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County Liquor Taxes

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Up to noon to-day $16,070 u Uqunr taxes for the cnrrent year have been paiil to the county treasuièr. Thiee hundred dollars are paid for the sale of whisky, beer, wines, fcc, and $200 for the salu of beer, wiue &C. The following have paid taxes in iimounts as indicated: Charles Binder, John Goetz & Son, Peter Long, Emanoel Wauer, Wtu. Frank, N. H. Drube, W H. Melntyre, Geo. Weidlich, Geo. Clarken, F. Besimer, W. F. Kapp, C. P. Caney, Mftlmnn & Collina. L. Walz, J. L. Stone, Stone & Co.. F. Rettich, Sr., Ltonard & Walsh, 'M. Steeb, Jolm Beiitiiin, John Clair, and F. Rettich, Jr„ Ann Arbor, füJOO; C. F. Kapp, J. Jacob Kocli, Aun Arboc, $200; Martin & Fischer, brewers, mannfactiiring 1,500 kegs of beer peiyear, Ann Arbor, $60; Jolin Frey, brewer, manufiicluring 2.500 kpfts of beer per year, Ann Aib i-, $90; Fred Laylier, Britfííewater, $200 ; Fied Frey, Farrell & Boardman, F. & '1'. McNamara, and O. Klein, Chelsea, $300; Kathariiie Glerbaoh, CheUeu, $200; Fred Jaeger, John Dolan, C. Loelller and P. Fitzsinimons, Dexter, $300; T. W. Burns DextT, $200; Jacob Liitz, Freedom, $200; U. Scheilile, Lodi, $300; John Maulbetscii, Lima, $200; Jacob F. Mil Ier, John Wiu-rthner, T. J. Farrell, William Kircligesstner, Wm. H. Lehr, N. SeDger, Jacob lteicheit& Co., Manchester, $300; Con rad Nanmann, Manchester, $200; Ayres & Wilcox, Milan, $200; John Seh .tier, Saline, $300, and John Frank, $200; M. Wiedmanii, Scio, $200; John Cillean. York, $200; Allen & Dalley, Geo. W. Cady, N. Max, W. II. Lewis, Jacob Terne, Eichel & Teros, and tí. J. Anent, Ypsilanti, $300; Geo. Thum, Ypsilanti,$200; L. Z. Foerster & Co., breweis, niiinufiicturing 3,500 kegá of beer per year, $115.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News