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Echoes From Abroad

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Ma!iii, April 28. - Just as a heavilyfreighted passenger train wa8 in the midille of u bridge near Ciudad-Ueal Siuulay the structure gave way. Every car was precipitated into the river, soiue forty feet bolow. AU were badly broken. Twenty persons were taken from tho ruins of the train more or less injured. As the debris was cleared away the bodies oí twenty dead persons were discovered. Au exaniination oL tlie bridge showed tliat oue of the supports liad been cut. Forty dead bodies have been recovered from the river at the sceue. Thirty persous escaped with wouuds. Fifty-six aro missing. The disaster is attributedby soiuo to a band of Kepublicans, who, it is said, were ordered to destroy tlie bridge. Dublin, April 28. -The Dailij Express says James O'Kelly, M. 1'., who went to Sondan as the correspondent of the Ixmdon Vaily Newê, ater the deatli of Edmuud O'Oonnovao, has been taken iuto custody by the Egyptian autliorities. Suspieious documents were found in nis possession, iiuoug them letters from a Freuchman to KI Mahdi. Cairo, April 28. - Four brigatlesof BashllïMoiiks and half a regiment of Egyptian troop in Berber have joined the rebels. The reinalnder of the troops are begmiihur to fraternize with the rebels. Tlie Inhabitauts are ñeeing from the place, and it will be deserted in a few days. Londo.v, April 26. - The British Ambassador to Tnrkey has informeel the Governnient tliat the Porteinsists that if the Egyptian conference be held at all, its objects shall Inclndfl the settleroent oL the politicaas well a linancial questions. OflLcial advices from St. I'etersburg and Paris show that both the Kussian and Frenen GovernmenLs are iinwilling to discuss Earl Gr&Qville"s proposals in view of the absence of ai. y statement regarding the term of occupation and the policy of pacitication. GerlUallV ÍS COUOftnmil i!' i the hnnn. quosttous, and will not touch the British proposals unless tha ppUUcal quaptiou be excliideil. I.oNDOx. April 25. - In the House of C'ominons Thursday the Chancellor of the Exchequer introduce! the budffet. The reven ue for 18S: amounted to L87,305,184, the expendlture being L86,990, OOtt Duting j the past year the National debt had been reduced alxmt L8,500,000, tlie total ; tion up to the present time being L72,ü80,000. The debt was now loweithan at any time since 1SI1, while the interest was less tbw since 1805. The estimated exenditure for the euvreut fiscal year was L85,398,000, against L85,954,00 the previous year. Trade was in nn unsatisfactory state at present, but pauperism was declining. The parcela post had only produced L155,000, instoad of the L340,000 estimated, and the systein of six-penny telegram was eousequently postponed until August, iss.. Loxio., April 26. - The Slcillan poüce liave discovered a rpraarkable tnurder dub near Palülino, oonsUting of iiity niño ! bers pledgol to murder for their eonnnon advautage and prolit. Tlie niurderers undertook to execute private venireance for hire. A branch club, consisting of fortyfiye meiiibers, was established at Siearizza, and within a few months the latter club alone killed thirty ]ersons. Members of both clubs are iniprisoned at I'alcnno, and will be tried in May.


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