T wo women were recently pricing glnghara in a shop. One rciuarked to the other on the label to the goods: " Sec the American eagle and the motto Kpluribm unum- that's the French for 'In time of peace prepare for war'." Ilall's Oatarrh Cure is taken intcrnally It acts directly upon the blood and tlie mucous surfaces of the syslem. Pric1 7"For sale by Eberbach & Son. Mme. B., who ia over sixty, has a daujíhter who looks almost as old as lierself. " They look like two sisters," crieil a journalist who saw them pass by. "Say, rather, two inothers!" replied hts frlend, with an affecting air. Causo and Ellcct. At times symptoms of indigestión are present, uneasiness of the stoniach, &c, :i luoisturelike perspiration iiroducingitcliiiif; ;it night, or when one is warm, causo j the Piles. The effect is immediate relie f upontheapplicationof Dr. Bosanko's )ü.' ltemedy, which costsyou butüü cents and i is sokl by Eberbach fc Son. There are three terrible diseases now before married men, namely: Spring fever, spring bonnet!, and ipring li clean 'mg. Neuralgia and Slck Headacho. In Aurora, 111., lives Mrs. Wm. llcnson. She says: "Sumaritau Xervine cured me of neuralgia, vertido aiul aick beadache." " Whatare pauses?" asked the teacher of the primary class. "Things that grow on eat?." piped the sm.ill boy at the foor.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News