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Ann A rbor Skating Rink Open Every Afternoon aud Eveulng. The Finest Rink and Best Floor in the State 'AU vrork and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Every person owes themselves :i eertaln amount ot enjoyment, and the question is wherecnn the most eojoytnent be luid for the mouey, this is aaswereu 111 lour word, "ut the rink." In order that every person, rlch orpoor, ean have a chance loenjoy themselycs ihefollowing prices will be liarged until further uotice: Eyening - Single admission 2.") ets., or 5 tickets lor $1.00. Afternoon- Single admission 20 ets., or G tickets for tl.OO. Skate tickets 10 ets. Skate owners' tickets , 10 for 75 ets. On atternoons and evenlnga of Monriay, Wednesday and Tuiirsday, ladies wlll be admitted free, bnt charged to slcat. All objectionable persons excluded. Skateslor salu t the rink, Only Fentou skates allowed. J. E. Wvman, Prop. M. Sheehan, Manager. 1 have employed the P,oy Skater for one year lo teach ladies to skate. GRAND OPERA HOTJSE. Monday Eve., May 5, 1884, Return Engagement ol the Reigning Dramatic Sensation, THE WOULD! In Six Acts and Eight Tableaux. $10,000 for Scenery and effects alone. Thls most realistlc Sensational and Spectacular Melo-Draraa is a Perfect Marve' ofScenlc Effect, canslng you lo weep, tremble and rejoice. The Wonderful aud ijtarlling E,A.T SOE1TE ! Covering 10,000 square feet of canvas, and occupying the entire stage from wall to wall, witli it8surging waves and terrible realism. The Deck of Ocean Steamer by NIglit. Magruiflcent Mowiliglit Panorama. The Revol ving Tower, Etc. The Popular and Sensational Actor, MR. J. L. LITTLE, SupportedbyaCompany of Acknowledged Ability. Notk.- The public is assured that every Scène wlll be presented entire u represented, or money refanded. We guarautec all promlses. Prices, 75, 50. and 35 Cents. Reserved Seats without extra charge at Watts' Jewelry Store. POR SALE. A two story frame dwelling house, barn on rear of lot. Ijoeated on the northwest corner of Fourth and North Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. A large part of the purchase prlce can remaln on bond aud mortgage. Enquireof JOHN FEBBON, State Street, or of I. DAY, Waslitenaw Are. IT. TH 3VIC "V-A. TL.. MR3. CHIPMAN SM1TH Jlas moved her MILLINERY ROOMS Over Fautle's l'ormer store, uow the Bee HiTe. Sale of State TaxLands Auditor Gen kkai. 's OFFirK, 1 Lansino, Michigan, March M, 1HS1. ƒ Notice is hereby given that certaln land situated in the county of Washteuaw, bid oft to the Stilte for taxes of 1880 and previous vears and described in a list to be forwa-ded totheofflee of the Treasure-of said county, will beoirered for sale at public auction to the hluhest bidder, by said Treaaurer, on the flrst Monday of May next, at the County Treasurer's office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aalt county of Washtenaw. (beins the time aud ulace designated for the ordlnary TaiBale), if not previously disposed of ut thls office accordine to law. The list may be seen on appllcation at the oftice of the County Treasurer, afier it is received by him. The lands will bcollored subject to the purchase of the State s lltle at tliis oilice prior to the sale in the couuty. W1LLIAM c. steVENS, 1189-93 Auditor General. "Pa, is a mamma dog a mastilíV" Occa sionall'y, ra y son." "Tlieu is a ruip:i-dog a pastitf?" Then silence relgned at the breakfast table.- Pitt?. Chron.-Tel. If Catarrh has destroyed your sense o suiell and lieuiing, Hall's Catarrh Cm will cure yon. 75 cents per bottle. &ol by Eberbach & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News