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G-rand Opera House ! ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday Eve., May 13. C. DRAPER'S DOUBLIi Unde Töüi's Cabin Cemp'y. 20 Talented Artists. 20 2 FamouB Topsys. 2 2 Comical Maiks. 2 Miss Minnie Foster, The Qreatest Living Toysy, introducios SongB, Dances and Banjo Solos. Crcut Realitic ¦- Scène. Grand Transformaron Allegory. Eva in Ilcavcn. POPULAR PRICES. General Adiuission 3ó Cents Oallery ' Keserved Beats 50 Seat without extra charge at Watts' Jewelry Store. UNIVERSITY HALL. The Studente' Leoture Asioclatiou have the pleaxure to announce that the ooncludlng sntertalnmeut lu thelr oourse for 1S-'8I, wlll ye a GRAND CONCERTI By the Renowned Mendelssohn Quintetíe i Cluli, OF IÏOMOV, The flnest and oldest musical oruanization in America, composed of the fo lowing eminent artists: S. Franko, Yloünlst, Max Klein, Violin, T. Ejan, Clarluette D. Kuntz, Viola, and Viola, F. Giese.Violoncello. Tbe Club will be assisted by MADAME t CORA I GIESE, Thedistinguishedand brilllant soprano. Vdmission 50 cents. Reserved Seats for sale nt the nsual places wi thout extra charge. Thoiigh "ot a man of means, the policenüin leads a club life. Good healMi is the greatest of fortunes, tio retnedy has so often restorcd this prize to tbe suftering, as Hood's Sarsaparilla. Try t. The way of the tr.ansgrcssor- The ext outgoing traiiK _ tThc Simple and Períect Dyes. Notliing so simple and perfect for coloring as Diamond Dyes. Far better and cheaper than any otherdye. 10c. OruggUts Bell theui. Sample Card for c. stamp. Well?, Richardson A Co., Burlington, Vt.


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