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Pungent Paragraphs

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- "The oit3' must put its foot down on sucli corruption," shrieks au excited contemporar}'. But it caa't, }-ou know. Corporations have no soles. - Life. - Leap yearis a good time toengrave indelibly upon the neart9 of the young men that much misery is caused Dy not saying "no" at the right time.- Buffalo Express. - There is a species of lizard, we are told, which can throw off its tail at fdeasure - in which respect the generous ittle animal is like a practiced writer for boys' and girls' papers. - Ar. Y. Independent. -The average citizea wants the chimneys in his house plastcred iuside and out to make them iire proof, and yet he empties ashes into a barrel in the woodshed and expects Providence to douse on the water in case of fire.- Detroit Frce Press. - A Texas man was lcft 2,000 by tho death of an uncle in New York. He drank deeply and went through tho property in two months. While eu;aged in the completion of one of the Texas railroads he received notice that he had again fallen heir, this time to $5,000. "Congratúlate nothing," said the man, dismally, "it looksvery much as if there was sonie kind of a plot on toot to kill me off."- Texas Siflings. - The Londou Truih announces that forty per cent. of tho cigarottes sold in the United States are snioked by ladies. We knew that about ninety per cent. of the fine-cut tobáceo sold in this country was chewed by ladies, and its a wellknown fact that they are fond of old clay pipes; but the assertion that they smoKe forty per cent. of the cigarettes tías a sweeping air of improbabilty about it; and yet aLondon editor would hardly lie about a little thing like that. - Norristown Rerald. - Recent experiments with newlyfallen snow discovered traces of mete oric iron, nickel and other evidences o cosmic dust. We expect to see snow tmnks staked oft", stocked for a million and oftered on the market at par, with sworn statements that specimen pieces assay $r,000 to the ton. Thiugs art rowing so that nothing can surprist js. - N. F. Commercial Aétvertiser. - Saucy Maiden: - There was a pert maul in Montrose, Wlio ra suuoy and hart a Sharp nose. Fiom a doze Then fihe KM6 l']t so early, Vi'i-y surly. And made up her ïuind to proposc. Phe slinulil havo continnofl to doze And unly have droaracd of her boaux, To 3'ou s'pose That hcroos Want a laule vviiu's so "aiyr' Weil. not if the eourt itself tnows. - ff. V. Journal. - Little Nell - "XowJohnn}-, pretend this is our liouse, and I'm mamma and yon :ire a jrciitleinan and his wifo come to see me. Jolinny - "But I can't be a trentleman and hi.s wife too." Little Nell- "No, of course not. There is that horriddojjof Jimmy Brown's on the porch. Bring him in and pretend the dog is your wife." Johnny - "All wight. But you hate that dog, I know you do." little Nell- "O, that don't make any diftereoee. It's all pretend, you know. Cosx liim in and I'll hug and kiss him, and go on just liko mamma does when Mrs. Blank calis. That's


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News