W. TREMAIN, GENERAL, ftfSMCB JGBNCïl il ¦ t OITFICIO : Over Casper Riusey's Grocery Store, COR. HUROX AND FOÜRTI1 STS., North British Insurance Co,, Of London and Edinburg. Capital, $13,000,000, Gold. Detroit FIre and Marine Insurance Co., Cash Asseis ?600,000. gprlagfleld Ins. Co. of Massaelinsetls, Cash Asscts $1,8(10.000. Howanl Ibs. Couipauy of New York, Cask Assets $1,000,000. Agxicultural Ins. Co., Watertown, X.T., Cash Assets $1 ,200,000. Losses LIberally Adjasied and Promptly Pntd. C. H. MiLLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. I Soulli Main St., Anu Arbor. The oldest ageney In the city. Eslabllshed 'tlhq?nMter,of 2 century Representlng the followlng ürst-classcoiu paules: Hnme Ins. Co. of N. Y $7 488 64ö Continental Ins. Co. of N, Y "4 867,448 Niágara Ins. Co. of N. Y 1,874,024 Qlrard Ins. Co. of Phllulelphla 1,259 %7 I Oriënt Ins. Co of Hartford 1,419,522 Commercial Union of London. .11,048.948 Liverpool, Loiulon and Globe. .Ü4, 402,08.') Bates Low. Lomea Llkoraiij idfaated and I'roniptlj Paid. C. bf. MILLEN. CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Sccsrily held for prntection of the pollcy bolaan. CHRISTIAN MACK Heprosente tho fiillowln tlri.r!is comiiimos of wludi unu, theáíüm. lias alouu i aid f ÓH.IWW.UW) lire JFAnn, of Hartford g.183,644 Frank) In of Phlladlphia 8,118,718 Germania, N. Y 8,700,729 Gtarman American, N. Y i,0(í5.!h1s London AMarance, London.. . J.41G 788 Michiaran F. & M., Deiroit. . . 287, 60S N. Y. UiKlcrwriters, N. Y 2,5li (;ü National, Hartford 1,771 50Ö Phoonix, Brooklyn 3,750, (K)Ü Losses liberaily adjustea and promntly p.iid Politics issued at the lowe,t rates of premium. ll'Jltf A PRI7F was&'iïi,
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News