Made It Out West
"Beon out West, have yon?" I said to a sniart-looking young man who sat in the seat beside me. "Yes, sir; been out there for tea years." "Where wera }-ou located?" "No placo in particular. Changed around a good deal." "Make any money?1' "Yes, made a fortune. Am now going ing East to enjoy it. Shall live in a big stone mansion at one of the prettiest towns in New York State. Don't suppose you will believe it, sir, but it's a fact, I shall have 150 or 200 servante to wait on me. I shall keen my own pliysician right on the premises. I shall entertain hundreds of giiests from all over the State of New York and a few from the Territorios." "Now, that will do," I interrupted. "I'm not a gieeny; no use to teil such stories to me." "It's a. fact, themgh," he replied, "and here's the proof of it." And ho lield up his hands and eliil)itcil i pair of handcufl's adorning his wrist. "Yes. sir, he's my prisoner. and I'm taking liim from Montana to Auburn," said a keen-eycd, bearded man behind him. "A misunderstanding batween you and the special agent in regard to tin.' whereabouts of some registered letters, wasn't it, Jim?"- ChU-ugu Herald. - At the Salem (Mass. ) Xormal School the ladies are instructed In carpenter work. - M. De Lesseps predicts that the Panama Canal will be opened before 838.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News