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Tlu' oaly known speciflc for Epileptic Fits. Cü Mso for Spaam aud Falling 81o_a_M. Nervous W (' itMtunily relieves and cuns. Cleamei blood aud qulckenü sluBúlh Hivulaüon. NeutraI lizes gcrms of discaso and saTes stckncss. cure [FSKEPTIC SAIDJ ut'ly Motches and .tubhorn blood sores. Ellmlnatcs. Boils, Carbunclos aud ScalJs. C"l'ennanently and promptlj cures pualyaU. Yes, It Isa cliarming and hcalthful Apcrlcnt. KIlls Scrofula nnl Kings Evll, J twin brothers. Changos bad brcatii to good, removIng the cnuse. Routs billons tendendes and make clear complexión. Kqualled by none In the delirium of fever. A charming resolvcut and a matchless laxativo. It drives Blek Headache llke the wind. i j_r-c'oiiï j""b u ürastlccathartlcoroplatcs. Relieves (the great) CiijEBfVEXClONQUERlOlRD . the brain of morbid fancles. Promptly cares Iïheumatlsm by routing it. Restores life-giving propertïes to the blood. Ia guaranteed to cure all nervous disordera. C"lïellable when all oplatea fafl. Re. freshes the mind and Invfgoratea the body. Curea dyspepsia or money ref unded. QNElVElBÏFAM Diseases of the blood own it a conqueror. Endorsad In writinff by orer tlfiy tiiousmid loadliiK oitizt-ns clerKiiicu aud physiLíiaiiH iu V. t. and Kurope. t2?"For sale by all leadiug druggista. $ 1.R0. (13) For Te.stimonials and circulars send stamp. Tha Or.S.A. Richmond Merï Go. St. Josegh.Ko. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Agenta, Chicago, Illinois. WONOERFUL VYhli CURES OF r+ll KIDNEYDISEASES (J AND r LIVER COMPLAINTS, S HiM-ano it nots on the I.1VK1!, B01VGLS md K1I)M:ïS at the samr time. Beoause it oleanses th9 systera of ie poisonouj huraors that developO in Kidney aud Ux-inary Dísoases, Bilioiisaess, Jaundico, Ccnat.pation. Piles, or in Rneumatlsm, Neuralgria, Nervuiid i.ajoriler8 and all Female Coinplainu. UT3ÜL1D PBOOF OF TUIS. IT WTLI. STOUT CtJKE CONSTIPATI0N, PILES, and RHEUMATISM, By camine PHEE ACTION of all the oreaub and functiona, thereby CLEANSING the BLOOD restoring the normal power to throw off disease. , THOUSANDS OF CASES of the worst forma of these terrible diseag9 liave boen relieved, and in a hort unie -. PERFECTLY CURED. ruirr, $1. mqtid or dkï, sold by drigcists. -" Dry can be aent by mail. WKT.T.S, H1CHABD3O1T Sc Co., Burlington, Vt. 3 trni itüinp for Diary Almannc fi.r 1SM. A tramp calléd bifl shoea corporatlong i beciiuso tíicy liad nr goles. Ministers Sound its Pralse. Hev. Mr. Óreenflelds, KaoxvilKTenn., writea a feilows: " Samaritnn Ñerrine permanently cured mv smi of epileptic Mts.'' fooil lor thougbt. Bold by drugglato, f 1.50. What is wanted is to have Den nis Kearney mistaken for Informer Carey. ' Come, Gentío Spring, ainl brlng malaria, dyspepsia, billousness, torpldity of II ver and a train of klndred maladles. Fortunately Kidney-Wort is at band. Il may ln liad of the uearest druggist, hikI will purlfy the Rystem, eorrec( the 1 1 n 1 1 :t 1 1 and bowels, tinmlnte the liver and kidneys to henlthy actlon, remove all polsonona lumiors and roake ymi f'i'i'l like a oew in. m. As a spring medicine, tonic and blood puritter it has no equrt!. Wiills have uare. Of couise tin y have. Tou remeinber how quickly the rails of Jeiicho tumbled to the racket? Scropüi.a A medicine that destroys the genus of Scrofula and lias the power toroot il (.ui is Rppreciated by ilio iitllintt'd. The remaikable cures of men, vromen and olilldren as described by testimoniala,prove Hood's Sarsapartlln n reliable medicine containinjt remedial agente wliieh eraillcalc Scrofula IVoni the blood 100 doses $1.00. bold by all dealers. C. I. Houd & Co., Lowell, .Mass.


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