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ffflTRAPE: flfMARK Btf ÉTMIAT BLOCS 11 á Me Livsr and Kidney Eemedy, pl SE Compounded f rom the well known L Curatives Hopa. Mat, Bucha, Manga drake, Dandeiim, Sarsaparllla, n J cara Sagrada, etc., combined wlth an. S M agreeabfe Aromatic Elixir. fl J THEYCJEE1y5?EPSIA & ISTIGESTiON, Êk ra Act opon tho Livor siid Kldcejs, BH Ug EEGXTLATÊÏHÊ" BOWELS, 19 BThey cure Rheumatlsm, and all (BBB nary troub'eg. They invigorate, ¦3 iiourish, strengthen and quiet m J the Nen'ous System. H i Asa Tonle thoy have r.o Equal. && Tuke none but Hups and Malt Bitters. MGA FOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rj S Hops and Malt Bitters Co. tHl 'JS DETROIT, M1CH. HU UET THE BEST ! LEAB ALL OTHEBS ! - EverySiyle&Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMANSHIP. Improvsments and Convenisn:e3 faund is no ethers, Always Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sale In Every City and Town ia the United States. And by JOHN PFISTERER, Ann Arbor, Micli. PATENTS Obtaind and all other business in the ü S. Patent Üfflcu attendi-d to for MüDSHAiE FBKS. Our offlee is opposite the U. S. Patent Olllco, anrt we can obtaln Patentsin less time than thote remote from WA.SUINGTON. Send MODKL or DKAWING. We adviseasvj paientability freo of churgc; and we inake NO CHA.KUB C'NLESS WE OB.'ATN PATENT. We refer here, to the Poetma-ler, the Snpt. o Money Ord % ülv., and to officials of the Ü. S. Patent Offlee. For circular, advice, lerms, and reierencea to actual cliënt" In vonr nwn 8tate or coonty, address C. A. SXOW & CO., 1119 tí Opposlte Patent Office, Vaünington, D.C.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News