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Beautify Your Homes!

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I have just received a choice line of New and Beautiful -j Watt tayggïCeïling Becorations ! Many Siylcs of wliicli I have the cxelimivc eale fnr lili city and bj an Inoreaaed toree of experlencèn worKmcn, am irpurcd'io mkc any worlt pcrialiiiiiií lo ilic Deco ratina oí 111tvriorN. a?" All work inlrued to me giiaraiiU'ca lo c aoni prouiplly umi well, aiifl at fair piicet. Snccessor to McMilIan & Itamlnll, Artistic Decorator in Solid Relief, Paper, Paint and Fresco, and dealer in Lincrusta Walton, Stamped Leathers, Imitation Leathers, Inlaid Wood Floor9, Art Tiles, Panels and Friezes in Relief, Window Shade Rollers and Cloths and Trimmings. Shades made and hung in the very Best Manner. Curtain Poles, Room and Picture Mouldings, Pictures, Frames and Artists' Materials, Rich Holiday, Birthday and Wedding Cifts. Fine Framing a Specialty. Ifoiisclioltl, Decorativo and Of] V Tfnnnn Gt Inn kvhfty Mlpll Art FarnUblnff Roomt, JU h. ñ 111011 il., A 11 IJ A1UUJ, If 1 1 Li 11 . Maroh Jrt, Í884. Urn


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News