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The ouly known npuriflc for Eplleptic Fita, "X3 AUo for Spaams aud Falllng Slckuesa. Kervous Weakness it lnotant ly relieves and cures. C'lcanses blood aud quiokens Bluggieli ctrcuiation. Xnntralizes perras of diseaöc and saves fclckness. Curea CA SKEPTIC SAID] ugly blOtebM and stubbom blood sores. Eliminates Bolle, Carbunclos aud Scalds. fPermanently and promptly cures paralysls. isacharming ana bealthful Aperient. Kills Scrofnla and Kings Evll, twin brotnera. "Changcs bad brcoth tü good, remoY Ing the cause. Kouta blllotis tendencles and mak-cs clear complexión. Lqualled by none In the delirium of fever. A charmlng resolvent and a matchloBs laxatlvc. It drives Slck Headache llke the wind. j fcFCoutainsnodraBticcathari!coroplateB. EellcTCï j (THE GREflT) ClNElR[VEXCOlNlQlUERlOlRD the braln of morbld f ancles fromptly cures Rlieumatlem by routing It. Kestores Hf e-giving propertles to the blood. Is guaranteed to cure all nerrous I disorders. tyBeliable wlien all oplates faH. Ko. ] fresbes the mlnd and lnvlgoratcg the body. Curei ' dj-spepsia or moncy ref unded. [NEjV[ERlMDsD DIseases of the blood own It a conqueror. Endorsed [ lu wrltinuby over flfty thousand leadlng citlzens, tlergymen and physiclans in ü. S. and Europe. SW For sale by all leadlng drugglsta. $1 JO. (13) For Testimoniáis and circulars send stamp. ThB Dr.S.A. Richmond Med Go. St. Joseph.Mo. Lord, Stoutenburgh & Co., Ageiits, Chicago, Illinois. THE SURE CURE FOK -- - i : KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER COMPLAINTS CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. PHYSÏGIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILyTJ "Kidney-Wort is the most Buccesaful reiuedy I ever usud." Dr. P. O. Eallou, Monktou, Vt. "Kidney-Wort is always reliable." Dr. B. N. Clark, So. Heft, Vt. 'Kldüey-Worthascuredray wifeeflertwoyears i suffering." Dr. C. M. Summerlin, Sun HiU, da.. IN THOUSANDS OF CASES it ha oured where all cliie had failed. It is mild but efficiënt, CE1ÍTA1J IX ITS ACTIOX, but ; liarmlesa in all cases. t"It cleannes the Blood and St renithen srd lve New I.lfe to all the important organs of the body. The natural actiou of the Xidnaya is restored. The Liver is oleaased of all disease and the Uowels move freely and healthfully. Ia this way tha worst diseases are eradicated rrom the system. PRICE, $1.00 UQCID OB DRT, 80tD BT DBVS0I8T8. Dry can be sent by muil. WELLS, BICHABD8O.V fc CO. Burlington Vt. An Urdiuauce Relative to Itall Fl&jlng, BE IT ORDAINED hy the Mayor. Recordar anc Aldeimeu ol the ('itv of Ann Arbor. Section 1. That it hhall not he lawíul Cor am uurgou or persons herealter to play the iraníes o! bae ball, foot ball or any similar (pune, or tbron halle of ny kiiid in or on any uf the piihlic streete of thc said cuy of Ann Arbor. And any person 01 persona clleodini; nsainst the provlvions or thií urdinancetaall, upon conviction thereof, be flned uot less than live dollars nor more than twcnty-flvc dollars, with costa of orosecutiou, and in the íinposttion of any euch fine and coste, the justlcc of the peace imposing such filie, nmy inake afartbur -entence, thflt, n of piiyment thereol, wiihin tbe time flNed on snch sentenc-e, the oflinder be couunitted tothecounty jail ni tbvcnunty ol Wa-htenaw, for a period not exci-edins niuety dayp. Sbction . This ordinance shuil take effect after duepublicatlon. The followiüg s ;i literal transcript of a tígn on a Pennsylvania village store ; "Tea and Tatera, Sugar and Shtnglcg, Brlckdust and Lasses, Whisky, tar, and otlier DrngSi If Catan h Ims destroyed your tense of imell and hearing, HhII's Oatarrh Cure wlltcureyou. T5 cents per bottle. Sold by Ebi-rbaoh & Sun. The motto of the brewer: "Thescbooner tlie better." Cause of Failure. Want of confldence accounts for half of the business íailurcs of to-day. EIictbach & Son, tlie Draraista is not Llable to fail for the want of onnfidence in J)r Bontnko'i Cotigh and Lung Syrnp, for lie gives away a bottle freo to all wlio are suflering with Coughs, Coldí, Atthma, Consuniption and all alt'tctions of the Throat and Ltinjís.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News