The Rink
The roller skating rlnk continúes to be the most attraotlre recreation and amusement now offcred here. One muy flnd quite :i l.irge attendauce :it almost Huy time he chances to step in. With reference to skating it is not putting it too stronglv to say th;it while the Hoor is a bard onc, wblch some can attest from experience, there need be no serious aeciilents if the proper care is observed. "We speak of this in correction of an erronious idea tiiat some tnay have of the sport. Aroong the attraetions since our last issue, we reeall a hort polo game Batnrday erenleg between the skale boys and one of the city polo clubs, resulting in three straight goals for the former. On Monday evening a very fine skater appeared at the rink, not, however, to give au exhibition. The gentleman referred to is Mr. Charles E. Wright, formerly connected with the Detroit Art Loan rink. He is one of the most accomplished and gracel'ul skaters that have been at the rink since its opening. By the way, he uses the Fenton Expert n prefeience to otlier skate nsed. The managers announce for Friday evening of this week a Mothcr Hubbard party. Every lady appearing in a Mother Subbard costume on presenting at the office a card with her name thereon, that evening will be admitted free. Others will be charged the usual prioe. A gay time is anticipated. Jt is now expected that on Satuiday night following there will beat the rink a match game of polo between the City Grcys of Detroit, and one of our polo clubs. The two polo clubs formed here, eonsist of tin following: C. D. Wiley, captain ; vU Watts, uutuager; ueo. S. llntcli, C, 3. Mlner, l O'Grady, A. L. Bresier, and C. Kliue. The new club is made up of Edward Dnggart, Geo. Milieu, Hobert Verner, Edward Guiñan, W. It. Becker, Sidliey Miller, and John DeFoe. The oflicers have not been clected as yet. Club No. 1 is thinking of accepting an invitation to play the Ypsilanti club this week at the latter's rink. The liït of flnc skaters is on the incie ise in the city, and lovers of the sport, flnd great pleasure at what is confessedly one of the best rinks in the state.