,000. The disappearance of the schooner Winfield from one or the Florida islands about one hundred miles from Key West leads to the belief that another party ol Clibusters has crossed over to Cuba. Hans Baren, a traveling man from Davenport. Ia., was beheaded by a passenger train on the Chicago, Rock Islancl .fc Pacitic Road, at La Salie, Saturday. He had an accident poliey in hls pocket for 83,000, whlch had been issuecLSaturday. When n death oecuis in u Bosten family the snrviving raeml ers eat black beans for a montli, ae a mark of respect for the dcml.


Ann Arbor Courier
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