DEPOET OF THE CONDITION -OF THE- FARMERS' & MM' W AT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the close of Business Jan. 7, 1SS4. Made in accordance witb. the General Banking Law of Mlcblgan. RES0URCE3. Loans and Dlseounls_ S 1 07. 1 16 '9 overdrafts Hf W h'u imuie and Fixtures 3.S7H) Kxpenses .. 50 tio ChecksanJ otherCash Items 1.31T 5H Üae from and Banken 33.307 16 Legal Tender and Bank Notes 7.3it IK) B uds U. 8 3 5UU1W Bouds, Locl ' Í-D5 Hl Piemluiuou U. S. Bouds 53u ñ $15588 M IjIABILITIES. Capital pakl in -.. M.OCO 00 SurplUH Kuiul S-61 FroUt and loss la 0ue Depoalton VU.iH Dlvideuds unpald.'.'.";'..'.'.'.' lftt Idosolrmnly swear that tbe above stt ment is true, to the best of my knowliuge and belief W11.LIAM A. Tolckakd. Cashler. Snbscribed and woru to befure me, urn elglitli üay of January, 1884. WM. W. Wuedo.v, Notaiy THE AMARB0SSA7IKMÍ, ANN AüBüK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. capjtalT$so,ooo. Orsanlzcd nnder thn General BaDkinr Law of this Siat'-. tockhnldors ar iudivliiually lisbje lor an additional amount equal to the ptork npln hy tri-rn. ttuTrby ri-ntin a uuirantee Fund lor tbe b.'iu-ti! of Deposlt rs of $100,00.00. Threc per cent. interest Is alloed on all S-vrs D-)nslt9 of one dollar aiid tpanih, accordinp to the ralea ol Ihv Ilai.k ai.rt inten-t comp unded semi ainunlli Monev to Loan on uninciünbcrcd ic:ü e-tiite and othtr uood eciuity. DIRECTORS : CHRrSTIAN MACK, VM I). I1ARK1MAN, . v NES. DANIEL lllCOi K. W1LLIAM ULÜHEL, WILLAHu B.SMHU0FFICER8: C. MACK, Pres. W, W. WINK9 Viiv-1'nsO. E. HISCUUK.Oushier. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE Oí MICHIGAN, County ol V. aíbteim. Jn the Matter of the Estáte of Chira B. (Wi v HinitTMUi) a minor. Notlce 8 hcreby uiven. that ín pnreusnc." ni J order grutad t ttiu niidi-rpn;iied uuaidianoi aw !} ihe Huu. Judo of Probate for tu üountj i Waahtentw, un tha eichth dayot Api. A. n. IS81. Ihere wi;l be aold al public vctiduc, t" tlu' lii'iictt bidder, Al tbe rtwcHiuu houtuí, on 'h premliea below ducribod, in the Towiiïhipoi Su' peri'ir, in the Coant) uf Washtenaw. in ili Slatj't cu Taesdaj, th twsntr seventh day of May, A. u. 188 1, ti ten oYlnck Id Ihe tbicnoon of that day (9ii!ject to all enctimbrance by mortae or otherw(ö i'xiï-tiMi.' al the time of the sale), all the rigtal, litl nud tutesi-et of sald minor iu the fullouiug "' scrtbed real estale, to-wit' Tht west sixty (BÖ) acres of iLe eat hlf of '"" nnÜMMt uiarter, and the east teu (ID) acreí ot ili" wci-t half of the smuheast q'mr'er ol ioclloci twe ¦ ly (2i) in the townahlp ol Superior, WalMtW county, in Mlchigiu, JANE E. FHRBÜ, GnaraUfc Dtted, April 8, 1884, n'14 Skiuii) .Ven. "Welh' Health Renewer" restoivs liealth imd vigor, cures Dyspcpsift, Im potence, Sexual üebility. $1.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News