¦ k!íf llliisTiTTTTITtTTnnffmifTIITTTÏTTfTfï kál-h ikfdii The Kev. J. E. Searles, of New York, is one nf the most widely-known and highly esteemed of Methodist ministers. M r. Searles Baya : " I am imprcssed tbat it is a dnty I owe to tkose uBictedwith Rheomatism or Neural. tpla. to gay tht a romeay has beeu diBcoverwl that is ludoel a marvelous nueces. My son was rr.atly atiiicted with Rbe.iunatit-m, aud suffered so severely that, at timR, h was obliied to have ïuorphiue iu. Ji'Ctediuto his arm to iret relief. Whilein thisconditton be djbcovc-red h renie-iy whicb efiect;d immedia'e rehi-f , inda permain nt cure. He has sim-e 1 urnitfuertittjmany ottaei-sv i;!i tliü eaiiie rcsult. I havo a)-io luraiKaed it to a miujber of persons sufl'erinfí withlUieuiuati -m, sndi'v (alt has been ininiediate rc.hof. cncl a j arraanentc re. Illonlf others, iKavcit toiícv. Hja P.O i-bit, i . ntoroltheGeoi-jfeSt. M. E. Unircli. Ni; U ¦; i' !..vhovaseuli'eriiiKirreatl? wttUtffli !¦¦. , ... I wjll ve you hi owu wonis us wntteu In;;)1 non, wishini? hirn to pnblirh the tact lor tuo bcuelit ol othera uufferin with the Hauie dlMUft _ Wlmt Mr. Corbit Savs: „ , " New Haven, July 24. 1882. Vr. SearlM t Pc-ar Slr:- I wish to say rorthe benent ol all who ara sufferiii witll Inflammatory Kheumora, that your medicine is ii.fallible. I sufl'ered lor two inoufhs the most excruciatiuK torture lost 35 poundü of flesh, and was not out of my howse for a monta : I heard of your, and was almowt mstnutiy rclieydby it. Il there i'i a 8ecific for dis. ea ee M jny klud. yoursmostcei-tainlyis for InflamluatoiT UhcumatiHiu ia its soverest form. " Yours Inot re-j'eutf lüly, Wm. P. Corbit, " Pastor Geort'e St. M. E. CUurch, New Haven, Conn." Sucli is ArnLornoROS - a thorongh and eíEoient cure for the worst cases of Rlieumatism and Neuralgia. If you cannot (iet Athlopboros of your drutnrist, we will send it express paid, ou receipt of recular price- one dollar per bottle. We prefer that you buy it froin your drii(cgiBt, but if he hasn't it, do not be jwrsuaded to try somethintf elue, but order at once trom 01 as directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WÍLL ST., NEW YORK. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini N. R. immuun ¦¦ BALLS COBSETS The ONLY C0R8ET made that enn be retumeci liy In every n-spvct, and it linie rcfiindfiTby wiler. Made in a varicty of styles and pric.-. s.,ld liy lii-st-class dealers everywhere. Beware, of worthles iiiiiutiuns. None fcnuine unless it ha llall's name on the box. CHICACO CORSET CO., Chicago, III. Ferdon Lumber Yard! JAMES TOLItlüRT, Prop. iMiicufucturer aml Dealor u SACINAW CANfi-SAWl IDMBflR Lath and Shingles. We invite all to give ns a cali, and examinj our Block before jmrchaBinj; ulsewhere. ALSO, AGEÍÍT POR Jackson Se wer Pipe Go. AJÏD SKLLS FIRi: BRICE. JAMES TOLBERT, Pbop. T. .1. KEECII, StiT. Teleplione Coimeclioiis. Want of Fallli. If Eborbacli & Sou, the Drugffltt does not Buoceec] it is not tor tlie want of falth. lie lias sucli falth II) Dr. Bosanko's Cough iiiid Lang Syrnp as a remedy for Cougn'a Coldg, ('onsumj)tion, and Lung affeotlons, tliat be vvill give away u bottle free to eacli and every one who 3 in need of a medicine of that kind.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News