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mriiriJiiuinu-L.nLL iiiBgiiiiiBirsiTTfiíiiíiisiiniliEiiflii'lJISblEkhd WhenamanhuiiifTered from Rlieiimatism only a um wlille, andls rauevpd from hls]a!n, betahappr ancidollslited. Kut BupctsK lie Sufiered for more than & ! thlrd of a century. AlYln f.rlm, of Vale, Jowa. writfs: 0 " A.THLOPOO&OS has holpa 1 oiemucb. -üetj paininmylimbalaaUfropu.bntKimeUme-í DMa i leít yet, auct vil thi re mlt'bt I ', 9 f.T I bava bi-eu troubled for Ihuu -ii e 5 0 yeaas with Itlieumuiibiii." 4) Mra. A. ii. Baker, ot' Chicago, Had rheumatic pains in kzr back for flfteen yoars, ana Mr. Baker bad hern tfcevlrtlm or I maUsin uaUl lu, Uead w';u dratvo dowa ( vur Uls lett sliouldcr. Mr. Dakerwrltas: 9 ¦¦ ii alf a bott le ut aiüu pbokqs made ; guio as (.-o. l uew. My wlfe bat tkrnO the other hAlf , a id !n uot ooni)lalned of O Sharbaokaiiice. !-:ik hor backiievervaa oí bo frcv from i aln aud ache bh t haa ti,' u U since 8he haa taken the Atbloshobor." VJ There are many peoplewlio tliink tinit becauüe t.'ao'y have BuHered bo long, Rn l liave tiieJ .so mativ medicines in valn, tliey mufit "saffer on theii throe acore yeacs." 13ut you sce whatATHLOPilOBüs lnu di ae. ; lïowever O!d your ('ase; Ilowcvcr fSi;vTe your Painn; HoweviT Qxeal your I)íaii.iimiii nt ., iïTry Athlophoros -8t3 If you cauuotKft ATHLOieonoBof your dru'.'rifit, we wiU Bénd it expresa pald, on recéipt of n-,1 r prioë -aiUi [ierbottl. WeiUBferüratyou huy il from (O j. Imtií lie haMl't il, do UO! lio Per uadí '1 Vi ttay t-oluetliuiK cine, but order iU OUOQ irtu.irtsuM w., 2 waj.l it., new ycik lJPt?Sa!5íiaiáíálLlsaiíliSas-L!J BALLS COBSETS The 0XY 'ORSKT made that can bo rt-tunuil ty , its purchuser aitvr tliree wi-í-ks wear. if not fomid PERFECT UY SATISFACTORY inovery ivspcft, and Tts í-rl.-ti rofuñdSJ by wiler. Made in a variety of styleu nd prk-'N. Sold by fli-Rt-cliis ' dalen eveiywherc. iit'ware of worthU'ns iinitittiona. A'Oiu mnnine unlvu it hu Utiii's naou on tho box CHICAGO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. m 1 j Ferdon Lumber Yard! JTIi:s TOLBCRT, Prop. .ManufaHurer nd Daaler in SACINAW ummm llíbbr Lath and Shingles. We invite all to nive u a cali, anrl examino our utock bcíore jiurchuijlnt' elauwhcre. I ALSO, AGENT FOlt JacksonSewerPipe Co. i AXI) SELLS FIB1 ÍBICE. j JAMES TOLBEBT, Pbop. ! T. J. KBECH, Sun. Tcl('ilioiie Conneetions ' Want of Faltli. It' Eberbacli & Son, the Drugist doei ( not inceeed it is not for tUe want ot" fuitu. ' t He lias sucli falto in Dr. Bounko'fl Congli ¦ nucí Luiig Syrup as a reuiedy for Cough't Culds, CoiiMuinptioii, and Lung nffectiona, ttiat. he will give away i bottle freo to ( each and every one wlio io Ín need of a medicine ot' that Uliul. '


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News