The concludlng entertainment in the Stiulents' Lecture Association course wil be a concert Saturday evening next by the Mendelssohu Quiutotto Club, the flnest and oldest instrumental organiza tion in America. The company contain flve eminent artista, among them Thora asKyanand Fritz Giese, who have on previous occasions delighted Ann Arbor audiences. The club is assisted by Madame Cora Giese, a brilliant canta trice, whose sweet and powerful voice has won the admiration of critics where ever she has appearcd tliis scason. The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette speaks as follows of the Mendelssohn Quintette Club: "The audience is llrst impressed with the quiet demeanor and dignified bearing of the performers They commeuce the work before them as if moved by one pervading, hartnonious and controlling spirit. tVhether thls lurks in the even of the first violin or is inborn with all, it would be difflcult to say ; perhaps it is the result of long ycars of discipline and associutiou under the pervading des of success which must not only be one, but maintained ; hut howsoever it comes it certainly exists, and the delighted auditor sits gpell-bonnd by the soft enchantment.'' " Uncle Tom"s Cabin " by the Draper company at the opera house, Tuesdaj evening next. The Detroit Frce Press has the following concerning the company The Detroit opera house was nearly packed last night, tlie occasion being the flrst of a series of four performances to be given by Draper's Doublé Uncle Tom's Cabin Company. The audience seemed to enjoy the entertainment hugely, judging from the somewhat noisy approval they very liberally bestowed on the different per formers. Miss Minnie Fostei asTopsy, Arthur W. Gregory as Uncle Torn, Walter Benn as Legree, and Torn Dunn as Gumption Cute, together with the two ilominiee, Shields and Barnes, as Marks the lawyers, are especiaily worthy of mention; the balance of the company appeared tair.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News