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The State Contention

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A larga and entkoslastic Republlcan conveution assembled in Grand Rápida last Thuisday to elect delcgates to the Chicago convention. Coiigressinaii Horr apon taking the itand as temporary chairman, made oue of the StroDg, riuging anti witty ipeecfaw ha knows well how to make It was biistlin;; witU points agaiust the Democracy in Congress and receivei hearty npplaugp. In the permanent organization M. C Burck of Grand Rápida was made chiiir man, and E. T. Bennett of Bay City, secretary. Tlie second district was represented by the following ofticers of the or ganization .¦ Asít. Secretary - A. X. Warren of Wash tenaw. Committee on Crcdcntials - E. R. Aid rich of Washtenaw: A. D. Gilmore o, I,enawee. Permanent Organization - X. Atwood, Ilillsdale; M. Oarpenter, Lenawee. Resol utions - A. Campbell, Wasl. tena w W. S. Wilcox, Lenawee. Tellers- J. E. Beal, Washtenaw ; J. V Barry, Monioe. Vice Presidenta- W. H. Pottle, Wash tenaw; J. 31. Osborne, Hillsdale. Members of State Central Committee - Burtou Parker of Monroe; H. B. Rowl son of Hillsdale. The committee on resoUitions reportec the following platform : The Republicans of Michigan, lo convention assembled toelect delegates to the National convention to be held on the 3i day of June next, hereby reafflrmthe principies uf the party na eiiuinernted in it8 platform througb a history of a quartero acentury, Itreaffirms its faith in the abil ity of the party to secure in the future, as it alouc dan in ttic past, ur,ll LUtKllflcatlons and reforma as time and experience shal prove to be necesary for the growth ot the Natlon and the general welfare of hei citizens. 'i. They have confidence that the wisdom and patriotism of the Chicago con vention wiil fornuilate a platform aiu nomínate candidatos that the people wil appiovp, and that wil], next November cali trom the state of Michigan the ok time Iiepublican majoiity. Of the niany candidatos for Delegates at Large there were clected H. G. Iloir, o Sagina w; VV. F. Swift, of Marquette; J C. Burrows, of Kalamazoo, and S. C. Wat ion of Wayne. The last named Js a col orcd gentleman and he was elected by an alniost unanimous vote after Mr. Atwood the other candidato liad withdiawn. The latter being the choice of his people in tii's countv Mr. Freaman workml fur hSm h ür. Watson's election appears to renew the confidence of his people in the party whtch gave them liberty. The alternates were quickly elected by acclamation : - J. B. Moore, of Lapeer; E. L. Koon of Hillsdale ; A. B. Turner ot Kent, and G. W. Robie of Maaon. From the eleven distriets were elected the following delo;.ites to the National Convention : First district- lí. A. Alger, of Detroit W. S. Morey, of Fiat Rock; alternates- W. H. Coots and John Greusel, .Ir., of Detroit. secoud di.-trict - J. T. Jacobs, of Washtenaw, W . A. Underwood, of Lena wee; al teníate - V. A French, of Mouroe, F. J. Jtlarsh, f LeiiHwee. Third- K.C. Nicols, of Calhonn, VV. H. I'owers, of Bany; alternatei---.lohn C. Sharp, ot Jaekson, Williaui ir. Ivtron, ol B ranch. Fourlh- D. T Read, of Cas, Dr. J.Andrews, of Van Buren; alternates - VV. I. Babcock, of Berrien, (ieo. W. il. Stock.holder. of St. Josepli. t iftli - H. . i, .,r ..iuö,in, Geo VV. Webber, of Joni i ; altrrnates- D. J Leather?, of Kent, I. M. Fergnson, of Ottawa. Sixth- M D. C'hatterton, of Inehom: J. n. BSVryer, of Uakl.uul ; alternats - H, B. Black nian of Huron, J. B. Aiwuoti of Genesee. Seventh- Jolin P. Sanbirn of St. Clair, B. R. Noble, of öanilue ; alternates - Alex Grant of Macomb; George VV. Jenks of Huron. Eijjlith- Wm. C. Watson, of Shiawas nee, Win. I. Turck, of Gratiot ; alternate!- S R. Öteven8on,of Montcalui, Öaial.W. Hopkins, of Isabella. Ninth - Abel Andwrson of Muskegon ; Martin P. Gale of Mecosta ; alteruates - R. P. Bishop of Muson, F. R. Williams, of Antrim. Tenth- H. H. Aplln, of Bay, G. W. Bell, of Oheboygan : alternates - Charles Montague, of Tuscola, A. H. Swartout, of Ogemaw. E leventli - ?. Moft'at of Grand Traverse, 3. M. Stevenson, of Menominee; alteraates - L. B. Daiiatan of tloughtou, J. H. Steere, of üliippewt. Capt. Al'en nominated Judg P. T. Van Zile of Charlotte, for Chairmau of the State Central Committee, and he was elected by aeclamation.


Ann Arbor Courier
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