Real Estate Transfers
Wm. H.CIouglitoJuhiiSwItz.r, salino 28 aores ' TeUT 1! IncallB to Anna H. Wordeu. Ann Arbor, lot L'llu Ira Bussett to Henry C. Come, Lodl, 2 78-1U0 acres 'su'' Geortfe .Stuck 10 Win. Bobbing, Pit!siicld 7.8l Libble Mi-liain tó M. K. Worden, Ypsilanli.lot 1-llOI) Theodore H. Hinohinnu to Heiiry 1'Kalstou, YpsilaDti.lot l.0" KeziaSinitli to PUilenia Oloott, Milau, lot '¦ David Klmls, Jr.,l'V Kxec. to Leopold Blaesd, Lodl, 179 lü acres 10,800 Jolin G. Laubeugayer lo Jacob Jcdele, Lodi, W acres '¦"!" Jolm G. Groeuinger to Jolin Q. Vtael, Aun Arbor, lot 'u")
Real Estate Transfers
Real Estate - Ann Arbor
Real Estate - Washtenaw County
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
William H. Clough
John Switzer
Peter B. Ingalls
Anna R. Worden
Ira Bassett
Henry C. Come
George Stuck
William Robbins
Libbie McBain
M. E. Worden
Theodore H. Hinchman
Henry P. Ralston
Kezia Smith
Philenia Olcott
David Ehnis Jr.
Leopold Blaess
John G. Laubengayer
Jacob Jedele
John G. Groetzinger
John G. Visel