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GOODYEAR'S! No. 5 S. Main Street, You eau alwayl find ttie Best Stock of DRUGS! MEDICINES, PERFUMES inl cs-ery tliiii!; uonally kept iu a rirtDRHiï! LOWER PRICES Than ANY OTHER PLACE in thi City. CALL IN A ml Look Over om Stock of FancyGoods. i Jttal Estáte lor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of VVashO tt'iiiiw. BS, In Hm matter of the estáte of Anmi T. i Holllster, iin iii.oniii(.iit penon. Motiee is hereby nivea ,tliat in ihihim nf i an order granted to the undereigned, Kaardlan of safd Anna T. liollister, by the Honorable Judge f Probate tor the County of W&ahtenaw, on the ninth day of April, A. 1. 1881 ilicie will be sold at public vendue. to the bigbeet bidder, at the eust Jront door of the Coa rt House, in the city of Anu Albor, iu the county of Washtenaw. in sai'l State, on Tneaday, tlie twenty-seventh day of May, A. D, 1884, at ten o'ciock in the forennou of that iliiy (subject lo all encumbranees by mortgage, or otherwlM existing at tlietlme of sale; tlie followiug described real estáte, to wit: The undivided Inlf interest in flfty feet on" the south side of lot No. thirteen In bloi-k No. tour. south of Haron streef, range No. elght east, aocordlng lo the record ed plat of the Aun Arbor Land Compauy's addition to the vlllage (uow olty) ol Auu Arbor, Wushtenaw couutv, .Michigan V1LLIAM N. STEVFNK, Guardian. Dated, Aon Arbor, April 9th, 1881. H9()-91 Estáte of Lois D. and Waltcr Ii. Buruett. (,J1 aXEOF MlOHlOAN.Countj ut j At a session ol the Probute Court tbr the CountJ I of Wasbtenaw, huiden at ihe Probate UiBce iu the city ui Anu Arbor, uu Wtdneeday, the iecoml dav ol April, in the jear me thousand ejifhi hun, In -il and etghty-four. Preaent, Wüliam L. Harrim:,n Jnde ol Probate. i n the maller of Ihoestnte of Lois D. Bitrnett mid Walter . iiurnett, minors. On readir and tiiiiit' Ihe petltlon, dulj vutitled, of Ann É. Biirneit guarnían, praylog ihat she may be liccined to set ¦ certa'ti reiil estale beloofflllg to aaid minors. Tliereupun it is nrdered, that Friday, me second iliy of May next, at ten o'ciock in tt torenoon, be aasisned for the heariuu of 8ld petition, and tlwt the nat of kin of sald minore, and allother persone interesteü ii suid catate, are reualied to appear at asensiun ol said court, then to Be holden at the Probate Office ui the city of Ann Arbor, and show cauae, if any there be, why the prater of the petitioner ehould uot be graDted. And itie lurttier ordered, that said petitioner "ivt notlce to ihe persona interested in ,-aid estáte ol the pendency of said prtiiion, nud the hearing thereof b caoilns copy of thie order to be pubii?hed in the Ann Arbor t'ourier, a newspaper printed and clrcolanng in said county, threo succeaaive weeks provlotu to sa;d day of henrlni. (A true copy.) W1LLIAM D. HAKR1MAN. _. _ _ Judteof Frnbule. W. G. DOTV, FrohKte Register. 1190-93 iteal Kstate for Sale. CTATEÜÍ'MK'HIUAN, County ot Wanhtenaw IO M. In the Matter of the Estáte of Clara I!. Freer, (Mowersun) a ratnor. Notice is hereby gtven, that in pitrén ince of an oder granted to the underaigned uaidiau ol said miuor, b ihe Uou. ,Iudi{e of Probiue lor the C junty of Washtenaw, on the eiclith duy ol April, . D.lSM, ihere wül baaoia ut public vendue, tö toe hlgheat bidder, at the dwcliinu houfo, on ili ¦ premlsea below described, in the Township ol Superlur, in tlie UouHty of Washtenaw. in iaid State, on Tsesday, the twenty seventh day of May, A. 1). 1884, at ten o'ciock in the lorenoon of thni day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortajie or otlieiu lee exisünt; at the time of tlie sale), all ihe rïght, tule and lotegesl of said minor iu the rolloMui; deBcrtbedreal estáte, to-wlt' Tlir west sixty (88) ncres of U.e east hair of the aoatbeast qoarter, and the east teu (ID) acres of ihe west half ol the smitheast qnarier of sectlon uve i.v vi) in the townahlp of Superior, Wushteuaw couiuy, in Michigan, JAMS E. FRBBR, JDatecl, April 8, 1884, JUW94' Estáte of ÑatEañ H. I'ierce. CITATJíOF'JJÍIOHIGAM. Uouuiy of Washlenaw, At a seasion orthe Prohate Court for thelConnty ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbur, on friday, the eleventh day ot April, in the year one ihonsand elsht iiindied and elghty-ftmr. Present, Williaru ü. II ii riman, Judge of Probate. Iu the maller of theestate of Nnthan H. Pieire, deceased. On reading and illiiiK the peiitinn, tiuly Terlfled,of SophtaM.Plerc , praylni thaticertmn Inatrameut now on Ue in this eoan purpottlne to bo the astwih and testament or sald deceased my be admltted to probate, and that tdmlnlsiratloj, wnh te will annczed, may be granted to'lurseH or Mime other snltable person. Thereupou il la ordered, lliat Mondav, the twellth day of May next, at ten o'ciock in the forenoon, be asBlgned for the hearing of tald peinion, and thai ihe aevleeea, lesateea and lieirs at luw ofeuld deceased, and all other persons iDterested in sald eatate, are reqalred toappearata BMion oí said court, then to be UoldfiB at the Probate Ollice. in ihe City of Ann Arbor. and show ca ase, n any there be, why the prajor of the petitioner sbonld nol be granted. And ii lifurther iraered, that -uid admlnlstrator itive notlce to the persons intereated In aald estáte, of the pendencj petición, and th heartnir thereol, by cansln ¦ a copy ui tbla end r to be publlshed in the Ann Arbur vourur, a Dewspoper piluied and circulating in said county, three snccessiTi weeks previouö ui saul day ur nearinü:. A true copy ) W1LLIAM D. HARKIMAR, WM , a. DOTY, Prohate Reglsiö'f ' Uííníi Notice of Intentloo to Ciraiiire Name. STATE UK MICHIGAN, County of WashI tenuw.Bs. Probate Courtot aald County. Notieels hereby given, that I lntend, on cue twenty-sixlh day of June next, at ten O'olOOk In the (brenoon, „ make ipplicailou to aald Probate Court lor au order ohanglDg my name lniin Junius Junery lieul-Kleld Ui Junlns Knury Heul, acoording to the provlsionsof tuestututo Iu suoli case made and provided IUNIUS K. BEAL-FIBLD. nn Arbor, April ii, lsm 1192-83


Ann Arbor Courier
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