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'in cl !, Aun Albor & (i. I'. It. H. 1,'ii'Ai, TÍMK TAISI.E. GoiDff nto eflVci Sunrtay, Fcb. 10, 1384. run Ij.v Cmitml 'lime, QQpyQN"KTn. GOING SOUTH. ég .-TATIONS. o. ó a '-& ' &'¦ IP.M. A.M i' P.w 5 40 7 05 Tul. ' - a SU 1 55 5 45 7 14 Mattbatteii Jnnctioj W 1 18 7 23 Alexl .)unc!i"Q a IB 1 :¦ 0 02 7 3. Haw hurne '¦ ío i 301 i" 7 ih amarla 02 4 22 II 25 8 0í Lula S 47 4 01 Jk :ii) Si:, .Vouroe Junction S 42 3 6!) H I! 8 II bundue 8 SU í 5 ! ór 8 IR zulla S Ü0I3 4fí 7 OH i SH Miluo .lilnctlon i 3 2í I" lili O.!' Mila'i UU 1 82 7 16 SI 18 Nora .: S 17 . 2 'i 22 urania ' 't 8 10 7 82 II 32 Pitsstteld Junction , .- : Ü2 7 45 !l 50 ai D Arin.r ,' n ¦ ni 15 Leland " '- 'i ;u 8 11 1 2ü Vor.lcn 7 06 2 -."i ' 10 Hfil Son h I, "ii B 6(1 2 lu ConnectiODe: Ï? Toledo, with r Mn : r diverInjr; at Manbnttan JudcMob, wiih Wheeltng & Brie B. tí.; at Alexia Junciion, witli M. c. I-. lí., L. S. Se M. S Ry. und F. A 1'. M R. R.; at Monroe Jaoctlon, with L. S. & VI. S. Ky.; ut Duurt.-c, witn L. s. M. s. liv.. M. A o. Uv.; al Milán Junction. with Wabaab', St! Loafa A P;tcific ly.; al Pntsfli-lil,with L.f. M. S. líy.; at. Ara Arbr wiih Mlcfalfcan Central lí. li., and at South Lyon with Delrolt, Lanalnc & Northern 1{. K., and Grand I rimk Ky. II. W. ARHI.EY, GeueralSupt. W. II. BISNNE TT. Gen'l. Paes. Agunt. THü LINE SELECTED B7 TH'E V. S. GOV'T Ï0 CASEY THE FAST MAIL &OIIV& WEST. ONLY LINE RUNNING TW0 THE0UGH TEAIIÍS DAILY FEOüI CHICAGO, PEORÍA &ST.L01IS, Tbrough tlie Heartof the Continent b vay of Pacific Junetion or Oouüifi to DENVER, orvia Kftii8a! City and Atchisu.i to Denver, ' nectingín Uulou Deputü at Kauntw Cfiy, Aicbiaqa. OniuLu auü Ueuver with tiirough trun. ti for SAN FRANCISCO, and ai! poluta Ín tbe Far West, bhortest I,lneto ' KANSAS CITY, And all polnts In the West. TOURISTS ANO HEALTM-SEEKERS Should uot rorget the fact that Round Trlp tickets at redm-vd rates caá be purciiased vla Dus i;.-.-mi Tlirougli J,lnc, lo all u Health and Pleusure liesorts of the West and Honth-West, iiclndine ' tnewlouutaliisor JOI.OKAUO, tiie Vulley oí tüc Yoaenilie, tlie CITY OF MEXICO, and all poluta Ín tlie Mexicau Republlc. HOME-SEEKER3 Nhould alao remember that thls Une loada direct u tliehearloí theUuvcrnmeuc luid Bállroad l.:tmts iu íM'bnwka, Kauaaa, Texas, Colorado uud Wuahlngton Terrltory, It is knmviiiis thegreut TUKOUOII CA K LINE er America, and la unlversally adinitltil to Be Un: Fiuest Euuippcil Rnilroail in tlie World for ull clriMso. of Travel. Through Tickets vía thls llue fov sale t nll Rallroad Coupon Ticüet Olllccs lu thc United bíHtea und (.'aliada. T. J. I'OTTKU, VlyO 'reo. uud Lien. Manager. l'ÜUCKVAL LOWKLI,, Oen. Pass. Ag't Chicago. JNO. Q. A. BEAN, Oen. Eaatern Ak'i, oI7 Broadway, Ntw York, and 3UÍ Waahluston Wt., Uuaiou. RlfiSEY & SEABOLT'S wijpSï AND Flour and Feed Store. ; W k-ep cinistmiily oa h;ind, BREAD, CBAfRÉES, CARES, ETC., Por vniolcsalo a 'I Botnll Tfide. Wosball i '¦ a npply ol' SWIFT & DETJBEL'8 BEST White Wheat Flour! Wcllii MMour, lije Flotir, Hiuli vlii-:it Flour, Curu Ifleal, leed, Etc., A t Wliolesale and Retal. A {enernl stock of GROCERIES and PROVISIuKS Cuunitu y on tiüinl, whlch wil] h sold on 110 reffiKffluble termí hh t uny otiur liou-t! in Ihe city . íVh pa (1 rot BUT] BR, BGq , niul OOÜNTMT PBODüUE gonurally. Uooiih d.livcnd to uny part Of the cuy Without cxlra Charge, BIN8ST SEAB0LT. Extreme Tircd Feclin. A lady U'lls us "tho lirst bottle hagdoiM my (liuifihlcr ;l great de. il of gooi, lier fooil does not ilistix'ss her now, nor does abe suffer froni tluit exticme tiivil feellng wlilch she dld before tuklnjr Hood'a 8ars.iparilia."' A lecond bottle effected a eme. ïfoother prepnration eonWlus eneja u conceiitrutloii oí Titnlizing, enricliing, liiirlfyinft und Invrgorglltj ppppertles as Hood'ë SursapnTilla,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News