T THE POST-OFFIGE NEWS-DEPOT. A Full Line Of Cheap Libraries! AND STATIONE ZKZ" A complete assortment of oommon and Fancy Note and Letter Paper. Envelopes, Invitation, and Jlcqiir-i card. Writini Pftckets, fine Bo'js Paper?, suitable tbr presents and ill Kinds of Stutioneis' iüpffftes. BLANK BOOKS Pass Books, iStcmoianduiii Books, Seratcli Books. Stmk'nts iNoto Books, Rerums, Leül and Medical Indexes, Bill Book, and ;ill grndes of cotumon Xote Books. WILLIS 11 El, Propriotor, And Agent for all Neirspftptrs, llaaziïies and pckili("ils. Undoubtedly the most perfect bicyol made is the '(.'olunihla" - Seientiju American. ''Go forlli opon yonr wheeled luirse, aml lit. BUtOEB'a tenchinge." THE C0LÜM3IA BÏCYCLES. Are made as strond and durable hs the best, md most skllled workmaiiship can produce. Tlley are 11-ed hy M.rchaat8, Olerto, Ministers, Doctora, Lawyer's Collectors, Mesaeuerp, and Caipentei-, TLey furnisli the dien pest anti best memis of 1ÍAP113 TRANSIT, give the rider the tléalthlest of out-door exerclfe, and in a wonl aiv THE FOFÜLAK Sll-ED OP TO-IHY. ''I sliall rejolce to pee the time come wlien tliis ererclse shall bé :is popular Hmong girls and womon as le'inia rnid tne dance, tor Uk; more fulljt the pliyslcal lile ut' our wotnaiikliKl is dervlopc'd the bette lor man as well as womuii. - Dr.Richardton of Londen mi the TrieycU, "Now good digsstion walt on appetlie, and health on botli." THE COLUMBIA TRÍCYCLE Is a ncw machine for general use bv both sexes and all ages. By the addltlon of the Columbtn Tricycle, The Poph Mf'u. Co. can claim lo rarnlsb wjieels for TUK WHOLE FAMILY. For grandfatlier, grandmotber, father, inotlicr, yound man, younff ,'laüy, aud even to little Jonnie and Sissie. Send 80, stamp for 30-page Illustrated Cataloglio, wlth prloe-llst and l'ull iiloimation. THE POPE MANIFACIÚIUX; CO., 51)7 Washington St. ücjsl.on Mass. Or To Chas. W. Wagner Agent. Ann Arbor Mlcb., '21 8. Main St.
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