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BUSINESS CAROS. VIIXilH BlfiG, Contractor and Builder. SliOP: Corner Church and Orlraus Sireet, ANN V it HOI!, MICM. W. H. i ACUSÓN, 3D;iE31!Pg"ITIiX! SUTIL OFF IC K : Over Bachs fc Abel's Dry (Joods Store. Bntrance Er Fikt NtTtoNiL Bank. WILLIAM IIEKZ, House, Siga, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperi KtGhzte, lïildng, n1 Caluiminluii, ai.d work 01 every de"cr1ut(on done in the beet Btvle. and warranted to give pitisfacti"D. Shop, Ho. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. C. SCHAEBERLI', Residehce, 57 Sootii Main St., Teacbeu of Piano, Violin and Theory of Music. IIN-ST-RTTCTIOIÊTS Given ou Pl,n of ihe Koyal Conservamry uf Music al Leipaic, Saxonv. WILLI4N W! MCIIOL, New Dental Rooms, over Joe T. Jacob's Store, GAS or VITILIZED AIR A'lminiaturad lur ihe patuleas exttucti n-f , ti-elh. JOEPU BRiiRV, The Practical TllLORAAHl'TTEB, O the late flrm of Wl.N'ANS & BEKKY has liKMted hreplacecf l)ainesBat NO. 7 HURON STREET, WITH A POLL LINE OF Suitings and Trouserings, iht"'} T""" as ' llls 'A Wend and i.ewoin ,, V 'Z11 "' a 'ODI) FIT and a NüBBY FI I' irllfh v8"NAlLK 1'KlCEs, cali ou him Ed lie, "NI be mire tu g t one. WIAXS & SÏA1TOKI), CustomTailors NO. 19 MAIN STREET, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Are showing a fiue line of SPRIN& SUITINGS! Ovarcoatings and Trouserings. ïhese goods are aelected from the leading business liouses of New York, Boston anü Philadelphia, and include all the NOYELTIES OF THE SEASON. WISABg & STAFFORD, "Southiain Street, ¦ Ann Arbor, Mlcb . SUBSCRIBE FOK The Ann Arbor Courier, i