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j&.rr the POST-OFFIGE NEW& DEPOT. A Full Line O!' Cheap Librarics ! AS STATIONEEY A complete aasortmeiil of coinnion aixl Fwmy Xote and Letter Paper. Ruve, lopes, Invitation, aml lïiquc-t eai(K Wiïting Packets, Fine Box Papen-, aüU! able lor presente anil uil kinds of Station Í eis' supp.ies. BLANK BÜOKS Pass Books, Memorandum Books, Scrateli Books, Students Note Books, I Kerums, Lejral anil Medical Indexes, Bill Books, and all nidos of common Note Books. WILLIS mm, Proprietor, And Agent lor all Newspnpers, Magazines and poriodirals. Uiidonhtcdly Ilie maai pprfsct bioycle now made is the 'OfHvtmhiu" - Seienlijic Alitcl'ii'ith. ''Go Cortil lipón yonr wheeled liorse, and list nalure's tCMciiings." THE COLUMBIA BICYCLES. Are mude sis strond aml durable as the lii'st and most ski! led workinansliip c-m produce. Tlicy are used bv Mercliants, (,'lerks, Mltilsterv, Ductnrs, LawyuiV i'!leotor, Mepstnjiér, aml Caipenicis. Tliey flil'uUl] lile clieapcst and best mea ns ot' RAPID TRAISÍS1T, givc t.he rider tlie lieallliiest of out-iloor t'Xeicise, and in a word are TUK I'ül'üHK SIKE1) OF TOBAÏ. 'I sball rejoice to ee tbe time Come wlien Ihis exiMcise sh.ill bc as popular Rmrillg irii-ls and wnnira as tcinis aml tnc dance, tor llie moie tully the püysical lile of onr woinaidiind is (levelopc'd the botter lor man as wel) as womaii." - Dr.IHohúTdton of Lond&n on the Tricicle, "Now good digsslion wait on a pet.itc, and hualüi on botli." THE COLUMBIaTrTYCLE Is a new machine tbr general use hy both sexes and all ages. By tlifl addition of tlie Colurribla Tricycle, Ti i u Popk Mf'o. Uu. eau claim to furnish wheelu tor ÏHK WHOLK FAMILY. For grandf alher, (frandmother, faiher, inotlier, yOUUd man, VOWIJ? lai'y, and eveu to little Jonnie aml Sist-ie. Send 8ft stamp for page llusliated Catalogue, wilh prlce-list and full Iliiormatiurj. THE POPE MASUFACTURIXG CO., 5l7 Washington St, Boston Mass. 0r To Chas. W.Wagner Agent. A1111 Arbor Midi., 21 S. Main St.


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