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t rom Ihe Herala Oue hundred and seveuteen acholáis in the prlmary di-partment to be seated in a room intended lor iiity-six. Wm. Judson arrived home from Texas last Tuesday, but will return in ahont week or ten days. Shecp shearintr will not commence tliere for several weeks yet. Decoration Day, May 3Ott), wül be observed at this i'lace. as usual, by the post of G. A. 1?. We are infoimed that Capt. E. P. Allen, of Vpsilanti will deliver the oration. iEXTKr.. From the Leader. The whoopiug cough is prevailing amonjr the children. W. T. Tozer is making arranjrenieiils to move to Ann Arbor. R. 1'. Copeland has gone to Kansas on a prospectinjr tour. If a snitable business opening present? itselfhe will remove liis fatnily thither. The funeral services of Mary Cunniusrliam, of Scio, who died of consumption, were held at theCatholicchurch on Monday mom ing last. Twoof ourold cltizem - Tip Henry and Henry Stebbins - have been down to the Vpsilanti mineral sprints, testinp the effl cacv of'their waters itpon themselves, and they report bavini deriveU grent benefit tlierel'rom. During the gale last Thursday niht a shade tree standing In Mr. Pacey's yard was blown over on the roof of the house, doing no damage, however. Theold lady beiui rudely awakened out of her slninbers by the noiae, thousrbt that a smal] section of a cyclone, or the judgment da) had come. MANCHESTER. From the Enterprise. The saloon bonds have been accepted by tlie roui'cil. The M menester cornet bami have re eeived a bid to play atTeeumseh on deeoration day. These.'iior class of tlieunion school tli i yiar oniMlsb of nnly three ineinber : Misses May C dlne, Flora Gilletl a.ui Beit SwttliWe are Informed that our I-. F Vheolcr the artist, intendd to g ens' to 'oik f"i' i larre Clncago houstat a popular sunnnci resiut, taking views. It is probable that the township huan will pay hack villaje tliel,50d dm ld in towanl the town hal!. If tliey do it, "rood-bye town hall. At a meeting if tin sibool board on Wednesday eveninjr, Prf Hwift, ot Ijiidington, inviti-d to HO-ept the PUperln' teiulency of the union BChool lire cuililnj year. Fret!. U'ití-rkircher leftfur S;in Fr.mcis co, Cal , on Tbedny. He thiuks tbal Inwili nsumehi pusitinu as qiiaitermasler on a P.icific nwU sleamer, nut may takt np telegrapliing after a few mout lis, lie having laarned the business and been offered a posilion. Mts. Menicli, wife of Jno. Menirli, who wnrks fot Win. Ríiet'us, and resides in the houe justeat ot Airs J. l). Kief's :ave bii tli lo a boy t);iby yestt-rday mortiimi who had no anus. lis lcgs w -re also iWfonncd. Thechild wciglie.l (bout iiine ponnds, and is all exCMUiagly briglitlit i Je fcliow, SA LINK. Mr. Anson Ham in taken charge of the Goodricli H "ise. Saline will Mi f 1200 by tas the oming ycar. f600 are wutlted for road From the Observer. Harry Hammond, an ajred frentleman of thla townsliip, ha been quite siek with congestión of the bruin. The old adage, " never to old to learn.' was expensively verified on " circus day" at Teeumseh last M.mday by Mr. Harinon, a venerable old gentleman of the Kidgc. He was inveigled into playlnfr tlirce card-montc with the sharpers who follow the 9how, and he was quiekly beaten outof?r)00.00. Owosso, Mich,, May 8.- Enoch Eddy, Sr oneof Shiawassee countys pioneer, died tliis morninjr at llie residence or bis daughter, Mrs. C. J. Staart, at the ripe oh acre of 87. He was a very active and hTirlily esteemed citizen; was tlie tounder of the Shiawassee county mutual lire insurance rom pan y. 011e of the best companies of the kind in the state, and a pensioner of 1813. The funeral will ojxur Mondny at 2:30. Someyears ugo Mr. fcddy wap a resident of Lodi. and was the father ; of H. T. Eddy, recently of Saline, luit ncw I j of Morricc, Micli. SUPERIOR. Suptrior township corresponde nee of Ypsilantian : T. S. Vandevoort is setting out a peacli orcliard of (iflü trees. A. G. Clark, vrho went to Texas about two yaun ugo trom thia townaliip, has a wonderfiilly productive farm, froni all accounts. Potatoes grow as large as Michigan putnpkins, aml llio viWl f umi I? Immense; alter shellinfjoirtlie kermis, lie uses the cohs for fence posts. while the ëtalks nre sold for telejrrapli poles. vrsn.ASTi Froni the Viwllautian. Martin Cremer has aceepted the office i trf City Marshal and been sworn u. He wil] name George Palmer as his depiuj-. [But see below. Ei.] C. H. H Wheeler, of tuis city, is at the famousCaMir d'Alêne mines, running on the Rncky Mountain división of the Northern l'aciïic railroad. Prof. Shepard lias invented a new air pump. The peculiarity of the machine i that itcontains noval ves, the exhaust aml diseharge beinij etl'ected eutirely Dy the liiston head and rod. Arriingements arr now being mtuiü for its mannliietui e. Th. lirinciple employed will enahle old style pumps to be altered to this ilesigu. Who is city marshal? List Monday night at ter a hard filit, the council pleet ed Martin (Jreiner to the position. Th cleikthen said that Cremer i.u ld not take Uieotliie, wliereupon, withoutdomg waj wilh the appoiiitment, bttllotÜUfC va.Hgain resorted to, retultiny la the cUolw ifAlonzo IL. One question is : It C emer files his acceptance of office before live days have passd, can l.e hold the office ? Auother is : Is the election ol Ooldsuüth legal, whether Cremer accept;or not? That is, afterthe election of Cremer had the council any i'ijclit lo choose anothcr man without rescinding suc!i aclion ? Mr. E Lalble, the ptntmwter at Vplanti, is enlsi'glng the öfllee sceoittmodaÜÜIIS. Ou the occasion of Bishop Jliir.K's recent visit to Ypsilantl, twenty-three adults were ndded to the Episcopal church by coniinnation. The sum of ''uts Wflre puid ditring tbe yenr jtist p:ist by tbc city of Ypsilaiiti on their bomticd indebtedness. $1,830.07 have been expended in the tour city wards in tlie year. The balance receiyed May 1, V-), f rom the pfeeeding treasurer was f:5,109.00; üuring the year tollowing, tlie amount recelved was inereased to $8,0-0.01. Of tbis Mini. $7,683.18 were paid out dUTinjt the ycar. s tliat tbc balance on hand turned over to tlie new city treasnrer, .May 1. '84, was !)58.83. Six persons have been sent froni tlieeilj' to the county liouse within thp year. To tlie credit of tbc poor fnm! :it the bèjjlnuing of tlio next (soal jonrthere reninin $30 35. We clip the followiiif.' f rom the Commercial, an Intercsting record of the amonnts expended for the city poor, and to whotn, as furnistied Stiperiiitetnlerit Larue: Provisión?, $221.91 ; vood,8450.S3; clothjng, $4.78; ïrwwporfatlon, 23.40; medical attendancc, .74.TÜ ; bmints', (51.00; Total, $824.04. fhe eost oflaïepjrra pnor at the county house $375.08; total. $1,199.12. Xumber of l'amilius receivJHg assistance, 55. Total number of persons ! md nfttionalities of families : English, 0: C ilored, 03; American, 38; Irish, 15 ; Po lander, I; Gorman, 1(1. Total of familie?, 134. Of the total expended the different natioualities leceiyed is follows: EnglUh, $60.30; C.)lored, 303.7C: Amevican, $185. 9; Irish, $H8.8S); Polamlcr, $68, K ; Ge -man, 101 02. Total, $884.04. Krom the Commercial. Rev W. P. On an . late of Yor'.i, his beome [ a-tor of the church at Bad Axe this state. Two young men of this city found the Huron river, near IjOwell, to lje someAhat cool laht Öunday. Oi. e-half hour's flounderiiiir in the water, amojigst fishing 'ackle, convincud them of the error ot t ir wav. L (" & Gibsor are Uu1 new photgrnpfi ti ui T iey occupy u.e g .leiyon Uon:reí8 stiet, üo recently iittetl Up and H" iccly bv Ir. Brown. Meiers. Lewis & fJibsoi iiivi' Milorned the walls Wlth pic 'Aires, life-like and takinjr. They have chieveil HtHt class repi t itio-i in Ann Arbi-r and we have unmicstionably a reliable firm, at te r tlie many ehxngcs su c JIr Parsims sold out lt will pav well o makc a visit to their iillery. A certain one of Monroe's bii-incs' ra n ¦? ,-iI-ío i pillar of hi cliurcli, and s fr - queutly cal led upon to lead bis bivthieii iu devotinal exerciscs. AII roes niccly ill he umhrtakes tu repeat the Lord".prayer wheu lie invariably jreU stuik and li ís mure tban once brou.síht the house ilown (n a vvorldly sen.-e) in a mild lortn. Iu tbe absence of tliu elergymau not long iluce, be, as usual, led t lie exercises. and ivitb a view to g. ttiiíK tlie advatitage of his trcacbcrous meniory, committed bis smmbliug blotk to writing. He undeit' k bU task witb a sly twii Ule in bi eye tb t ineant be bad tbings fixed for once. Tbe congrejfation weie tul'y aware of tbe sit iiation of ift'.iirs and watched tbe proctediugs vvith more tban tbeir usual interest. At last tbe critlcal uiomeiit cauie. Tlie leader waded into hls manuscript, bilt found a much more diflicult lask to unravel it than picking tbe Lnrd's prayer out of bis memory.and tbe result wasanotber breakdown and considerable merriment among llier younger portion of the congrega tion. - Demoerat. ín tbe l'opular Science Montbiy for tbe curl-ent nmutb, Ilcrbert Spencer bus tbe openinj; paper, " Tbe Sloi of Legislators." i TUe Montbiy tbronghout presenta as usual an iiiteresting table of coutents. Among otber papera u-o tind, " Tbe Propios of tbe Working -Classes n tbe T.ast HalfCentury," "An Experiment iu Prohibí tion," ' Lonjfavity of Astronomers," " IIow Flies lianjon," ' When did Life Begin ?" "Tbe Morality of Happiness," a 'Sketch of Mary Somerville," etc. D. Appleton ¦ Co., N. Y. city.


Ann Arbor Courier
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