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Martin Keek, of Chicago, is in the city. A. L. Noble is ezpected borne next Friday. Dr. Mead of Lnindct was in town Monday. Miss Einnia Cook, of Lunsing, is visitii'ii f riends in the cily. Harry Hawley, of tlie Register, weutto Detroit on his wiieel Friday. Mr. Peok, foimerly of the St. James, caine back to the city last week. Lawyer II. Balase of Wayne visited his brother in Anu Arbor Tuesday. We noticed friend Sthair, of the Saline Obseryer, on our streets Saturday. Solomon Weil, a former resident of this city, waa here a few days last week. Miss Sampson, ot' Ypsilanti, is niaking her Ann Arbor acquaintances a visit. Charlie Woodward visited friends at home and in Manchester Satuiday and Sunday. Goodyear was in Detroit yesterday; likewise Chai lic Hendncks. andltev. B B. Pope. Mrs. Button, Jefl'erson street, left last uight for Carrington, Dakota, to be gone several weeks. Mis. Green and ilnghter, Mts. Hannan, left for Detroit Monday, to take up their residence in that city. Mrs V. G. Doty is visiting friends in Hoiner. She will not return till the lat?ei pan of this, or the fore part of next week. Miss Mahon of this city will sail for Europeeaily next month incompany with Prof. and Mis. O. A. Kent and otfcer Detroiters. Chas. Fantle Jr. has rone to Detroit to engage in business tliere for several months after wnicti Jie will joln liis parents in St. Paul, Mimi. Joe T. Jacobs was culled to Mt. Clemens over Sunday by tlie illness of Mrs. Jcob's father. Mr. Jacobs on liis return reportó Mr. Ashton lmprovinjj. Mrs. J. S. Foster, of Detroit, after a three weeks' visit in this city with friends, left for Chicago, Monday, to spend a short time before rcturnlug home to Detroit. Mis. Long, who bas been living -with her d-iughter, Mrs. C. A. O. McClellan of this city, for some time, leaves next month to spend the summer with relatives in Virginia. Wm. Robison, Grand Truck passenger agent, and Samuel Bendit, traveling passenger agent of the West Shore route, are in the city to-day in tlie interest of their roads. At the Congregational conference held in Dexter last week, Rev, W. H. Kyder is reported as speakimz at some length upon the "New Congregational Creed and Confession." Mrs. S. G. Taylor, at one time a resident of Aun Albor, carne down f rom Taw-'is City tlie latter part of last week to spend several weeks in visiting in the city and vioinlty. John Sherwood was in tho city vestcrday for tlie first time for three years. He will be remembered by our older oitizens a a former resident. Mr. S. is living witli h sister in Superior. Miss Mollie Kennedy, long a favorite operator at the tekphone exchange, Ann Arbor, is visltlng her friend. Jennie Moore, in this vil lage, this week. - Manchester Enterprise. Charles Fantle and fainily staited for St. Paul, Monday afternoon, to niake that city their place of residence. They had lived in this city for some thirty vears, and Mr. F. moves to iive his boys a wider tield for business. He kep3 his three stores and otlier property here in his possegsion, and his interest wil! be well c:ued for by Mr. A DeF.)n=!8t with whom they aru left.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News