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Wake Up! Wake Up!

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We must have Manufacturers, and to this end the TWO SAMS offer $500 bonus. We have the congratulations of many of our Business Men and prominent citizens, also from hundreds of workingmen to push this enterprise. We have promised to do so, and will send circulars throughout the State inviting manufacturers to investígate. Let us have the Electric Light at a cost of 25 cents per night, and possibly less. The TWO SA MS have figures from the Brush Electric Light Co., and would invite our business men to join us in Xfa buying a 45 or 60-Light Electric Machine. We are aiming H" J to save our business men money as well as our customers. Ud 5; ]f forty of our mcrchanta will join us in buying a plant of 60 32 Jk Hghts, each contributing L125 to a common fund, and toown hmi 3 and opérate the same for our mutual benefit, we can have a Tff) light at less than 25 cents per night. The remaining lights can be rented to parties desiring them, or to the City of Ann k _. Arbor to light the city, which will reduce the cost to the J owners per light. For further information we wovld ask K those interested to cali on r THE TWO SAMS, The Only Strictly One-Price Clothiers in Ann Arbor, Mich (i M Cali on us for Fine 3-Button Cutaway Suits. g rj Cali on us for Fine 4-Button Cutaway Suits. 9 5" Cali on us for your Medium Priced Clothing. Í" 5 Cali on us for your Children's Clothing. 3 Cali on us for your Gents' Goods. Cali on us for your Hats ! Hats! Hats! Cali on us for all the New Shapes in Straw Hats for Men, Boys and Children. Remember The Two Sams. BLITZ & LANGSDORF, 9 South Main Street.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News