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The Common Council

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Tliecommoncomicil held a special meeting Monday niglii wltta n iull board present. A petition of E IÍ. II ill & Bro. tor tlie erection of a baru at the corner of Ann and Second streets was referred to the tire department committee with power to act. Thirteen petilioiiers ask that the gulters on tlie east and west Bidet of Detroit and Kourtli streets, between Aun nnd Catharine itreeta, be surveyed, gruded and paved. Referred to cniumittee. Edward Clark reported In favor of $28 daraage to Isa'ic Duim tor the Icllllng recently of tive of his sheep and wounding of six others. Fee for examlnatlon and report $2.10. Referred to proper committee. 100 petitioners aked for the construction of au arehed stoue bridge on Suinmit Street, the same to be a cont'mnaiice of one now on Main. Petition referred to comtnittee. The eity water works question was hrougbt up again by a lengthj petition from Mr. Frank Howard. A resolution passed the board t defer the reading and consideration of ftirther petitions till the next regalar meeting, and after some discussion by memoen of tlie council the bids for receiving the deposita of the city funds were opened and real as follows: Tlie Saring bank bid 'A% on monthly balances; First National bank, iri per annumcomputed ou uionthly balances; Farmers' and Mechanica' bank, 5lL on daily balances, cieclited quarterly, providing the whole deposit wa8 left with the bank; W. B. Smith, 5lX9 paid seini-annually ; J. Keek & Co, aí' r . Tiie matter was Uien glven Into the hands of the city treaaurer. Tlie mayor annoiinccrt the following standing committee for the examination of public buildings, parties requlring such exaininations to pav for expense of oommittce's action: Prof. Chas. E. Greenc, Chas. A. Oardiier, aud Conrad Krapf. The council coufirmed the appointmeots. Aldernien Kearnt, Bixs and Luick were appointed a coimnittee on city markets and tho rental of grounds. E. ö. Manly was appointed by the council as Fifth ward cemetery commissioner for three years from last Jauuary. The bond of Marshal Fall was approved, as also wei e the bonds of constables Wui. Meiithew, Paul Schall, Jasper Imus, James li. Murrny and Jacob W. Shju The drujrsists' liquor bonds of J. J. Goodyear. Mann Bros., H. J. Brown & Co., John Mooie, and Eburbach it Bon, were approved. Twenty-niiie saloon bonds, of the parties below, were approved. The bond of Geo. W. Slib was aot deemed suffioient : John Ulair, Aujrustus Heiü, Ludwig Walz, Peter Long;, John Beahan, Nathan Drake, Cliarles HaitMr, Charles Binder, Anton Brahm, Wm. F. Kapp, William H Mclnlyie, Martin & Fisher, Enianiiel Wagner, John Qoetz & John Goetz, Ji., .J. L. Stone, John Frey, Millmau & - lins, Geoige Clarken, Krederick Rettich, Jr., F. Rettich, Leonard & Walsh, Fred. Beslmer. ChrUt. F. Kapp, Wm. Frank, Stone & Co., Christopher P. Cary, J. Jacob Koek, Mlclitel St.eeb, Albrecht Gwlnner. On request, Alderm-in Biggs was allowed to icad a petition, stoned by quite a large niunber, askinjr the council to take action (bmu. . -.. .vuniumuiw people in the matter of acceptance of the saloon bonds. Al lormun difen IUIJIAÜ WA 6ÏIOBBH tO (lefend the eity in the case of Catlnirine Burns, who brought snit smne time since for injuries reoeived from a defect! Ve Sidewalk. City Atturney Kiuue being engajred by the plaintift". A. F. Hangsterrer & Co. were granted the privilege of building a stalrway ou the nortli side of their building, corner M'iiu and Washington sireets. A re.-o!ution of Alderman Lawreiue that $:!00 be transferred from the Contingent Fuud to the Street Fund for expenditure by the street committee in the Fou:th ward, was adoptcd. Aftention was called by Mr. Lawrence to a defect in the city ordinance with reference lo hall playing in the streets. A motion was carried instructing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to meet the same. The lower town sidewalk bridge was reported u bad oondition by Alderman Khodes, and the question of its repair was referred to the Sidewalk Comniutee, with power to act. Cxincil adjourned to meet Monday evening iiext.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News