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GOODYEAR'S! No. 5 S. Main Street, You can always flud the Best Stock ol DRUGS! 3VIEDICINES, PERFUMES And every tliins usually kept in n flrstèisiw! A_T LOWER PRICES Than ANY OTHER PLACE in the City. CALL I2T Am] Lok Over oar Stock or i FancyGoods. Real Estáte for Sale. QTATE 01' MICHIGAN. County of Washkl? teuaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Anna T. Hollister, an ineompeteut person. Nottce is heroby aiven, iliat in pursuance of an order granted to the uiiUerHigueU, guardián of said Anna T. Hollisler, by the Honorable Judge of Probate for the County of Washteuaw. on the ninth day of April, A. D. 1881, there will be sold at public vendue. lo the hlghcst bidder, at the east Ironl door of theCourt House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw. in suid State, on Tuesday. the twenty-seventh day of May, A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of that day (subject to all encumbrances by mortgagp, or otherwlse existing al the time oí salej the followiug described real estáte, to wit: I The undlvided hnlf interest In flfty feet off the south side of lot No. thirteen in block No. four, south of Huron street, range No. elght east, according to the recorded plat of the Ann Arbor Land Compauy'a addllion to the village(now city) of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw couuty, Michigan W1LLIAM N. STEVFN8, Ouardian. Dated, Ann Arbor, April 9th, 1881. 1190-94 Estáte of Jïathan H. Plerce. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw 88. ' At a scssion of the Probote Court for theOounty ol Waxuteuaw, hoJden at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arhor, on l'riday, the eleventh day ol Aprfl, in the year one thousand elaht hundrcd and eighty-fonr. Preeent, William IJ U:iiriman, Judge of Probate. In thi; matter of the estáte of Nathan n. Pierce, deceased. Uu rcading and filing the pelition, duly venlied, of SopbiaM. Plerc , prayint' that a certain instmmeut now on üle in thia eourtpnrportinir to bi' the last will and testanunt of said deceased msy be adiuittcd to probute, and that adminimra-' nou, w th toe will anncxed, may be granted to hertelf, or gome other euiiable pvrem. Thereupon it is ordured, that Monday, the twelfth day of May next, at ten o'clock iñ the l'orenoon, be aseigned for the hearing of said petniou, .and that the aevisees, legatuca and heirB at law of said deceaeed, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a sepsion.ol said court, then to be holden at the Prouate üftice, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, il' any there be, why the prayor of the petltioner should not be granted. And it is Hirther ordarad, that said administrator give notice to the persons interested in aid catate, of the pendency ol said pelition, and the hearing thereol by cauein'' a copy of this ordei to be published in the Anñ Arbor tonner, a newspaper priuted and circulating in said county, three successive weeks nrevious lo said day of hearing. (A true copy ) WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Hc "ÏÉ&j ADVERTISINO CHEATS ! ! ! " It lias becomc so comraon to write the begiiiiiinjof an article, in an elegant, intersting nianner, "Tl...- mu lt tato sume advcrtiseiiient that we avoul nll nrli "And siniply cali attention to the merits of Hop Bitters In as plain, honest term as possible, "ïo induce people"To give them one trial, whicli so proves tlicir value tliat they will never use anvthinar else." " The so favorubly notieed in all the papers, "Reliffloua and secular, is " Having a lanw sale, and is supnlantIng all other medicines. " Tliere is 110 denylng the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of Hop Bitters have shown gieat shrewdness 'And ability "In coinpoundinir a medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one's observation. ma Sho Die f " No ! "Shellngeredandsuffered klong.uiuliic awny all Ihe time tor yesrn," "The doctor dolng hèr no rood;" "And at lut was eured By lliis Hop Bitters the papera gay so mucli about." " Indeed ! Indeed !" " IIow tbankful we should be for tliat medicine." A Dugliter's Misery. ''Eleven years our daughter suffeied on :i bed of misery, 'Fiom a coinplieation of kidney, liver rhiumatic trouble and Nervous debility' Umler the care of the best physieians', Who gave her disease varlom name " But 110 relief, "And now slie is restored to us In eood ïcaltli by as simple a remedv as Hop Bitters, that we had shunned fbryean before isiug it."- The Pakents. Faflior b Oettlng Well. My daiishtcrs s:iv: Io?BuS5C" b8lt flltuei' ls siuce 'e usfü "He is gettliiK well after hls long suUerlDK rom a dlsease doclared Incurable'7 "And we are so glad tliat h nsed your Blters-" ALadv of Utlca. N. Y.


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