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- A meal consisting of pork aní beans costa $1.50 in the Coeur d' Aleño mines. - Theeonvict mortality in Alabama's State Prison is largor than auy otliep títate except Mississippi. - A Stockport (N. Y.) mapie thi- Washington ate silgar from it. - Buffala Express. - It is said tliat among the WÍTM of Utah tliero may be fouiid women from nearly every natioii except Franco. - A New York newspaper reoently containcd this advertisernent: "Wanteil: ' - Lunch by first-class professor of music in exehange fortuitionon piano."! - A member of the Harvard class of 1883 has been appoiutod a pitchor for al base ball club at $3,000 a year, yeti thoughtless persons sneer at the culturo of this country. - N. Y. Graphic. - A fruit rnerchant estimates that 'f rom ten to fifty per cent. of the fruit 'shipped from foreign eountries to this icountry is rottcd on the way, thegreat-' ost loss being iu orauges and the leat. in cocoanuts. - Another Piule medicine man hm beca sent to the happy huutinggrounds. lie attended a sick child belonging to Pinto Frank, nt BufTalo Station, Nev.. and the child died. The father, belicving thatthechild had been bewitchedbv the medicine man, followcd him to Paradise Vallcy and killed him. - An oxohangc pointsout that among, the causes of the frequent miscarriage, of justiee in the proseention of is the fact that the koenest and brightri of the legal professioii are engagod for the defense, while the prosecution ís' generally conducted by a lawver who owea hfe place to the decisión of a cauous. - Yanderbilt was the maddest man rccpntly. He was putting one of his f ast, trotter.s up the boulevard when a smutn faced, speekled inoiithed, red hended boy carne along driving fin empty dirt cart, and touching the nagwith his whip gave the disgustad and .istonished milliouaire his dust! Tho horse who shared iu his drivei's humiliatiou was Early Kose. - JS'. Y. Sun. - A reporter of tho Americus (Ga.) Recorder, while in Magnolia Dell, saw a (orco battlc bet ween a kingsnake and B ïuoccasin iu tho water. Tho iight lasted about twenty mimitcs. Stom'" aud sticks wera thrown in, but theru. was no getting thesnakes apart. When the reporter left nothing was to be seeu of the moccasin, but the red body of tinKing annke was occasionally to bc scen as he pulled himself outof the mud. - The Dshebel Naibo, an Uolated mounUain in Algcria. Ö00 feet h, i-i slowly sinking into tho carth. A&eadj there is a deep hollow around lts loot. The district of Hona bas onco before witnessed a similar ]roof of tho instability of the earth'.s crust. The Eake Fozzara did not exist in tho time of thr llonians, but on the contrary the .ite was occupied by a town whoso rnins have been found at the boltom of the lake. - A number of Chinese have given up the laundry business ia New York and gone to farming, in a small way, near the city. Ah Jock claims to havo ruado a proíít of $1,000 from his patch last year. So Lum has rented a small farm on Staten Island and has alroady seeded fivo aores with imported Chinese vegetables, cabbages, turnips, lettuce. varióos kinds oí beaus, yams, ChineM pumpkins and gqnashefl. Tho vegotnbles aro sold entirelj' nmong the Chiaamen. - jV. }'. Times. - According to tho Jerrish Advocate : "We look at a well mado coat, a diamond ring or a glossy silk head covering, and cali the wearer a gentleman without hesitation. He may thrust bis knife into his mouth when ho eats, tuck his dinner napkin tinder bis chin like a boy in the nurserj-, cx]ectorato tobáceo juice on the floors of cars and jiublic rooms; he may do a thousaud things that only an uncultured boor would do, yct if he wears the uniform of a gentleman he passes muster in society, and h dubbed a gentleman." - Havo the courage to do without that which you do not need, however much your eyes may covet it. Haya the courage to show your respect for honest}', in whatcver guiso it appears; and your contempt for disbonest dnplicity by whomsoever exhibited. Hav the conragc: to wear your old clotlio.i until you can pay for ñew ones. Havo the courage to obcy your Maker at the risk of being ridiculed by man. llavr the courage to prefcr comfort and pro priety to fashion in all things. ELave the courage to acknowledge your ignorance rather than to seok credit for kuowlcdge under falso pretensos. IIav! tho courage to próvido entertainment tor your fricnds within your mcans oot " bc3-ond. - l'hiladclphia Cali. - The following law and law case are taken from the records of the New Haven Colony in 1669. The st&tute says: ''Whosoever shall inveigle or draw the aflections of any maído cf maide servant, either to himself or others, without fint gaining the consent of her parenis, shall pay to the plantation for the oiïense forty shillings, the secoud Li for the thinl he shall be imprlioned or corporeou.-! punished." Under this law, at the court held in May, 1669, Jacobeth Murtine and .Sarah Tuttle were proMonted "for setting dowu on a chestle together, his arms around her waiste, and Jut arme itpon his slioulder or about Ji ï - ; Deck, and continuing in that sinful ]-- ture about half an hout", in which time he kyseed hor and she kyssed him, or thev" kvssed one another, as ve witness


Ann Arbor Courier
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