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BÍCÍCLES AND TBICTCLES FOR THE BOYSGIRLS! A lot Insi recelved raglns in pri:e from ] $7.00 to J8'. Also, llie followlag desorlbed second-hand i Bicyclüs : 66 lnoh Yale- all bright- ball beariugs. .$75.00 51 " Harvard " " " 85.00 53 " Britlsh Challenge- íull nickel cd, b.di hearing 120.00 52 ' Expert- fullnlekeled- ball hearings 125.00 53 " Expert, half nlekeled, ball beavlngs 100.00 52 " Iï.irvard, all briglit, ball hearings, 7.OO B2 " Standard, half " pluin " lij. 00 60 " Expert, fuH nlekeled, ball " 1-3.00 50 " Standard.half brlgbt.plain " 10.00 For further partlculars send stamp to C. W. WAGNEK, 21 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, Michigan. imi205 Vital Questions ! ! Ask the most eminent pliysician Of any school, what is the best thing in the world for quieting and allaying all hritation of the nerves, aml cuiïn;r ill form8 ot nervous couiplaints, giving natural, chiklüke refresliing sleep always? And they will teil you unhesltatingly '¦Some form of Hops !" CHAPTKR I. Ask any or all of the uiost eminent pbysicians .- " What is the best and only remedy lliat can be relied on to cure all diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs; such as Bvigh't's disease, diabetes, retentlon or inabilitv to retalu urine, and all the distases and ailments peculiar to Wonien"- "And they wiU teil you explicitly and emphatically, ' IJuchii.' " Ask the same jihysicians " What is the most rt-liiible and surest cure forallllverdiseageaorclyspepsla.congtlpatioD, Indigestión biliousness, inalarlal lever, ague, etc," and they will teil you : Mandfake I or Dandellou 1 llence, wiieu these remedies are j biued with others equaüy valuable A compounded lnto Hop Bitters' pucIi a wonderful and myíteriou curatl ve power is developed which is so varied In its operatioiis that no disease or ill nealth can rtossiblv exist or resist its power, and }pet it is Harmless fnr the most frail woman, weakest invalid or mallest cbild to use. OHAFTSB II, "Patiënt "Almost dead or nearly dylng" For yeais, i'ud given tip by physicians of Brlffht'8 and other kidney diseases, li ver complaints,'il consump tion, have been cured. Wonien f;one nearly crazy ! From&gony of neuralgia, nervousi wakefnlneai and diseasee peculiar to wonien. People drawn out of shape from excruciatin panga of Bheumatism, Inflammatory and chronle, or suffer ing from Bcrofula ! Br5¦sipelii ! Salt rheum. blood poUoning, dyspepata, indigestión, and in fact almost all d es frail nature Is heir to, have been cured by Hop Bitters, proof of which e:ui he fouud in every neighborhood in the known world. Skinny Me:i. "Wella! Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, lmpotence, Sexual Debility. $1.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News