Ilaiii yesteiday and tu-day in abandalice. _____ Maishal Fall has a telephone Ín his offloe no. j i "jambo" at tlie rink last night per fonued tor the audience. C. G. Bush, dental student, s belping Di. O. C Jenkiiis this week. V'isitors say that the Hoor of the rlnk is the largest and best In the State. Wliat do all these newly erected l)ill fcwrds mean ? Forepaugh, May 31. A sparring and athleticexliibition is o he siven at Armorv Hall Batnnúy nvcnThe frequent rains are tiu.ely for the growing cíops, and wheat is in a linecondition. The Chequaiuegon orchestra fumishec the music at the opera house Mond.iy evening. Monday forenoon tle telegraph school had a gi'uup taken 011 tlie north side of Míe court house. Mr. Nelson B. Beers and wife have moved Ueie frotn Kalauaazoo and live 011 North Thayer street. A new cooper shop is being started iu the stcond Hoor of the oíd tanneiy west of the Toledo railroad. Miss Jessie Wood, Jeíferson Street., gave a very pleasant iutoinial hop at her home laat Thursday eveiiing-. By action of tlie council the saloons may remain open tiH ten o"clock on any week day niglit during the year. Miss Sarah Giles, one oí' the ladies ia the presa rooiu, has been in the Coukier office nineleen yeais lo-daj. A balky norse on Hurón street near Fireuiau'á Hall yesteiday afteinoon was about the only attractiou of the day. A nuniber of Ann Arüor residents were 011 thefirst train Moaday inoniiiig wtiicii ran into tüe new il. C. depot at Detroit. H. A. Dnvis and A. O. Crozier landed in New Yoi k Suuduy niglit aftur a pleasant voyage of 7 days, 3 liours and 28 minutes. The comiDon council has adoptad an ordinance proliibilino; ball pl.iyiiig of any sort. Sec report of eouneil meeting Monday nigltt. Robert and Víctor VVidenmann were Jiome losee their sick father at Whitmore lake, ÖU'iday. Tlie tonner is in biuints? ia New York, tile latter in Saginaw. The board of heaith appointed Monday night consists of Drs. W. F. Breakey, T. J.Öulllvan and Conrad George, Messrs. Noali and Homer Hcnder=on. Mr. A. L. Wood, of Woicester, Mass., performed ia a graceful manner some very difficult feats on roller skates at the rink last Saturday afternoon and ovening. E. II. Scott, wlio was appointed census enuwerator for Ann Arbor Town, sent iiis reslgnation to the cltrk Monda j-, and tlie board appointed E. E. Kellogg to fiü the vacancy. Dis. C. G. Darling and O. F. Chadbourue botli proposed to perform the services of city plivsiciaii the ensuing year for $70. On ballot the council cliose Dr. O. G. Darling. The council Monday evening appointil as census board of reïiew the followig i1 - Fiibt 8upervisor's district, Fred. Schmid; second, Daniel Hiscock ; third, Benjamin Brown. After quite a lively contest over the eity ïnoney the treasurer has deposited it in the Farmers' and Alechanics' Bank, to draw 53 % 011 daily balance. A good strike for üie city. % Froru March 31 to April 21 the following amounts were distributed among the poor In the different wards: First, 127.24 aecor.d, -19.19; third, -39.44: fourth, f 11.86; fifth, 85. Total, $102.83. The May term of the Circuit Court convened yesterday morui;.g. I„ the case of the people va. Frank Blum, lareeny, the Plea of guilty w.is entered. A decree of iii7orce was granted to Ella Van C iuip. Wm. W. KeUey, 70rlc, E. M. Cole, Superior, Andrew I. Hughes with Jaines Kearnsas assistant, Scio, Philip Blum, Lodi.and Thomas J. Flynn, Freedom, are recent appointments of enumérate. What do you think of the proposition for cunstriictingand operating a system of "Water works as submittcd to the common 'council Hunday nijfht? A summarized feview ot the game is jiven in tlie eouflcll meetiug report elsewhere. A special train leaves Detroit this even'ig conveyinfr to Ann Aibor a large Pay ot Detroit frieDds of Misses Agnes ai'd Effie Huntington. They are comlneout to enjoy tliis evening's concert at "le Uuiversity by the CWO UtdiM nained. Treasurer Bctwht report for the month ending April 30, '84, shows that the bal "We on band at the last report, $10,935.74. ha been increused by the receipt during lue month jurt closed of $408.07. Of the total atuount on hand, $1,032.38 have been Paul out in April, leaving as the balance AI&y 1, $9.791.43. APurisi, Reccpti,)n for gt. Andrew'a MMh will be held at the residence of Ura. ¦ A. Ilathbone, División street, Suturday afternoon from 3 to 0 o'clock. A cordial 'nvitation is extended to all to attend. Dr. , m wi" be present and will be rlad of h'3 opportunity of meeting the niembers 0IW8pari3haPclotherfrlends. Sir Knights VT. Q. Doty, W. W. Nichols and Dewitt C. Fall represent Ann Arbor Commundery No. 13, at the Qrand Cominandery which meets at Detroit next Tuesday. Several other Knights of tliia city will attend. The Franklin House opened Monday with ten names on the register for the day. Tuesday sixteen were registered. Charles Hatch as clerk has au entirely reiitted tiouse under his charge. By the bye, the front of the hotel presenta a very attiactive appearance. A new instrnent called a "circuit breaker"the invention of Mr. Alva T. Hill, of Detroit, son-in-law of Calvin Bliss of this city, wns placed at the Observatory Monday, At nine o'clock eaeh inorning it transmi Uautoinatically to evury etation on the M. C. R. R. the ob?eivatory time. J. Win. Hangsterfer bas sold the State street property te Mrs. S. A. Granger for $5,000. Sbe has purchased lt for her son Ross, who takes possession June lst. Ross will add a stock of groceries, and continue the confectionery business. Mr. Hiingsterfer will not transfer his business to Detroit until the fore-part of July. ¦ ¦ A lad at the roller skating rink wlio has just taken a tuuïble, when asked whv he changec' a perpendicular for a horizontal posiüon on such short notice replied that he himself concluded to stop, but hls skates went right on, paying no attcntion to his own wishes, consequently he- but you can imagine the result better than we can teil it. A tyro at the roller skating; rink the other day in the course of a lively wrestle with his skates had them get the better of him whprcby he was stood on the back pan or iiiá nead. It dazud him for a moment and when he found out where he waa lie looked up and said: "Gosh, I kicked in the whole dome of heaven. Egad ! Did'nt j'ou see the stars fall ?" The will of Mrs.. Montfort, recently opened, disclosed her wish to be buried in Greewwood cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y , where she owns a lot. Mr. C. H. Milieu, as executor, will start for that point with the remains to-morrow. Mrs. Montfort's death occurred last Saturday, at an advanced age. ner funeral was held last Sunday at the Episcopal church. Sherifl' Wallace has receired a coinmunicatiou from the sheriff of Oakland county, Poutlac, requesting help in catching horse thieves. Sherifl' Lewis report i latge number of uorses stolen within a short time past,- thirty within that numier of miles of Por.tiac, and eight in Oakand county. $425 in rewards are offered f jr the capture of the thieves and property. _____ At the meeting of tho Choral Union lastevening the following officers were elected for" next years President, Prof. H. S Frieze; vice president, Mrs. L. D. Wines; aecretary, Mr. C H. J. Doliólas; treasurer, C. H. Inidlow; librarian, Mr. 3 F. Ilawley; liist conductor, Mr. C. B. Citdy; second conductor, P. R. B. de Pont ; inember.- of the exccuti ve cotninittee, Mri. Gen. Hunt and Mrs. Ciane. Marshal Fall subinitted for the approval of tlie couimon council Monday' eveuinn-, the ñames of Fi ed. Sipley, Homer Henderson and Wra II. Campion as patrolmen for the coming yeur. The nouiiuations were approved by ballot. On nomination of the marshal, Geo.W. Brown, at the Uniyersity, C A. Edwaida, at the opera house, and W. A. Chamberlain, private night watch, were appointed special patrolmen. Four hundred and fifty copies of the Detroit Free Press reached here Sunday morning about nine o'clock brought by a team dríven through from Detroit startug at 4 a. 5t. Horses were changed at Wayne. The new move to furnish the Sunday morning papers was begun one week ago last Sunday by the Times and Free Press. Only the Press was brought out last Sunday we believe. What's the matter with the Post and Tribune? ¦í An exciting Polo game was played at he rink Friday night between the Ypsianti nd Jackson teams. The former were of lighter build than their opponents, yet he Jaoksou men won by superiority in trength. The Ypsilanti men claim they abored doder a disadvantage in havlng o play by different rules than they were accustomed to. More would have witnessd the games could they have gained an atranca and those inside were enthusiasic oyer the lively sport. A club ought o be formed here. The entertainment to be given Friday vening by Welch Post, G. A. Il„ promses a novel and highly interesting order f exercises. The various scènes of army if'e, - both in tïbleaux and in movement, - the sword exercises, the war songs, )ugle calis, drills and skirmishes in the uniforms of the blue and the grey will ombine to make a thrilÜDg exhibition, )otonly of intense interest to those who went through the trials, the hardships, he anxious watchtngs and the sorrowa of he Civil War, but also of instruction and dification to the young who only know he terrors dimly by way of history. As onsiderable interest is alread3' manifestad n it we daré say there will be a large rowd.