" ¦ ' ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ -=- - I -J BACH&ABEL'S COLUMN. THE Correct Styles I2ST PARASOLS! ARE WOW ON Exhibition _A.T bui i, uui i A CLU0 JODCE=_ The above depicts a very pleasant feature of blcycling as a sport. The club have ridden front tljeir beadquarters in the city, to a saburban village some twenty miles away , -wliere they await the arrival of the racing membera who were tu ¦tart just tbirtj minutes later. Fire minutes more and the two foremost of the racing men- Fri, on his " Harvard," and Yonson on hia " Yale," appear in sight. The pace is tremendous: the men are nock and neck, and Dodges, the captain of the club, whom you observe is leaning on bis " Shadow "light roadater, In tho foreground, declares the race a tie. " Where are the other men? " he uil. "Oh, beMnd, somewhere," is tho reply. " Aro thwe any ' Harvard') ' or ' Vale's ' or 'Shadow's ' amoog thein? " " Not onc." " Ah 1 that accounts for it," êfty the captain. American bicyclcra as a body wlll reniize the force of tho captain' last remark, but the thou. ands of new riders which tho oomiog year wlll produce, should eacb on of thcra realtze that tbc only true economy in choosing a bicycle is to be content with nothlng los thn the very best that monoy wlll procure. Each ahould flnd out nll he can about bicycle before making hl cbolce, and in order to assist enquirers in their earch for information, we will,fon receipt of u a threecent stamp, send to any address, a copy of our largc illuatrated catalogue by return mail. THE CUNN1NGHAM COMPANY, The Pioneer Bioycle House of America. " [Establtohed 1877.] Impurting Manufacturé of Bicycles & TricycJs Ouu Fxllows' Haix, Bostok, &LM. CHAIILE8 XV. "WAGNER, Agent, 21 South Main 8t., Ann Arbor, Mich. Confllcting testimony- battlo records. From Death's Door, M. M. Derereaux, of Ionia, Hicb., was a sight to behold. Hesays: "I had no action of the Kidneys and suffered terribly. ly legs were as big as my body and my ody as big as a barrel. The best doctors ave me up. Finally I tried KidneyVort. In four or five days a change ame, in eight or ten days I was on rny eet, and now I am corupletely curod. It was certainly a miraele." All druggists eep Kidney-Wort wliich is put up both iquid and dry form. An obltuary notice contains the touch ïg intelügence that the deceased " had ccumulateda little money and ten chilreu." Fits Cured Slx ïears Ago. " Tt bas been slx years since I was ured of fits," says Mr. V. Ford, of Wirt, Jefferson Co., Ind. " Samaritan 'ervlne did it." And it always will, eader. $l.i0, at druggists. ' "Sober second thoughts" come witli the ïorning headache. We do .".ot as a rule allow ourselvcs to se our editorial columns to speak of any emedy we advertise, but we feel waranted in saying a word for IIood"s Snrsa)arilla. Sarsaparilla has been known as remedial agent for centuries, and is ecognized by all schools of practice as a aluable blood purifier. It is put up in orms of almost inlinite variety, but lessrs. Ilood fc Co., (Lowell, Mass.), ho are thoroughly reliable pharmacists, i:ivo hit uion ii reinedy of unusual value. 'ertainly tliey have vouchers of cures hich weknow to bc most extraordinary. A weigh to get rich- Calling fonrteen unces a pouud. Canse of Fallure. Want of confldence accounts for half f the business iailures of to-day. Kberbach & Sou, the Drugsjists is not LIable o fail for tlie want of confidcnce in Dr. Hosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, for he gives away a bottle free to all who are suflering with Couiihs, Colds, Aslhmii, Consumption and all aflections of the Throat and Lungs. The disease of the meter- Gas-trick fever.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News