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GOODYEAR'S! No. 5 S. Main Street, Yon can always fiad tlie licst Stock oí DRUGS! MEDICINES, PERFUMES And every tblng usually kept iu a ftrstolass omi mi! LOWER PRICES Than ANY OTHER PLACE in the City. CALL ZIT AihI I.ook Ovor our Stock or FancyGoods. I- ¦ Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE 01' MICHIGAN, Coanty of Wash_ tenaw, ss. j In the matter of the estáte of Anna T. Hollister, an incompetent persen. Notlce is hereby Biven, tbat in pursuance of I an order granled to tlie underaigned, guar1 diau of sald Anna T. Hollister, by the Honorable Judige of Probate lor the County of I Washteuaw on the ninth day of April, A. j D. ISSi. there wlll be sold at public vendue. I to the bigbed bidder, at tlie east Ironl door of UieCourt House, la the city of Ann Arbor, 1 in the oounly of Waabtenaw. in said State on Tuesday. the twenty-seventh dRy of May, i A. D. 188t, at ten o'ctock in the forenoou of j that day (subject to all encuinbranees by mortgagp, or otlierwisc exiisting at the time of sale; ilie described leal estale, to wit: The nndlvlded hnlf interest in fifty feet off the Siiuth side of lot No. thirteeu in block No. four, soutli of Huron Street, range No. eight east, acemding lo the recorded plat of the Ann Arbor Land Compauy's addition to the villae (now city) ot Auu Arbor, Wuslitenaw eouuty, Michigan W1LL1AM N. STEVFNS, Guardian. Dated, Ann ArBor, April 9th, USH. UMMM Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw 88. In the Matter of tbc Estáte of Clara B. Freer (Wowerson) a minor. Notice is hereby given. that In pursuance of an order grauled to the nudersigned uuaidian of all minor. b the lluu. Judse of Probate fur the County of Wsshtenaw, on the eighth day oi April A. D. 1884. ihere wlll bu sold at public vendue. t the hif;liet bidder, at th; dwelüue house, 00 tin. premws bi-low describid, in the Townehip of Su peri"r, in tlie CouhI) oí Washtenaw. in wild Station Titeada?, the twebtjr sevi-mb day of May, A. I). 1884. at teu oYlnckinihe loienoon of that day (sub jeci toall encumbrance b roorta-,'e or otherwtat. eiistiiiK at the lime of the sale), all Ihe ri;ht, tille .ind inteeist of s;iid minor iu the follo.Mng described real estáte, ti-wltThe west sixty (BU) acres of Ite east half of the anutheaet (ïiiarter, and the east ten (10) acres of the west haif ot' the smitheust quaner ol' eeclion twet ty (21) iu the township ol Superior, Washteuaw county, iu Mlchigdu, JANK E. FREER, Dn.Pd,Anril8,ls84. ""Üim"' Nutice of Iiitenliou to Change Name. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WasliC tenaw, ss. Probate Court o sald Couutv. Notice Is hereby given. that I inteud, on tlie tuenty-sixtu day of June next, al ten oclock in the forenoon. to make appllcatlon tosaul Probate Court for an order chauging uiy name from Junius Emery Beal-Field lo Junius Kmery Beal, acuording to Ihe provlsionsof Ihestalute in such case made and crovided JUNIUS K. BEAL-PIELD. " Ann Arhor, April 22. 1881. U93 95 ADVtRTlM.NG CHEATS ! ! ! "It luis bt-eoniB ï-o oomnou to write tlie begtuniiig ot' au inicie, iu an elegant, in- teiesting ïnanner, "Theii run it into some adrerUaement Chat we HVoiil all sticli, "And Blmply cali attentioo to ilie merlta of Hop Bitten in as pkttn, liouost terma as possible, 'To induce pcople " To ;ivu tlic-in one trial, wliicli so provea llicir value that thcy will nc-vcr usi; ai.vtliinsr elso." "The Beiisdt so flivorably noticeil in all the papers, 'Religious and secular, is " Ilaving a large asiW; und is supplantmií;- all oUht medicines. " There is no denying the virtties of the Hop plant, and the proprletora of Hop Hitters have hown great shiewdness '"And ability "In Compoundlng r medicine wtiose virtues are so palpable to every one'a observation. ]1 Site Die í " No ! " Shellnjrered and sutVcred along.plnlns awav all the lime for vean," " The doctor doing her no jroodj" "Aud at last was cured by Ibis Hop Iütlers the papers say so inuch about." " ftldeed ! Indeed '." " Huw tliankrul we shouKl be lor that medicine." A Daugliter's Miscry, "Eleven yeara our daugliter uffered on a bed of misery, "Ffom a oompllcatlon of kldney, llver, rheumatlc tronble and Nervoni deblllty, Under the care of the best physlclaiis, " Who gave her disease vuiious Dame, " But DO relief, "And now she is restored to us in good liealth by as simple r remedv as Hop I3(. ters, that we had khunned Ibryears betore using it" - Tuk I'auicnts. Fat hor is (Jtttin Well. " Jly dunghtera ¦ y "How mach better (athor I slnce he uiad Hop Bitters " "Ha ¦ Kf'tini; wel) altar hls long sultVring lrom u disi asu declurcd mcurabli-" 'And we are so glud tüal hu used your Ritters." A LAST of Utlea. N. Y. I


Ann Arbor Courier
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